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2023 Week 14 SMU Mustangs Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
ChargerFan2121 8
Charlemagne42 15 174
crownebeach 15
Darth_Ra 15
infinitempg 15 0.742
UNC_Samurai 15
AllHawkeyesGoToHell 16
placid_salad 16 LW #21
ExternalTangents 17
hypercube42342 17
MADBuc49 17 Would be ahead of Liberty if not for Deservedness
nburt13 17
srs_house 17
tdoger 17
12panther 18
posiitively 18
seaotter2 18
Staind075 18
tks231 18
ToeInDigDeep 18
ChemicalOle 19
CockADoodleBOOM 19
DampFrijoles 19
DrKennethJNoisewater 19
Dropbackandpunt 19
Fmeson 19
grjohnst 19
HarbingerOfFun 19
KJdkaslknv 19
r0sco 19
retnuh101 19
spasm01 19
teddythe3rd 19
BUSean 20
CptCheese 20
DataDrivenPirate 20
deadtofall12 20
frumious88 20
lillipup03 20
owl_man 20
plannedsickdays 20
Ruhrgebietheld 20
strikersteve60 20
texas2089 20
A_Rolling_Baneling 21
ACCBiggz 21
Acm0028 21
Conglossian 21
Corgi_Koala 21
DarthYoda2594 21
Drexlore 21
fredmerc111 21
IceColdDrPepper_Here 21
ikindalikelemons 21
Lex_Ludorum 21
Longvols 21
MrTheSpork 21
physedka 21
Rakarei 21
royrules22 21
sasmith2015 21
soonersthebetter 21
velociraptorfarmer 21
Apep86 22
BlueSCar 22
ChaseTheFalcon 22
creative_penguin 22
cyberchaox 22
darkra01 22
digdat0 22
hendarvich 22
JustAManAndHisLaptop 22
Megalomanizac 22
nbingham196 22
NyquillusDillwad20 22
outthawazoo 22
ProbablyRickSantorum 22
puffadda 22
WarEagle9 22
Archaic_1 23
BallSoHerd 23
Casaiir 23
cfbguy 23
Colton3690 23
DaewooLanosMFerrr 23
DisraeliEers 23
EpicSchwinn 23
Foxmcbowser42 23
GeauxTri 23
GenialGiant 23
JonesUCF34 23
Maladroit44 23
Mr_Brews 23
Omegaus492 23
one98d 23
PalmettoFace 23
PHubbs 23
ryseing 23
SCsprinter13 23
soonerfreak 23
spsellers 23
stripes361 23
Techwid 23
Terminal_BAS 23
thexraptor 23
TheZachster 23
ucieaters33 23
_n8n8_ 24
ALStark69 24 NR New to poll: 24 SMU, 25 Clemson
Arteza147 24
BabyBladder 24
BearsAreGreat1 24
bretticus33 24 SMU might be the best team in the AAC guys
Cars-and-Coffee 24
Cassiyus 24
Cecil_Hardboner 24
chweris 24
cornholesurfer 24
cota1212 24
DavoinShower-handle 24
halldaylong 24
Hey_Its_Roomie 24
huskerfan4life520 24
jeedf 24
JeromesNiece 24
jjjoebox 24
joebob431 24
jrluhn 24
jthomas694 24
LeWoofle 24
malowry0124 24
nin478 24
Noy_Telinu 24
olmsted 24
pileatedloon 24
Polarbear1914 24
rain_parkour 24
ReallyCreative 24
ScarletFever333 24
SearonTrejorek 24 0.69825
sirgippy 24
Texasagsman 24
The_Good_Constable 24
tjstanley 24
TopGoose 24
TouchdownHeroes 24
vanburen1845 24
VerySeriousBanana 24
washington_jefferson 24
WolverineDDS 24
Xtremeloco 24
arrowfan624 25
Blazeth 25
boxbeat 25
boxman151515 25
Branzilla91 25
bties 25
CambodianDrywall 25
CharlemagneOfTheUSA 25
ChickenTaco 25
coletheredditer 25 Isaiah Bond!
cyclonepsycho 25
D1N2Y 25 NR dropped: Kansas St (17)
d_mcc_x 25
esoterik 25
Extra_Excrement 25
fadingthought 25
fshi 25
GatorBolt 25 Well a chance at a conference title would be a good way to prepare for the ACC jump
Hackasizlak 25
Helifino 25
IAmAChemicalEngineer 25
icklebush 25
jimbobbypaul 25 16.9. #26-30: Troy, Clemson, Kansas, Miami (OH), Oregon State
jmac_21 25
Knightro2011 25
LiptonCB 25
luckroy 25 Pot 7
mellolizard 25
MoneyManeVick 25
monkeymatt1836 25
nemoran 25
owlalwaysloveyew 25
peachios 25
Pikachu1989 25
PrimalCookie 25
RegionalBias 25
RheagarTargaryen 25
RiffRamBahZoo 25
RollWarTideEagle 25
romulusjsp 25
ruwisc 25
skuhlke 25
SpadeRyker 25
SteemieRayVaughn 25
Striker743 25 N/A
T-Thugs 25
the_neverdoctor 25
thomasosu 25
TossedRightOut 25
typicaliconoclast 25
UMeister 25
wesman212 25
Zloggt 25 One more game of AACtion before they swap out the second adenine or another cytosine (I am melting my brain studying for Genetics)...

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
aredna 11
MemeLovingLoser 11
mthompson2320 11 LW: 12
grahamca 14 T13ᵗʰ W/L, T10ᵗʰ Predicted Wins, 14ᵗʰ Team Strength, 20ᵗʰ Quality of Wins
zenverak 14
RadiationRichard 15 LW - 17
BeyondLiesTheWub 16 +8, probably overrated but the model really likes them
bryophyta_insolitam 17 W 59-14 vs. Navy
BenchRickyAguayo 18 Hi: 19 Low: 21 LW: 20 Avg: 19.8
Jacob_Sumner 18
readonlypdf 18
stew_pac 18 +3
TadKosciuszko 18
TheRedKing75 18
ch1l1_ch33s3 19
divey043 20
hurricaneatx 20 (10-2) - SMU has put together a great season under the radar. I'm very much looking forward to them squaring off against Tulane for the conference title. Their only losses are respectable matchups against decent Big 12 competition, so in sum I've put SMU past the undefeated Liberty G5 ranking barrier.
JBonkies 20
Josh_historybuff 20 59-14 vs. Navy
mathmanhale 20
Mossed26 20
spencej98 20
Underground_Bread 20
carsonivey72 21
ColombianInIowa24 21 Plays #10 Tulane for the AAC title.
Is_Flacco_Elite 21
Klaassy23 21 (LW Change: +2)
PattyKane16 21
rocco2246 21
schneeplehoppen 21
titansfan174 21
WillWorkForSugar 21
youngs2309 21
BertGallagher 22
ChBass 22
civfan5843 22
CriterionCrypt 22
Doogitywoogity 22
drneilpretenamen 22
PerfectZeroKnowledge 22
samtaylor92 22
slatibartifast3 22
soonertiger 22
The_Candler 22
thengineer2 22
Tornadohunter24 22 (+2) [10-2] Credentials: 2022 Final Record: 7-6 | 2023 Results So Far: 38-14 vs LA Tech [3-9], 11-28 @ Oklahoma [10-2], 69-0 vs Prairie View [FCS, 6-5], 17-34 @ TCU [5-7], 34-16 vs Charlotte [3-9], 31-10 @ East Carolina [2-10], 55-0 @ Temple [3-9], 69-10 vs Tulsa [4-8], 36-31 @ Rice [6-6], 45-10 vs North Texas [5-7], 38-34 @ Memphis [9-3], 59-14 vs Navy [5-6]
twr96 22
TxCincy 22
10catsinspace 23
1Subject 23
70277027 23
ard8 23
BananaBouquet 23
Chipsahoy523 23
drewscottt 23
ehoefler 23 70.35 | NEW +4
EmotionalAd4185 23
Esb5415 23
evil_muffins_5436 23
Jadenflo 23
Jay_Dubbbs 23
KansasChaser2021 23
leadbymight 23
Luarean 23
MainPeanut25 23
maknasty09 23
manbeardawg 23
MemeofMemeJTG999999 23 (10-2) (up 2) W: 56-14 vs Navy (5-6) Next Week: @ #14 Tulane (11-1) (AAC Champ) Projected Bowl: Fenway vs Boston College
Pyroblockx 23
rgalexan 23
Salmon-Dude 23
samspopguy 23
SharkMovies 23
silfarion10 23
ThompsonCreekTiger 23
tomdawg0022 23
Yelich04 23
Arvandu 24
boomersooner222 24
ckubi 24
DillyDillySzn 24
Dontworryaboutit1 24
dterp13 24
frone 24
geauxsaints777 24
jaowerpower 24
JustinMSU21 24
luciusetrur 24 LW: NR
mithrandir2398 24
Morrgs 24
ndbfsu22 24
newSomberMan 24
OldCoaly 24
Prof_Pie 24
RedBarracuda25 24 SMU looking very well set up for their ACC arrival next year. At least they best of the new three, though I doubt the Frisco schools will be much competition
redrhino777 24
redrumsoxLoL 24
Ressurwr3kd 24
RJEP22 24 (10-2) - 165.159pts
samuelbassett 24
Serenityy8 24
SpeddyDawg 24
StumpVanDerHuge 24
thelawlesspizza 24 I don't know how to feel about this team. They beat the hell out of some of their opponents, but lost to 2023 TCU.
True_Ad5324 24
WhalePadre5 24
WRSpill 24 (NR) Dropped: #19 Oregon State, #21 Kansas State
_TGT7 25
a_bit_of_a_misnomer_ 25
ActuallyJasonPrice 25
AnAngryPanda1 25
Bernard_Samson 25
CallingUagoatUgoat 25 11.5 pts.
corona779 25
dheck2016 25
diehardcubforever 25
grtgbln 25
Icyy19_ 25
jaybigs 25
kevinsdomain 25
maxwell6233 25
meowrkatt 25
Middle_Wheel_5959 25
Milflover69cbb 25 You’re joining the acc I wanted to show love
mill1634 25
OG_Felwinter 25
Player_1_has_Joined 25
PythonLemon 25
saquad69 25
Sflabuckeye13 25
SignificanceFirm2398 25
SNjr 25
SortaDecent 25
TheBeekman8 25
TheFalconGuy 25
throwaway_6786 25
ToosUnderHigh 25
Tylex123 25
ziggysaysnada 25
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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