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2017 Week 4 Maryland Terrapins Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
remwin 8
T-Thugs 8 Maryland dominated Texas on the road. USC squeaked by Texas at home. I have a hard time ranking USC above Maryland. I would have probably put the Trojans here, except their win over Stanford seems much less impressive following the trees defeat by San Diego State. 
esoterik 10
smills79 10
DonnieNarco 12
overscore_ 12
DoveFood 13
kflinderman 13
owl_man 14
UNC_Samurai 14
atchemey 15 They deserve to be ahead of OSU on record, and it might even be a close game, but I'm not sure yet.
BrutonGaster77 15
RagingWombats 15
BunnySelfDestruct 16 Texas gave up 51 points to Maryland.
Daigotsu 16
funtubs 16
mellolizard 16
ryseing 16
tabelz 16
Cars-and-Coffee 17
dicky_________seamus 17
dabul-master 18
Grimbo_Reaper 18
Jpkun 18
kdcoltred 18
Luriker 18
olmsted 18
plannedsickdays 18
seaotter2 18
TheTeamCubed 18
Tvwatcherr 18
bernkastel87 19
cmdrcaboose2 19
eclectic_tastes 19
HarbingerOfFun 19
njm1314 19
ssnider23 19
Cecil_Hardboner 20
ChemicalOle 20
chweris 20
corundum9 20
deadtofall12 20
doormatt26 20
HelioOne 20
jrichardh 20
Knightro2011 20
LeinadSpoon 20
Mario_Speedwagon 20
DisraeliEers 21
Dropbackandpunt 21
goblue10 21
gordogg24p 21
JonesUCF34 21
noahthearc 21
theeguy 21 Texas win looks a little better now
alsonamedbort87 22
aubieismyhomie 22
diastereomer 22
fshi 22
kdbvols 22
nemoran 22
RiffRamBahZoo 22
Wurst_Law 22
xelphin 22
Arsenal7X 23
CockADoodleBOOM 23
Colton3690 23
G-Aardvark 23
grjohnst 23
Hummer77x 23
justsaynotoreddit 23 0.692
retnuh101 23
the5thpixel 23
TheReformedBadger 23
topher3003 23
TossedRightOut 23
Austinperroux 24
bluegrassborn 24 Didn't want to rank them because their "big win" is against Texas, but  maybe Texas is better than we thought.
BugsSuck 24
CarbonCamaroZL1 24 NEW (previously UNRANKED). Maryland didn't even play this week and yet? I'm adding them in. They went into Austin and beat Texas. Then USC barely beats Texas. Maryland also looked very strong last week. With the many drops this week, Maryland moves up.
CertifiedSheep 24
DarkLegend64 24
DarthYoda2594 24
Everythingpossible 24
Frognosticator 24
gohuskies 24 Texas win looks nicer.
hokies220 24 Still sitting ranked because I value that win against Texas.
huskerfan4life520 24
hythloday1 24
kelling928 24
lkeg56demn 24
nolez 24
orboth 24
SSJRoshi 24 Their victory over Texas looks even better with Texas putting up a great fight against USC. Had a bye week, but teams in front of them struggling let's them jump from my 26 spot to 24.
Techwid 24
tmart12 24
Xtremeloco 24
03040905 25
BabyBladder 25
bread_buddy 25
buckeyegold 25
djowen68 25
Emperor_of_Orange 25
flipadelphia17 25
MarlinsGuy 25
nin478 25
PureCFR 25
SCsprinter13 25
steinman17 25
The_DHC 25
Zerosa 25

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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