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2016 Week 5 West Virginia Mountaineers Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
DonnieNarco 7
cliffhanger407 8
gbuntin 8
Frognosticator 10
ProbablyRickSantorum 10
tylerbc 11
Stockz 12
AllHawkeyesGoToHell 13
EastPowdermilk 13
G-Aardvark 13
ExternalTangents 14
pbjork 14
smills79 14
spsellers 14
T-Thugs 14 3-0 with wins over Missouri and BYU. 
Wurst_Law 14
ClintFuckingEastwood 15
deadtofall12 15
DelphicLike 15
DisraeliEers 15
Dropbackandpunt 15
Mr_Storm 15
mynameisjona 15
ruwisc 15
Acm0028 16
admiraltarkin 16
alsonamedbort87 16
BabyBladder 16
BosskOnASegway 16 Score: 44/125 Human Rank:#20
bread_buddy 16
CockADoodleBOOM 16 Okay, WVU is probably pretty good at football. I don't know where to put them right now, but "Next to Baylor" is probably a good spot.
Colton3690 16 Almost let one slip through their fingers (literally), but held on to win after BYU's rally ran out of steam.
CraftyConsumer 16
DafoeFoSho 16
djowen68 16
funtubs 16
njm1314 16
OhGad 16
plannedsickdays 16
Plneapple 16
Red261 16
SmokingCricket 16
spasm01 16
SurpriseSalami 16
antiherowes 17
bakonydraco 17
BrutonGaster77 17
dabul-master 17
flipadelphia17 17
IAmAChemicalEngineer 17
keytide22 17
myghtymouse 17
owl_man 17
PromoPimp 17
ThaCarter 17
Tvwatcherr 17
Daigotsu 18
kelling928 18
LEGEN--wait_for_it 18
LeinadSpoon 18
RobertNeyland 18
Saxasaurus 18
stephenbawesome 18
tmart12 18
wazoheat 18
Branzilla91 19
Cars-and-Coffee 19
CSU_Mike 19
fadingthought 19 Don't worry guys, I remember you. Keep winning and they will have to remember you. 
goblue10 19
grjohnst 19
hythloday1 19
mickeyquicknumbers 19
monkeymatt1836 19 West Virginia beat the BYU Mormons (who are not as bad as their 1-3 record would have you think). BYU couldn't complete their late comeback. Nice win for the Mountaineers. TBD if couches are burning. 
r0sco 19
SenorPuff 19
turtle_flu 19
vanburen1845 19
cfbguy 20
HelioOne 20
key_lime_pie 20
LiptonCB 20
Mario_Speedwagon 20
ryseing 20
sirgippy 20
Texasagsman 20
TheReformedBadger 20
AaronRodgers16 21
aguyfromthewest 21
bluegrassborn 21
chceman 21
gohuskies 21 3-0 with a couple of P5 wins? Welcome to the rankings!
jayhawx19 21
Khavanon 21
PureCFR 21
RagingWombats 21
scronko 21
theb52 21
TheCid 21
twosheepforanore 21
wackywiener 21
Zerosa 21
jklharris 22
monotonemr 22
Pikachu1989 22
qacha 22
snwidget 22
snwidget 22
TheFlyingBoat 22 Prev NR| Beat Mizzou and BYU and are undefeated. Good enough for me this year.
ToxicSteve13 22
Apep86 23
Beechman 23
CantHousewifeaHo 23
chweris 23
diastereomer 23
GilBrandt 23
gms212 23
hawkspur1 23
JCiLee 23
No_Way_Pablo 23
swanky-k 23
TopheryG8er 23
ttsci 23
warm_warmer_disco 23
Xtremeloco 23
atchemey 24 New3-0, over BYU, not looking bad.
BugsSuck 24
captain_sasquatch 24
corundum9 24
freebirdcrowe 24
GoldenHawk07 24
groggydog 24
HarbingerOfFun 24
hokies220 24 It wasn't pretty but they won. Undefeated record, albeit not the most impressive, gets them here. Tough game against a certain wizard up next.
JonesUCF34 24
laminak 24
nemoran 24
noodlethebear 24 They've got a good shot to win the Big 12 this year and haven't dropped a game yet.
remwin 24
RiffRamBahZoo 24
TimeBroken 24
alextoyalex 25
Cecil_Hardboner 25
ChemicalOle 25
ChickenTaco 25
d_mcc_x 25
digdat0 25
eclectic_tastes 25
Jeric_B 25
KingKliffsbury 25
longhorn2015 25
MammothMan34 25
ReallyCreative 25
roneman815 25
sideoutpar 25 Tied with Florida St., Air Force, Colorado, Maryland, Toledo, and Georgia Tech; atop all these by virtue of tie-breakers.
XSavageWalrusX 25

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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