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2018 Week 4 Syracuse Orange Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
hythloday1 10
spasm01 10
W_Is_For_Will 10 Beat a sad FBS team, remained undefeated. 
Sproded 13
T-Thugs 13 Not quite sure what to make of Syracuse. They absolutely beat down Florida State this week, but FSU stinks. They've also laid whoopings on a couple other weak teams. They should be undefeated going into their matchup with Clemson. 
Apep86 14
JaxofAllTrades13 14
DonnieNarco 15
Hey_Its_Roomie 16
luckroy 16 Pot 3
The-Gothic-Castle 16
IAmAChemicalEngineer 17
LiptonCB 17
ExternalTangents 19
Foxmcbowser42 19
SearonTrejorek 19 0.50006
njm1314 20
jrichardh 21
plannedsickdays 21
RobertNeyland 21
tabelz 21 Undefeated with 1 icky P5 win. 
Colton3690 22
goblue10 22 They'd be higher if I weren't so sure that FSU is actually just garbage.
hokies220 22 But still though credit where credit is due, they won the opener on the road and then smashed FSU in the face. 
kdbvols 22
VerySeriousBanana 22 Syracuse's beatdown of Florida State was a sight to behold. I think the Orange may not be ready to knock Clemson off their ledge quite yet, but they seem to be heading in that direction.
YellowSkarmory 22
Branzilla91 23
cfbguy 23
FellKnight 23
GilBrandt 23
RiffRamBahZoo 23
sideoutpar 23 6 pts.
vanburen1845 23
CambodianDrywall 24
ryseing 24
TaylorLeprechaun 24 NR
TheZachster 24
113milesprower 25 3-0 Key Wins: None
chweris 25
frumious88 25
GenialGiant 25 At 3-0, Syracuse clambers into the last spot in my ballot; if all goes to plan against lowly UConn, Syracuse should be heading into the Clemson match-up at 4-0.
Saxasaurus 25
theeguy 25 Consider this a flier in a weird year. Cuse dominated a team that should've had a vast talent advantage. Dino is a good coach and is moving them in the right direction.
TheJeemTeam 25 1/1 in Tier N: Surprising inclusion in the rankings. Believe SOS may be overrating FSU, therefore overrating their win over them.
tmart12 25
wazoheat 25

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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