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2023 Week 14 Oregon State Beavers Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
Wescat 11
practicallybert 13
TheZachster 13
PumpSmash 14
shadowwingnut 14 Up 1, 502.67, SOS: 7
GilBrandt 15
Joester09 15
DataDrivenPirate 16
GeauxTri 16
halldaylong 16
hypercube42342 16
ProbablyRickSantorum 16
TossedRightOut 16
BallSoHerd 17
Ch-i-ef 17
Conglossian 17
D1N2Y 17 -1
DarkLegend64 17
Fmeson 17
fshi 17
Lex_Ludorum 17
pileatedloon 17
r0sco 17
ReallyCreative 17
Terminal_BAS 17
w8w8 17
_n8n8_ 18
Acm0028 18
bakonydraco 18 81.504
Bank_Gothic 18
CptCheese 18
creative_penguin 18
dan4223 18
fo13 18
JeromesNiece 18
Megalomanizac 18
ndbroski 18
puffadda 18
sirgippy 18
TDenverFan 18
The-Gothic-Castle 18
bannista7 19
CPiGuy2728 19
crownebeach 19
dabul-master 19
galacticdude7 19
hascogrande 19
huskerfan4life520 19
LeWoofle 19 All but one of the losses were extremely close; not sure if im giving too much credit for that, this team could be moved up or down 3 spots.
Longvols 19
Pikachu1989 19
Pollaski 19
RobertNeyland 19
stripes361 19
tdoger 19
thomasosu 19
VerySeriousBanana 19
washington_jefferson 19
Arteza147 20
Bill3ffinMurray 20
BugsSuck 20
captain_sasquatch 20
chweris 20
conchobor 20
d_mcc_x 20
darkra01 20
esoterik 20
Extra_Excrement 20
falconlover79 20
Hackasizlak 20
Hugefootballfan44 20 LW: 14
JCiLee 20
Johnnycockseed 20
MrTheSpork 20
Nathanael-Greene 20
nin478 20
Our-Gardian-Angel 20
owlalwaysloveyew 20
royrules22 20
Sophocles5 20
Texasagsman 20
the_neverdoctor 20
UMeister 20
wesman212 20
Zloggt 20 A football coach decided to jerk off during a phone call. This ruins the entire state of Corvallis athletics as a result...
12panther 21
311polo 21
52hoova 21
BorisNumber1 21
boxbeat 21
bretticus33 21 Bad times in Corvallis
Cassiyus 21
CFBHurts 21
cota1212 21
Daigotsu 21
dasani3x 21
deadtofall12 21
digdat0 21
GatorBolt 21 Pain.
jmac_21 21
Keener1899 21
malowry0124 21
Meany_Vizzini 21
monkeymatt1836 21
Muffinnnnnnn 21
nemoran 21
Polarbear1914 21
Pure_Protein_Machine 21
RheagarTargaryen 21
RiffRamBahZoo 21
scronko 21
TaylorLeprechaun 21 -7
The_Good_Constable 21
thexraptor 21
TimeBroken 21 Rank: #26
typicaliconoclast 21
WolverineDDS 21
ya111101 21
arrowfan624 22
BabyBladder 22
BUSean 22
CambodianDrywall 22
Corgi_Koala 22
cyclonepsycho 22
ExternalTangents 22
Helifino 22
IAmAChemicalEngineer 22
Jakesnake42 22 64.17 Last Week: #22
jeedf 22
Knightro2011 22
LiptonCB 22
MoneyManeVick 22
myghtymouse 22
NotSoSuperNerd 22 4.39 (8-4)
one98d 22
PalmettoFace 22
peachios 22
physedka 22
posiitively 22
rain_parkour 22
RegionalBias 22
RollWarTideEagle 22
spsellers 22
SteemieRayVaughn 22
T-nawtical 22
tdeff19 22
TouchdownHeroes 22
ttsci 22
woakley 22
aggiebruin27 23
BearsAreGreat1 23
bties 23
Cars-and-Coffee 23
CharlemagneOfTheUSA 23
Chris-P-Creme 23
CockADoodleBOOM 23
djowen68 23
DrKennethJNoisewater 23
Dropbackandpunt 23
Feral_Squirrel 23
ikindalikelemons 23
joebob431 23
justsaynotoreddit 23
kflinderman 23
lillipup03 23
olmsted 23
PrimalCookie 23
romulusjsp 23
SlaminSammons 23
Striker743 23 Down 6 - blown out by top team
tallg8tor 23
texas2089 23
TopGoose 23
vanburen1845 23
Xtremeloco 23
AudiieVerbum 24
BigBoutros 24
Blooblod 24
boxman151515 24
buckeyes75 24
bwburke94 24 +8.3769605 (LW: #22)
coletheredditer 24 Alabama
eSpiritCorpse 24 0.8712
ewolfy13 24 Poor beavs. Lose their conference, lose their coach… this might be a pity ranking but I still love them
fadingthought 24
G-Aardvark 24
hythloday1 24
Inkblot9 24
KirbyDumber88 24
MahjongDaily 24
mellolizard 24
Mr_Brews 24
noodlethebear 24
outthawazoo 24
retnuh101 24
SpadeRyker 24
SwissArmyScythe 24 -8
ThaCarter 24
ucieaters33 24
Casaiir 25
cfbguy 25
ChaseTheFalcon 25
ChemicalOle 25
cornholesurfer 25
fourpinz8 25
GenialGiant 25
GoBlueScrewOSU7 25
hendarvich 25
Hobbes_121 25
JonesUCF34 25
jrluhn 25 Next 5 in no particular order: Clemson, Tennessee, Kansas, KSU, and Utah
MarlinsGuy 25
nburt13 25
Omegaus492 25
PHubbs 25
placid_salad 25 LW #18
PromEmperorHarbaugh 25
Rakarei 25
ryseing 25
ScarletFever333 25
SearonTrejorek 25 0.69322
Sometimeswelose 25
soonerfreak 25
strikersteve60 25
teddythe3rd 25
theb52 25 30.625
wameron 25
WarEagle9 25

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
bethe2ndmouse 11
soonertiger 13
TheFalconGuy 13
PattyKane16 14
rgalexan 14
donbagert 15
10catsinspace 16
big_thunder_man 16
carsonivey72 16
ch1l1_ch33s3 16
daredassdude 16
TheRedKing75 16
Additional-Stick6374 17
brihimia 17
civfan5843 17
ianmcmoney 17
Icyy19_ 17
narwhalz27 17 v 5
samspopguy 17
spencej98 17
swdanley17 17
thengineer2 17
Yeomama88 17
BertGallagher 18
divey043 18
hoovereatscowpoop 18
luciusetrur 18 LW: 9
Milflover69cbb 18 I’m sorry.
redrumsoxLoL 18
SortaDecent 18
UVUboi2 18
asbestosman2 19
ckubi 19
dheck2016 19
drewscottt 19
dubkent 19
frone 19
geauxsaints777 19
grtgbln 19
Jadenflo 19
JamoRedhead 19
Kirkwood641 19
mithrandir2398 19
OSU_Shecter 19
SpeddyDawg 19
Weekly_Flatworm5707 19
WhalePadre5 19
youngs2309 19
Aidanj927 20
BeyondLiesTheWub 20 -6
Chipsahoy523 20
CriterionCrypt 20
DillyDillySzn 20
dterp13 20
Esb5415 20
FlashSpider-man 20 4 loss, but 3 of those were to quite good teams.
MainPeanut25 20 violated by Oregon
mill1634 20
ndbfsu22 20
rocco2246 20
Salmon-Dude 20
sconbon 20
slatibartifast3 20
sleemoislife 20
spmartin1993 20
StumpVanDerHuge 20
tatteredgnome_23 20
TheBeekman8 20
ToosUnderHigh 20
WillWorkForSugar 20
ziggysaysnada 20
_TGT7 21
cookie__monster___ 21
corona779 21
diehardcubforever 21
Dontworryaboutit1 21
evil_muffins_5436 21
jaowerpower 21
mauliknshah 21
newSomberMan 21
PSUMediaPA 21
redrhino777 21
samuelbassett 21
SignificanceFirm2398 21
ActuallyJasonPrice 22
AnAngryPanda1 22
Apprehensive_Lab_436 22
BoukenGreen 22
DownshiftGD 22
gavinw24 22
grahamca 22 T31ˢᵗ W/L, T27ᵗʰ Predicted Wins, 19ᵗʰ Team Strength, 19ᵗʰ Quality of Wins
josh55134 22
JustinMSU21 22
MajikSix 22
maxwell6233 22
Middle_Wheel_5959 22
Morrgs 22
mport97 22
mthompson2320 22 LW: 20
Prof_Pie 22
PythonLemon 22
Ressurwr3kd 22
Sebene 22
SNjr 22
tcomn 22
thehornedlamb 22
True_Ad5324 22
a_bit_of_a_misnomer_ 23
Bernard_Samson 23
BoilerUp28 23
CallMeTheKing 23 102-30-0
cartierboy25 23
Doogitywoogity 23
funt9rtle 23
hurricaneatx 23 (8-4) - It's unfortunate what the Beavers have gone through and are going through. Oregon State's a better team than their #23 ranking, though their resume does not separate them much from the other teams in the back of the top 25.
Is_Flacco_Elite 23
Josh_historybuff 23 7-31 vs. Oregon
kevinsdomain 23
Klaassy23 23 (LW Change: -8)
Mini-Mussolini 23
OG_Felwinter 23
Piptit 23
RadiationRichard 23 LW - 19
why_doineedausername 23
aredna 24
BananaBouquet 24
cirtnecoileh 24
jaybigs 24
maknasty09 24
penix4heisman 24
PerfectZeroKnowledge 24
saquad69 24
Shion314 24
throwaway_6786 24
Tornadohunter24 24 (-7) [8-4] Credentials: 2022 PAC-12 5th Place, Las Vegas Bowl Champs, Final AP Rank: #17 [10-3] | 2023 Results So Far: 42-17 @ San Jose State [7-5], 55-7 vs UC Davis [FCS, 7-4], 26-9 vs San Diego State [4-8], 35-38 @ Washington State [5-7], 21-7 vs Utah [8-4], 52-40 @ California [6-6], 36-24 vs UCLA [7-5], 24-27 @ Arizona [9-3], 26-19 @ Colorado [4-8], 62-17 vs Stanford [3-9], 20-22 vs Washington [12-0], 7-31 @ Oregon [11-1]
Underground_Bread 24
Bereft13 25 Power: 16, SoR: 28; LW: 21 | Next 5: NC State, Tennessee, Tulane, Iowa State, SMU | Dropped: NC State, Tennessee
cfbpeoplespoll 25
Effective-Lead-6657 25
ehoefler 25 69.52 | -2
Harpua99 25
HideNZeke 25
Jay_Dubbbs 25
leadbymight 25
Luarean 25
ManiacalBlazer 25 68.974
MemeofMemeJTG999999 25 (8-4) (down 10) L: 7-31 @ #6 Oregon (11-1) Next Week: Bye Projected Bowl: Holiday vs Clemson Fell out of T30: UNLV (9-3) (was 26) North Carolina (8-4) (was 28)
nebsA1 25
OldCoaly 25
owl-bears 25
RedBarracuda25 25 A sad end to an almost season for the Beaves. The future doesn't look bright for the Beavers, but all of America is rooting for you. I wish you the best Beavers, you guys deserve it
schneeplehoppen 25
thelawlesspizza 25 They looked dead on Friday night. Only here because 8-4 in this year's PAC 12 is pretty good for a team like the Beavers.
TheNSAAgent777 25
ThompsonCreekTiger 25
zenverak 25
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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