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2020 Week F Cincinnati Bearcats Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
chweris 4
olmsted 4
ToeInDigDeep 4
Laschoni 5
tks231 5
BUSean 6
cinciforthewin 6
dabul-master 6
Harmbert_ 6
Hobbes_121 6
jputna 6
LiptonCB 6
orbania 6
strikersteve60 6
T-nawtical 6
ttsci 6
Acm0028 7
bakonydraco 7 60.3
BallSoHerd 7
CambodianDrywall 7
ChemicalOle 7
Corporal_Hicks 7
crimsonlaw 7
deadtofall12 7
dicky_________seamus 7
DisraeliEers 7
djowen68 7
Dropbackandpunt 7
e8odie 7
Feral_Squirrel 7
fireinvestigator113 7
fo13 7
grjohnst 7
JCiLee 7
jmac_21 7
JonesUCF34 7
JustAManAndHisLaptop 7
KittiesHavingSex 7
monkeymatt1836 7
nburt13 7
nin478 7
peachios 7 some win some lose, some off weeks allow for moving on ups
Rakarei 7
rmp0005 7
RollWarTideEagle 7
ryseing 7
ShogunAshoka 7
soonerfreak 7
spsellers 7
Staind075 7
T-Thugs 7 3-0. Best win is over Army (4-1). This team probably doesn't belong over Nd but they dont have a win as good as Army yet. 
tallg8tor 7
TaylorLeprechaun 7 +1
thexraptor 7
TopGoose 7
typicaliconoclast 7
ucfskuba 7
UNC_Samurai 7
WarEagle9 7
311polo 8
bernkastel87 8
BigBoutros 8
captain_sasquatch 8
Cecil_Hardboner 8
CFBHurts 8
Chucky1539 8 They truly deserve a top-10 ranking and have a gem of a coach, I would be surprised if they didn't make it to the conference championship. 
D1amondDude 8
DampFrijoles 8
dogwoodmaple 8
Ersatzself 8
G-manP 8
goblue10 8
Jakesnake42 8 Last Week: 7
jjjoebox 8
jlh2b 8
joebob431 8
MoneyManeVick 8
Mr_Brews 8
nemoran 8
one98d 8
pileatedloon 8
royrules22 8
SCRx 8
soonersthebetter 8
Spalliston 8
ToLongDR 8
Wescat 8
4thPlumlee 9
_fastball 9
Blazeth 9
Buckeyes2010 9
buckeyes75 9
Charlemagne42 9
corundum9 9
DafoeFoSho 9
emueagles 9
FellKnight 9
hascogrande 9
Helifino 9
huskerfan4life520 9
I_am_bot_beep_boop 9
No11223456 9
NyquillusDillwad20 9 Cincinnati looks like the frontrunners for the G5 NY6 spot. They have two tough games against Tulsa and SMU.
owl_man 9
PalmettoFace 9
PHubbs 9
roaddogg 9
SCsprinter13 9
ShamusJohnson13 9
srs_house 9
TDenverFan 9
vanburen1845 9 sorry chili bros I thought I had ranked them last week but I missed them
BosskOnASegway 10
boxbeat 10
BunnySelfDestruct 10
Cassiyus 10
coogs35 10 I'm not sold on this Cincinnati offense yet. They look great on defense, but that might not be enough for them. Regardless, they are undefeated and have earned a ranking this high. 
darkra01 10
DarthYoda2594 10
GenialGiant 10
jeedf 10
Longvols 10
malowry0124 10
MrTheSpork 10
myghtymouse 10
Papytendo 10
Pikachu1989 10
retnuh101 10
ScarletFever333 10
scotsworth 10
scronko 10
seaotter2 10
thegreendalegelf 10
Zloggt 10
ACCBiggz 11
bobsled_time 11
boxman151515 11
dan4223 11
DarkLegend64 11 C Tier
Disregardskarma 11
goodnames679 11
Greflingorax 11
JamesBCrazy 11
Johnnycockseed 11
Mario_Speedwagon 11
noahthearc 11
owl-bears 11
PaulWall31 11
Pieisgood186 11
steelcitygator 11
tmothy07 11
toocleverbyhalf 11
A-Stu-Ute 12
cmdrcaboose2 12
keytide22 12
puffadda 12
Striker743 12
ThePUNisher96 12
Xtremeloco 12
zacheiny 12
arrowfan624 13 Off
bgr308 13
cajunaggie08 13
Ch-i-ef 13
gbuntin 13
Hey_Its_Roomie 13
Maladroit44 13
nbingham196 13
studio_sally 13
Texasagsman 13
AlphaH4wk 14
ExternalTangents 14
Hackasizlak 14
Miami_da_U 14
notyogrannysgrandkid 14
Our-Gardian-Angel 14
practicallybert 14
r0sco 14
TheJeemTeam 14 4/6 in Tier F
ucieaters33 14
halldaylong 15
WeenisWrinkle 15
DrKennethJNoisewater 16
galacticdude7 17
SometimesY 17
TheReformedBadger 17
52hoova 18
crownebeach 18 Honestly think this is too high, but not enamored with any of the teams below them. Same Cincinnati as we've seen for a couple of season's now -- great defense, vanilla offense.
eclectic_tastes 18
GilBrandt 18
Apep86 19
Blooblod 19
CockADoodleBOOM 20
ndhuskerpower 20
Lex_Ludorum 21
jrichardh 22
DonnieNarco 23
Cars-and-Coffee 25

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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