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2021 Week 6 Michigan State Spartans Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
BigBoutros 4
confirmd_am_engineer 4
pascha 5
physedka 5
arrowfan624 6
BabyBladder 6
fo13 6
Greflingorax 6
KommanderKeen-a42 6
SCsprinter13 6
bakonydraco 7 79.14
Bank_Gothic 7
Bill3ffinMurray 7
Cars-and-Coffee 7
CFBHurts 7
DafoeFoSho 7
DisraeliEers 7
G-Aardvark 7
goblue10 7
goodnames679 7
hythloday1 7
igloo27 7
Johnnycockseed 7
jrichardh 7
MarlinsGuy 7
Mr_Brews 7
nburt13 7
olmsted 7
Shrektastic28 7
ToeInDigDeep 7
113milesprower 8
ALStark69 8 +8
boxman151515 8
ChemicalOle 8
Colton3690 8
crimsonlaw 8
Daigotsu 8
dan4223 8
Darth_Ra 8
dicky_________seamus 8
DrKennethJNoisewater 8
e8odie 8
esoterik 8
Foxmcbowser42 8
GeauxTri 8
IAmAChemicalEngineer 8
jchurch8073 8
jmac_21 8
mellolizard 8
noahthearc 8
notyogrannysgrandkid 8
orboth 8
PumpSmash 8
RMathis13 8 79
scrotes_magotes 8
soonersthebetter 8
srs_house 8
steelcitygator 8
typicaliconoclast 8
Wurst_Law 8
ACCBiggz 9
BallSoHerd 9
BosskOnASegway 9
Cassiyus 9
Chris-P-Creme 9
cmdrcaboose2 9
coogs35 9 Walker is one of, if not THE best RB in football. Great start to their season. 
dasani3x 9
djowen68 9
GenialGiant 9
GoBeaversOSU 9
GoBlueScrewOSU7 9
grjohnst 9
hascogrande 9
joebob431 9
mnmmatt 9
ndhuskerpower 9
OKgolfer 9
owl-bears 9
Pieisgood186 9
practicallybert 9
ProbablyRickSantorum 9
RagingWombats 9
ryseing 9
spasm01 9
studio_sally 9
TaylorLeprechaun 9 +6
tmothy07 9
TossedRightOut 9
trumpet_23 9
ucfskuba 9
Xtremeloco 9
_fastball 10
admiraltarkin 10
Apep86 10
beerslingerjay 10
boonamobile 10
BUSean 10
cfbguy 10
Charlemagne42 10 Computer ranking: 7
cinciforthewin 10
d_mcc_x 10
DavoinShower-handle 10
digdat0 10
dogwoodmaple 10
Ersatzself 10
G-manP 10
GeauxAllDay 10
Harmbert_ 10
HelioOne 10
huskerfan4life520 10
hypercube42342 10
Inkblot9 10
jchall3 10
JCiLee 10
KittiesHavingSex 10
luckroy 10 Pot 2
malowry0124 10
moistats_ 10
monkeymatt1836 10
myghtymouse 10
njm1314 10
noodlethebear 10
Omegaus492 10
owl_man 10
peachios 10
plannedsickdays 10
RavenclawWiz816 10
RegulatorRWF 10
relax_on_the_mat 10
retnuh101 10
safariari 10
ScarletFever333 10
SearonTrejorek 10
SSJRoshi 10
stesser 10
Techwid 10
TehAlpacalypse 10
turkishguy 10
VerySeriousBanana 10
ya111101 10
zacheiny 10
12panther 11
A-Stu-Ute 11
AlphaH4wk 11
arrow_dynamics 11
BamaPride95 11
bgr308 11
BlueFalcon89 11
Buckeyes2010 11
CambodianDrywall 11
captain_sasquatch 11
Cecil_Hardboner 11
Ch-i-ef 11 You're undefeated, but most of your recent wins have not been reassuring. You face 2 more semi easy teams until your big matchup against Michigan. Figure it out Spartans. 
ChickenTaco 11
chrisb19 11
Chucky1539 11
conchobor 11
Conglossian 11
coreyfra 11
DampFrijoles 11
DarkLegend64 11 C Tier
deadtofall12 11
DeceptiveSpeed 11
Drexlore 11
eSpiritCorpse 11 0.9258
fourpinz8 11 Dark horses in B1G East
Helifino 11
iliketoupvotepuns 11
ItsZizk 11
kdcoltred 11
Knightro2011 11
LeinadSpoon 11
LeWoofle 11
ndbroski 11
nemoran 11
Noy_Telinu 11
NyquillusDillwad20 11
Our-Gardian-Angel 11
outthawazoo 11
owlalwaysloveyew 11 Michigan State are now 5-0, but have yet to face a ranked opponent. They play Rutgers and Indiana next, before playing a (currently) undefeated michigan in late October
Papalew32 11
rmp0005 11
RollWarTideEagle 11
royrules22 11
SantiagoRamon 11
scotsworth 11
Sometimeswelose 11
Sophocles5 11
spsellers 11
Staind075 11
strikersteve60 11
tabelz 11
TDenverFan 11
TheReformedBadger 11
theReluctantHipster 11
thomasosu 11
tjstanley 11
ttsci 11
wesman212 11
AllHawkeyesGoToHell 12
badgers4194 12
boxbeat 12
Branzilla91 12
bties 12
buckeyegold 12
buckeyes75 12
cms186 12
creative_penguin 12
darkra01 12
Dropbackandpunt 12
falconlover79 12
Feral_Squirrel 12
HanSoIoque 12
HarbingerOfFun 12
JaxofAllTrades13 12
jjjoebox 12
JustAManAndHisLaptop 12
LiptonCB 12
not_folie 12
PalmettoFace 12
PHubbs 12
Polarbear1914 12
SPRX97 12
T-Thugs 12 Like Michigan, they are currently 5-0 but without any wins really worth calling out. Best win is... Nebraska (3-3).
TanzaniaMagic 12
tdoger 12
Texasagsman 12
ThaCarter 12
The-Gothic-Castle 12
TheJeemTeam 12
thexraptor 12
Ticklebump 12
tks231 12
vanburen1845 12
WeenisWrinkle 12
Zloggt 12
Acm0028 13
andrewthestudent 13
bernkastel87 13
Blooblod 13
BugsSuck 13
CFSparta92 13
CockADoodleBOOM 13
Extra_Excrement 13
icklebush 13
infinitempg 13
JonesUCF34 13
Lex_Ludorum 13
lillipup03 13
Longvols 13
Maladroit44 13
MrTheSpork 13
nbingham196 13
orbania 13
pileatedloon 13
RobertNeyland 13
seaotter2 13
soonerfreak 13
stripes361 13
tauzeta 13
THECrew42 13
TopGoose 13
TopheryG8er 13
transferStudent2018 13
ucieaters33 13
UNC_Samurai 13
velociraptorfarmer 13
WarEagle9 13
corundum9 14
doggo816 14
Frognosticator 14
frumious88 14
fshi 14
halldaylong 14
Jakesnake42 14 So far so good for the Spartans, that division is gonna be hell.Last Week: 18
jlh2b 14
jnoobs13 14
Mario_Speedwagon 14
MoneyManeVick 14
Nathanael-Greene 14
one98d 14
Pikachu1989 14
RiffRamBahZoo 14
scronko 14
SCRx 14
ShogunAshoka 14
Sproded 14
T-nawtical 14
tallg8tor 14
theb52 14 37.800
Wescat 14
woakley 14 Michigan State is still undefeated. They haven't had the hardest schedule so far, but you can't do any better than winning them all.
4thPlumlee 15
brobroma 15
Hey_Its_Roomie 15
Papytendo 15
roaddogg 15
wameron 15
Blazeth 16
bretticus33 16 Sparty is still undefeated but they're looking very vulnerable.  I would put them on upset alert against Rutgers.
bwburke94 16
chweris 16
Fmeson 16
kflinderman 16
LEGEN--wait_for_it 16
ruwisc 16
eclectic_tastes 17
Hackasizlak 17
Hobbes_121 17
JamesBCrazy 17
Keener1899 17
sasmith2015 17
SlaminSammons 17
52hoova 18
crownebeach 18 FPI likes Sparty -- I'm skeptical because I think FPI overrates Miami and Nebraska, but there's something to be said for consistency.
drgnlis 18
justsaynotoreddit 18
No11223456 18
NotSoSuperNerd 18
Rakarei 18
thegreendalegelf 18
TimeBroken 18
TouchdownHeroes 18 LW: HM
YellowSkarmory 18 Well, MSU hasn't lost. Nothing too eventful, they've stayed undefeated, though they did have to go to OT against Nebraska. Not losing is useful for being ranked at this point.
dabul-master 19
DarthYoda2594 19
g0d0fm15ch13f 19
galacticdude7 19
Red261 19
sirgippy 19
TheZachster 19
blahblehblahwhoru 20
BlueSCar 20
GilBrandt 20
jeedf 20
JeromesNiece 20
bobsled_time 21
emueagles 21
ExternalTangents 21 7.55
ShamusJohnson13 21
Striker743 21

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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