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2017 Week 4 California Golden Bears Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
kdbvols 3
spasm01 4 2maj, fcs
SearonTrejorek 5 0.73968
LeinadSpoon 6
Luriker 7
T-Thugs 7 Cal is awfully surprising so far, with wins over North Carolina and Ole Miss out of conference. I don't know if UNC is a quality win, since they lost another one, but its a hell of a lot better than playing an FCS team, no matter what the score is. Kudos to Cal for their OOC schedule. We will know very soon how good Cal is. Their next three games are against Oregon, Washington, and Washington State. If they can go 2-1 through that stretch, they'd be looking great. 
dabul-master 8
bread_buddy 9
gms212 10
hythloday1 10
lkeg56demn 11
Cars-and-Coffee 12
doihavemakeanewword 12 B+
atchemey 13 I can't believe they're doing this well, and I totally believe they could continue to rise.
BunnySelfDestruct 13 2 wins over middling P5 teams. A lot more than we can say about most other programs this early in the year.
DonnieNarco 14
Frognosticator 14
boonamobile 15
DoveFood 15
frumious88 15
thatwasntveryraven 15
wazoheat 15
ChemicalOle 16
DisraeliEers 16
slntkilla 16
turtle_flu 16
RagingWombats 17
ssnider23 17
esoterik 18
Mr_Storm 18
WhiteBaseCoat 18 PLRCOAT: 3.25. Different teams from Ohio State, same indexes: UNC is at 1.5 (for beating 1-pointer Old Dominion), while Ole Miss is the 1-pointer.
CambodianDrywall 19
Colton3690 19
diastereomer 19
doormatt26 19
LiptonCB 19
TheCid 19
Acm0028 20
aguyfromthewest 20
BabyBladder 20
Daigotsu 20
digdat0 20
djowen68 20
ExternalTangents 20
Grimbo_Reaper 20
kdcoltred 20
admiraltarkin 21
AllHawkeyesGoToHell 21
alsonamedbort87 21
DafoeFoSho 21
ryumast3r 21 211 Points (BROHM Score Method)
Bukowskified 22 They haven't been pretty, but props to Cal for getting two OOC P5 wins this early in the season. They get a chance to upset USC next, but will be a big underdog at home.
DarkLegend64 22
DoctorWhosOnFirst 22
Dropbackandpunt 22
FellKnight 22
HarbingerOfFun 22
SantiagoRamon 22
Aeschylus_ 23
Lex_Ludorum 23
ryseing 23 Cal's 3-0 y'all. My God. 
Saxasaurus 23
TheFlyingBoat 23
tylerbc 23
blahblehblahwhoru 24 They have 2 wins against P5 programs, but not sure how those are. I'm gonna leave them here, but it really ends up being how all three of these teams do in their respective conferences.
BorisNumber1 24
BUSean 24
cfbguy 24
keytide22 24
overscore_ 24
Pikachu1989 24
RegulatorRWF 24
swanky-k 24
antiherowes 25
BallSoHerd 25
BugsSuck 25
fadingthought 25 Wins over UNC and Ole Miss push Cal up a notch, but I think there are another few teams that have arguments for the lower 20s. Next week of conference play should start to flesh out the list. 
GilBrandt 25 Great job vs Ole Mi$$
jrichardh 25
LEGEN--wait_for_it 25
owl_man 25
relax_on_the_mat 25
SPRX97 25
sunburn_on_the_brain 25
theeguy 25 They may have been against bottom tier teams, but they have 2 OOC P5 wins to their credit.
TheZachster 25

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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