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2024 Week 11 Georgia Bulldogs Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
ndbroski 1
RobertNeyland 1
52hoova 2
AlphaH4wk 2
arrowfan624 2
BananaBouquet 2
Bill3ffinMurray 2
Blooblod 2
BlueFalcon89 2
BorisNumber1 2
Cars-and-Coffee 2
chweris 2
coletheredditer 2 Dawgs played Florida close but closed it out in the end, can't play like that against Ole Miss or Tennessee
conchobor 2
creative_penguin 2
cyclonepsycho 2
d_mcc_x 2
dan4223 2
DarkLegend64 2
darkra01 2
diehardcubforever 2
djowen68 2
e8odie 2
fadingthought 2
fredmerc111 2 LW: 3
fshi 2
galacticdude7 2
GilBrandt 2
GoBlueScrewOSU7 2
goodnames679 2
hascogrande 2
Helifino 2
HelioOne 2
HHcougar 2
ikindalikelemons 2
jeedf 2
JeromesNiece 2
jmac_21 2
Le_Jerk_My_Circle 2
lillipup03 2
MahjongDaily 2
malowry0124 2
MrTheSpork 2
noahthearc 2
owl_man 2
PHubbs 2
Pikachu1989 2
pileatedloon 2
practicallybert 2
PrimalCookie 2 Key Wins: @ #8 Texas 30-15, vs. #24 Clemson 34-3 // Losses: @ #9 Alabama 34-41 // Texas is still a very impressive win, as is Clemson although that one's less impressive this week. Carson Beck is ass, but the resume is good and I'll keep them here until they lose again
PumpSmash 2
Pure_Protein_Machine 2
rain_parkour 2
Rakarei 2
Red261 2
redrumsoxLoL 2
RegulatorRWF 2
RollWarTideEagle 2
romulusjsp 2
ScarletFever333 2
scronko 2
SearonTrejorek 2 0.86946
TDenverFan 2
Techwid 2
teddythe3rd 2
Texasagsman 2
the_neverdoctor 2
TheNSAAgent777 2
TheZachster 2
TimeBroken 2 Rank: #4
tjstanley 2
Tman450x 2
TopGoose 2
TossedRightOut 2
TouchdownHeroes 2 LW: 2
visor841 2
w8w8 2
wameron 2
wesman212 2
woakley 2
WolverineDDS 2
Zloggt 2
10catsinspace 3
12panther 3
_fastball 3
a_bit_of_a_misnomer_ 3
ALStark69 3 0
bannista7 3
BenchRickyAguayo 3
blahblehblahwhoru 3
BlueSCar 3
bretticus33 3 It’s been a while since a QB has completely derailed his draft prospects, and one as weak as this upcoming class, as Carson Beck. He’s continuing to be a problem for Georgia.
BUSean 3
ChaseTheFalcon 3
CockADoodleBOOM 3
Colton3690 3
colton_97 3
Conglossian 3
cornholesurfer 3
Daigotsu 3
dogwoodmaple 3
Doogitywoogity 3 :(
eclectic_tastes 3
ewolfy13 3 Started slow but recovered
Extra_Excrement 3
fo13 3
fourpinz8 3
G-Aardvark 3
grtgbln 3
Hackasizlak 3
HarbingerOfFun 3
Harpua99 3
icklebush 3
JamoRedhead 3
Joester09 3
jrichardh 3
JustinMSU21 3
justsaynotoreddit 3
Keener1899 3
KirbyDumber88 3
Knightro2011 3
Lex_Ludorum 3
Longvols 3
MemeofMemeJTG999999 3 (7-1) (down 1) W: 34-20 vs Florida (4-4) (in Jacksonville) Next Week: @ #15 Ole Miss (7-2) Projected Bowl: Sugar vs Indiana/Notre Dame
Mr_Brews 3
nemoran 3
oghawks18 3
OldCoaly 3
one98d 3
Our-Gardian-Angel 3
outthawazoo 3
PalmettoFace 3
Polarbear1914 3
Pollaski 3
posiitively 3
puffadda 3
Pyroblockx 3
ReallyCreative 3
RegionalBias 3 What is this team? Some days the best, some days kentucky.
retnuh101 3
RiffRamBahZoo 3
ryseing 3
Shootit_Rockets 3
SlaminSammons 3
Sometimeswelose 3
SteemieRayVaughn 3
Striker743 3
stripes361 3
SwissArmyScythe 3 --
T-nawtical 3
T-Thugs 3 Georgia is 7-1 with a tough loss to Alabama, but has nice wins over Texas (7-1) and Clemson (6-2)
tallg8tor 3
tdeff19 3
Terminal_BAS 3
texas2089 3
The_Good_Constable 3
thomasosu 3
vanburen1845 3
WarEagle9 3
washington_jefferson 3
Wescat 3
WillWorkForSugar 3
BallSoHerd 4
BosskOnASegway 4
bties 4
Cassiyus 4
Cecil_Hardboner 4
Ch-i-ef 4 ...Maybe it's time to talk about your QB """Situation"""?
ch1l1_ch33s3 4
Charlemagne42 4 236
cyberchaox 4
DampFrijoles 4
DarthYoda2594 4
deadtofall12 4
Drexlore 4
EpicSchwinn 4
Feral_Squirrel 4
frumious88 4
GatorBolt 4 I take it the folks in Athens will never complain about beating Florida but Carson Beck didn't inspire many in Jacksonville.
huskerfan4life520 4
hypercube42342 4
IceColdDrPepper_Here 4
jaybigs 4
jjjoebox 4
JonesUCF34 4
JustAManAndHisLaptop 4
kflinderman 4
Klaassy23 4 (LW Change: 0)
Maladroit44 4
Megalomanizac 4
mellolizard 4
noodlethebear 4
olmsted 4
owlalwaysloveyew 4
Player_1_has_Joined 4
r0sco 4
RJEP22 4 (7-1) 354.921 pts
shadowwingnut 4
Staind075 4
stew_pac 4 +6
tdoger 4
ThaCarter 4
titansfan174 4
aggiebruin27 5
AlexanderComet 5
Bank_Gothic 5
Blazeth 5
boxbeat 5
CFBHurts 5
CharlemagneOfTheUSA 5 (-2)
Chris-P-Creme 5
Corgi_Koala 5
corundum9 5
GeauxTri 5
halldaylong 5
HieloLuz 5 Close one against Florida |4| but a win is a win and Florida looks okay, 2 big tests coming up the next two weeks. 107
Hobbes_121 5
JaxofAllTrades13 5
joebob431 5
jthomas694 5
luckroy 5 Pot 2
manbeardawg 5
monkeymatt1836 5
nbingham196 5
NotSoSuperNerd 5 1.573 (9.9-2.1)
PlactusTX 5 (8) W Florida
RheagarTargaryen 5
strikersteve60 5
TaylorLeprechaun 5 -3
The-Gothic-Castle 5
tmothy07 5
Acm0028 6
BearsAreGreat1 6
bernkastel87 6
buckeyes75 6
bwburke94 6 +17.2996539 (LW: #9)
CambodianDrywall 6
CommodoreN7 6
Corporal_Hicks 6
digdat0 6
Due_Connection179 6 Last Week #9 vs Florida // Won 34 - 20 // Honestly, I didn't want to move them up any, and almost put Notre Dame above them before I remembered the NIU loss. Georgia fans should know how lucky they are for this 12-team CFP because I don't think they make a 4-team this season.
eSpiritCorpse 6 0.9464
Fmeson 6
frone 6
IAmAChemicalEngineer 6
Inkblot9 6
jalexjsmithj 6
JBonkies 6 (+2)
kamiller2020 6
LiptonCB 6
MADBuc49 6 -1. Would be the #3 playoff seed in this scenario, playing the winner of #6 Penn State/#11 SMU in the Sugar Bowl
MoneyManeVick 6
nin478 6
Noelthemexican 6
nw____ 6
OKgolfer 6
plannedsickdays 6
rocco2246 6
SCsprinter13 6
sirgippy 6
SpadeRyker 6
spmartin1993 6
srs_house 6
tks231 6
UNC_Samurai 6
Xtremeloco 6
bakonydraco 7 87.698
ChickenTaco 7
D1N2Y 7
DrKennethJNoisewater 7
ExternalTangents 7 Net Rating: 27; O: 13.22, O Rank: 6; D: -13.78, D Rank: 6
GenialGiant 7
hythloday1 7
infinitempg 7 0.836, +10
Jakesnake42 7 84.51 Last Week: #8
NyquillusDillwad20 7
ruwisc 7
soonerfreak 7
spasm01 7
spsellers 7
Dropbackandpunt 8
Meany_Vizzini 8 21.3, +3, +0.5; SOR: 23.4 (8th), MOV: 19.2 (7th)
Muffinnnnnnn 8
placid_salad 8 LW: #8
udubdavid 8
YellowSkarmory 8
Apep86 9
CPiGuy2728 9
MarlinsGuy 9
Noy_Telinu 9 Won the HTH over Texas
Ruhrgebietheld 9
TadKosciuszko 9
ToeInDigDeep 9
velociraptorfarmer 9
dabul-master 10
ehoefler 10 82.74 | +4
Hey_Its_Roomie 10
jimbobbypaul 10
studio_sally 10
Casaiir 11
cvsprinter1 11 Only loss to ranked team
Darth_Ra 11
theb52 11 55.813
zenverak 11
ColombianInIowa24 12 Absolutely unconvincing performance against Florida, but oh well. Really am seeing no evidence to put the SEC anywhere near the Top 10. A strong conference though. Up next #24.
KJdkaslknv 12
A_Rolling_Baneling 13
DisraeliEers 13
skuhlke 15
MemeLovingLoser 16
Stoneador 16
ShogunAshoka 18

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
_Junk_Rat_ 1
CallingUagoatUgoat 1 1 Tier 1 win (Texas). 2 Tier 2 wins (Clemson, Auburn). 1 Tier 1 loss (Alabama). My rankings might seem biased toward the SEC, but that's only because SP+ still views Auburn as a Top 25 team. This props up a bunch of SEC teams. I'll trust Bill Connelly and take his word for it that Auburn counts as a quality win.
Dougiejurgens2 1
inconvenientpoop 1
70277027 2
ActuallyJasonPrice 2
AdministrativeAnt683 2
Aidanj927 2
androonfl 2 good
ArlyntheAwesome 2 very beatable, but so is every other team below them. Truthfully didn't want 2 B1G teams at the top.
Bereft13 2 Power: 1, SoR: 4; LW: 3
Blazemaster77 2 Bet win of the season, pummeling Texas on the road. They haven't really looked good outside of their 2 ranked wins. LW: 2
Blyvzy 2
BoilerUp28 2
bruhstevenson 2
chillmagic420 2
Chipsahoy523 2
ckubi 2
Crelc3 2
DaewooLanosMFerr 2
dawgfan24348 2
dee3Poh 2
donbagert 2
dubkent 2
ElyxUW 2
energydan 2
Euphoric_Relative_13 2
Fghjkdid911 2
geordieColt88 2
gonshpreds1 2
HideNZeke 2
HopefulReb76 2
hurricaneatx 2
iamaustincince 2
JazzYotesRSL 2 NC Rivalry games are always dangerous, but the Bulldogs prevail. Can they play a complete game?
JordanDean04 2
JustAGuy7915 2
KansasEF5Tornado 2
leadbymight 2
LonghornInNebraska 2
MainPeanut25 2
mcdsmaster8824 2
mill1634 2
Mossed26 2
mport97 2
No_Particular_746 2 (7-1) Win against Florida.
Noahsince2002 2
notsaying123 2
ntny 2
Omegaus492 2
Repulsive_Rub6443 2
RipRaycom 2
SaguaroCactus19 2
samspopguy 2
samtaylor92 2
Serenityy8 2
Spazzatack 2
SufferingfOrLife 2
swdanley17 2
TheBeekman8 2
TheLiquorStohr 2
TheReformedBadger 2
TheSleaze22 2
TolkienFan71 2
TommyWiseau22 2
TristanARoss 2 Y'all had us in the first half, not gonna lie! But you overcame and showed why you're a top three school. Clean up the game a little so that such a scare doesn't happen again, and the rest of the season really ought to be smooth sailing.
trust_the_process__ 2
willbill182 2
yesiambear 2
ziggysaysnada 2
asbestosman2 3
balconesescarpment 3 Is this Georgia team as good as years past? Trevor Etienne is as good as advertised, but the Dawgs leave much to be desired when it comes to playing complete football games.
BoukenGreen 3
broyo209 3
brucewaynewins 3
Burnsite 3
cfbpeoplespoll 3
cookie__monster___ 3
Dawg-Bite 3
DillyDillySzn 3
DownshiftGD 3
dr_funk_13 3
dterp13 3
dubscurry30 3
dukemetoo 3
eddietheintern 3
Fantastic-Calendar-9 3 LW: 2
FoRtNiteizBAD 3
gavinw24 3
GenuineBoss 3
GeyWeyner12 3
ianmcmoney 3
jackmc04 3
jibberishdhyukl 3
JJones927 3
Josh_historybuff 3 34-20 vs Florida
journey1986 3
jwrtf 3
KansasChaser2021 3
Kirkwood641 3
LoCh0_xX 3
loganisfresh 3
Luigiatl 3
MajikSix 3
ManiacalBlazer 3
Mascorn 3
maxwell6233 3
Menktenk 3
Midnight-Mustang 3
Milflover69cbb 3 To struggle with florida on a backup is wild
Minnesnowtaaa 3
mountain_troop86 3 Is there a QB controversy?
MPotato23 3
NA_Faker 3 Struggled in certain games
ndbfsu22 3
nebsA1 3
newSomberMan 3
PattyKane16 3
PersianGuitarist 3
PeteyNice 3
Piptit 3
PSUMediaPA 3
PsychologicalFox8660 3
requiemsux 3
Salmon-Dude 3
sconbon 3
Sflabuckeye13 3
SortaDecent 3
spaceblev11 3
sroach91 3
thatoneguyD13 3 Tier 2. Offensive issues but lots of talent.
The_Good_General 3 7–1; W vs Florida, 34–20
thealbinotitan1 3 Georgia doesn’t play well against lesser opponents but would probably be favored against every team in the county
TheQuakinator 3
True_Ad5324 3
twr96 3
Tylex123 3
Underground_Bread 3
unused13 3
WBLwiffleball 3
Windoge_Master 3
WRSpill 3 (2)
xX_GIGA_MAN_Xx 3 If Lagway didn't get injured you would be in real trouble. Offense looks terrible right now. Beck is nuking his draft stock every week.
ab317 4
bolts_win_again 4
ChBass 4 Play gr- and the running joke breaks down here. Georgia's running game is not top-tier.
civfan5843 4
dawnbreaked 4 Tier 2
divey043 4
drneilpretenamen 4
funt9rtle 4
geauxsaints777 4
isrealball 4
IT_JUST_MEANS_JORT 4 🏆 Playoff Contender - SEC #1 🌹 Auto Bid #1 🌹
jonstark19 4 0
JRam01 4
Laschoni 4
Lefunnymaymays4lief 4
Middle_Wheel_5959 4
MisterDoctorDick 4
saquad69 4
silfarion10 4
sirvalkyerie 4
SpeddyDawg 4
spencej98 4
StFuzzySlippers 4
tisofold 4
twitter_paulbd 4
Yelich04 4 v1
Arvandu 5
Bushken 5 75.25
CakeEaters 5
carsonivey72 5
Dan20698 5
Electronic_Nail 5
g_trechel 5
GavRunsTheTrap 5
Hastronaut 5 UGA struggled against a 3rd string QB at a neutral site against an unranked team. They move back to 5.
josh55134 5
munchermode 5
RadiationRichard 5 LW - 7
scsd4222 5
stealingchairs 5
Tortillero96 5
big_thunder_man 6
daredassdude 6
FlashSpider-man 6
hftfohio 6
JackWK_Gaming 6
mr_longfellow_deeds 6
mthompson2320 6 LW: 7
SaveTheCombees10 6
soonertiger 6
tcomn 6
thehornedlamb 6
Tornadohunter24 6 [7-1, 5-1] (+2)
zmp1924 6 I think they would of lost last week if DJ doesnt get hurt (-1)
0010MK 7
1Subject 7
BeyondLiesTheWub 7 -5
FrontRunner51 7
kevinsdomain 7
Mynameisdiehard 7
quantum_jedi 7 (+2) If Lagway doesn't get hurt, do the Bulldogs lose to Florida? This team is very talented, but Beck needs to protect the ball otherwise it is going to cost Georgia.
SomerandomIDFBfan 7 LW 2
bigred91224 8
bryophyta_insolitam 8 W 34-20 vs. Florida
cbusalex 8
cirtnecoileh 8
Living_Human 8
owl-bears 8
RealignmentJunkie 8
timpredmore 8 112.3
WebfootTroll 8
drewscottt 9 +1
Jeff_Banks_Monkey 9
johnjones55 9
Sp1cyRice 9 +3
BuckeyeForLife95 10
DeerPrison 10
Effective-Lead-6657 10
133112 11 Y'all gotta be trying to lose, I have no idea how that's going on.
aredna 11
BYUPollvoter 11
grahamca 11 T7ᵗʰ W/L, T19ᵗʰ Predicted Wins, 9ᵗʰ Team Strength, 4ᵗʰ Quality of Wins
patriots230 11
wittingtarsier 12
CallMeTheKing 13 117-16-0
redleg86 13 raw score: 3.125 wins [6,2,3,3,2,7,4] best win: Texas (7) losses [-2] worst loss: Alabama (2) << score before loss punishment: 3.375 rank: 15 >>
STL_12 13 LW: 17
camus69x 18
Rcfan0902 18 1316.81
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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