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2017 Week 10 LSU Tigers Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
Foxmcbowser42 12
taloncarde 13
BorisNumber1 15
retnuh101 15
boxbeat 16
CockADoodleBOOM 16
key_lime_pie 16
MrDoctorSmartyPants 16
polydorr 16
Rainbow_Beefcake 16
typicaliconoclast 16
warm_warmer_disco 16
Wescat 16
XSavageWalrusX 16
corundum9 17
DanNeverDie 17
halldaylong 17
kdcoltred 17
KobeOrNotKobe 17
Quentanamo_Bay 17
ryker888 17
SSJRoshi 17
theeguy 17
A-Stu-Ute 18
brobroma 18
bties 18
fadingthought 18
GilBrandt 18
hawkspur1 18
jeedf 18
KingKliffsbury 18
LeinadSpoon 18
lk6 18
luckroy 18 Pot 5
marcellnation 18
Mario_Speedwagon 18
mjacksongt 18
myghtymouse 18
mynameisjona 18
neovenator250 18
noodlethebear 18
PalmettoFace 18
pascha 18
r0sco 18
seanosaur 18
soonerfreak 18
Sophocles5 18
spsellers 18
ssnider23 18
strikersteve60 18
tabelz 18
TopheryG8er 18
Zerosa 18
admiraltarkin 19
AGSattack 19
aguyfromthewest 19
aubieismyhomie 19
BlueFalcon89 19
BrutonGaster77 19
buttforaface 19
CambodianDrywall 19
CFSparta92 19
ChemicalOle 19
Chris-P-Creme 19
chweris 19
cmdrcaboose2 19
DavoinShower-handle 19
Disregardskarma 19
doormatt26 19
esoterik 19
G-manP 19
galacticdude7 19
gbuntin 19
GeneralGBO 19
groggydog 19
Jpkun 19
kdbvols 19
Keener1899 19
njm1314 19
pmartin0079 19
PureCFR 19
ryumast3r 19
scootmcgroot 19
Smidgens 19
SPRX97 19
Texasagsman 19
The_DHC 19
toocleverbyhalf 19
ucieaters33 19
WarEagle9 19
Xtremeloco 19
atchemey 20
Austinperroux 20
Bill3ffinMurray 20
boonamobile 20
captain_sasquatch 20
Cecil_Hardboner 20
d_mcc_x 20
DafoeFoSho 20
dan4223 20
dicky_________seamus 20
flipadelphia17 20
g_mo821 20
HarbingerOfFun 20
HonProfDrEsqCPA 20
IAmAChemicalEngineer 20
icklebush 20
jayhawx19 20
JeromesNiece 20
jmac_21 20
kelling928 20
lebaronslebaron 20
orangeslash 20
Pope_Jake 20
RiffRamBahZoo 20
sunburn_on_the_brain 20
TanzaniaMagic 20
the5thpixel 20
THECrew42 20
TheFlyingBoat 20
TheReformedBadger 20
Ticklebump 20
ToLongDR 20
TotalEconomist 20
TriStarBear 20
03040905 21
AaronRodgers16 21
Andaldo 21
BabyBladder 21
BamaPride95 21
bernkastel87 21
bluegrassborn 21
BunnySelfDestruct 21 Quality Win: Auburn Quality Loss: Mississippi State Loss: Troy
CountryRoads8 21
diastereomer 21
DisraeliEers 21
FellKnight 21
huskerfan4life520 21
kamikazeguy 21
kelctex 21
LEGEN--wait_for_it 21
monkeymatt1836 21
MrTheSpork 21
Plneapple 21
Polarbear1914 21
RagingWombats 21
relax_on_the_mat 21
scotsworth 21
SCRx 21
seaotter2 21
steinman17 21
swanky-k 21
TimeBroken 21
vanburen1845 21
Arsenal7X 22
beerslingerjay 22
blahblehblahwhoru 22
Bukowskified 22
chceman 22
Colton3690 22
djmoody90 22
dupreesdiamond 22
Fifth_Down 22
flyingcrayons 22
fshi 22
grjohnst 22
hythloday1 22
Mythic514 22
olmsted 22
Pikachu1989 22
puffadda 22
ReallyCreative 22
remwin 22
RobertNeyland 22
ScarletFever333 22
scronko 22
TheTeamCubed 22
wesman212 22
buckeyes75 23
calidoc 23
ChickenTaco 23
DarkLegend64 23 +1
djowen68 23
emueagles 23
Extra_Excrement 23
f0gax 23
Ghost_of_Dude 23 Why does it feel so wrong to rank LSU?
hokies220 23 This spot is basically for LSU, Auburn, and Miss State to share. I think they are all fairly equal to each other I just stuck with LSU since I had them ranked last week.
JonesUCF34 23
Khavanon 23 70.464
MammothMan34 23
ryseing 23
solo_22 23
stripes361 23 LSU took care of business against Ole Miss but were a bit underwhelming. Even a close loss against Alabama this week would be an impressive showing for the Tigers.
TheBigMcD 23
TheZachster 23
tmart12 23
topher3003 23
ttsci 23
UNC_Samurai 23
Acm0028 24
bakonydraco 24
bread_buddy 24
Cars-and-Coffee 24
coreyfra 24
Daigotsu 24
goblue10 24
keytide22 24
Mr_Storm 24
Our-Gardian-Angel 24
ProbablyRickSantorum 24
runujhkj 24
tallg8tor 24
TaylorLeprechaun 24 NR: They've been looking a lot better since the loss to Troy.  Good Bye week gets them up to #20.
WeenisWrinkle 24
52hoova 25
BallSoHerd 25
CertifiedSheep 25
dabul-master 25
DoveFood 25
Lex_Ludorum 25
Nathanael-Greene 25
nemoran 25
noahthearc 25
nuxenolith 25 They have not earned the hype
qacha 25
Red261 25
srs_house 25
uwbjb 25
Wurst_Law 25
xelphin 25

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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