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2024 Week 3 Miami Hurricanes Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
BallSoHerd 3
CommodoreN7 3
HarbingerOfFun 3
tallg8tor 3
Acm0028 4
AlexanderComet 4
Ch-i-ef 4 Heisman hopeful Cam Ward is going to have an EASY time with that schedule outside of a lone ranked Louisville. Don't mess this up and remember to take a knee to run out the clock!
Doogitywoogity 4 Cam Ward looks great, Miami are strong favorites for the ACC
eclectic_tastes 4
goblue10 4
grtgbln 4
JaxofAllTrades13 4
LiptonCB 4
lookglen 4
nbingham196 4
SCsprinter13 4
VerySeriousBanana 4
woakley 4
_fastball 5
Blazeth 5
CFBHurts 5
coletheredditer 5 I still hate this ranking, every other team has faltered in some way though, so you get 5
Corgi_Koala 5
corundum9 5
digdat0 5
dogwoodmaple 5
Dropbackandpunt 5
Feral_Squirrel 5
Helifino 5
ikindalikelemons 5
JamoRedhead 5
PHubbs 5
realclean 5
ReallyCreative 5
RheagarTargaryen 5
seaotter2 5
TouchdownHeroes 5 LW: 5
visor841 5
Cecil_Hardboner 6
cyclonepsycho 6
deadtofall12 6
GilBrandt 6
Jakesnake42 6 80.00
jalexjsmithj 6 UF win.
JustinMSU21 6
manbeardawg 6
Megalomanizac 6
MoneyManeVick 6
nin478 6
nw____ 6 Idk what to take away from them boat racing a bad UF team but they did do it on the road in a hostile environment. Destroying FAMU doesn’t really clear thing up, but I will let the rankings sort themselves out.
owl_man 6
PrimalCookie 6 (+3) I don't want to live in a world where the U truly is back, but maybe it'll make my Gators look better if the Canes just destroy everyone...?
Rakarei 6
RegionalBias 6
spmartin1993 6
spsellers 6
T-Thugs 6 Miami is 2-0 with a win at Florida.
Techwid 6
The_Good_Constable 6
tks231 6
Tman450x 6 Miami really impressed in all facets.
zenverak 6
a_bit_of_a_misnomer_ 7
BananaBouquet 7
Blooblod 7
ch1l1_ch33s3 7
CockADoodleBOOM 7
colton_97 7
Daigotsu 7
dan4223 7
DarthYoda2594 7
ehoefler 7 84.79 | -1
falconlover79 7
GeauxTri 7
jaybigs 7
JustAManAndHisLaptop 7
Meany_Vizzini 7 20.8, -, +1.7
Mr_Brews 7
noahthearc 7
oghawks18 7
outthawazoo 7
puffadda 7
PumpSmash 7
royrules22 7
ScarletFever333 7
SpadeRyker 7
strikersteve60 7
AllHawkeyesGoToHell 8
Cassiyus 8
Corporal_Hicks 8
D1N2Y 8
diehardcubforever 8
DisraeliEers 8
DrKennethJNoisewater 8
frone 8
Hobbes_121 8
jmac_21 8
kflinderman 8
KirbyDumber88 8
lillipup03 8
magnumweiner 8
monkeymatt1836 8
OldCoaly 8
PalmettoFace 8
plannedsickdays 8
Ruhrgebietheld 8
SlaminSammons 8
Sometimeswelose 8
srs_house 8
stew_pac 8 +8
Terminal_BAS 8
tmothy07 8
TopGoose 8
Xtremeloco 8
ya111101 8
AudiieVerbum 9
captain_sasquatch 9
Cars-and-Coffee 9
ChaseTheFalcon 9 +8
Drexlore 9
goodnames679 9
Harpua99 9
Hey_Its_Roomie 9
huskerfan4life520 9
IceColdDrPepper_Here 9
icklebush 9
JBonkies 9 (-) FCS win, never in doubt.
MahjongDaily 9
nemoran 9
Pyroblockx 9
Red261 9
RiffRamBahZoo 9
RollWarTideEagle 9
scronko 9
T-nawtical 9 -1
udubdavid 9
UNC_Samurai 9
vanburen1845 9
wameron 9
BearsAreGreat1 10
bties 10
Buckeyes2010 10
CambodianDrywall 10
DarkLegend64 10
darkra01 10
Darth_Ra 10
Due_Connection179 10 Last Week - #18 // W 41 - 17 at Florida // W 56 - 9 vs Florida A&M Great start to the season by my Canes. Destroying Florida in the Swamp was amazing to see.
EpicSchwinn 10
fadingthought 10
grjohnst 10
halldaylong 10
Hugefootballfan44 10
IAmAChemicalEngineer 10
jjjoebox 10
Klaassy23 10 (LW Change: +1)
Le_Jerk_My_Circle 10
mellolizard 10
Muffinnnnnnn 10
rocco2246 10
shadowwingnut 10 3 Seed vs 6 Missouri/11 USC
tauzeta 10
tdeff19 10
tdoger 10
ALStark69 11 +2
Bank_Gothic 11
bannista7 11
BosskOnASegway 11
Conglossian 11 +2
djowen68 11
Extra_Excrement 11
fo13 11
Hackasizlak 11
HelioOne 11
jeedf 11
jrluhn 11
jthomas694 11
Longvols 11
malowry0124 11
nburt13 11
Player_1_has_Joined 11
Pure_Protein_Machine 11
RegulatorRWF 11
SwissArmyScythe 11
TaylorLeprechaun 11 +7
TheNSAAgent777 11
WarEagle9 11
washington_jefferson 11
Zloggt 11 Is probably indeed a Top Ten team (that I am underranking)...but I'm sure they'll make up ground soon...
70stang 12 Tier 4 - 2-0 Teams with 1 away P5 win and 1 FCS win Miami tops this tier, destroying both Florida in the Swamp and FAMU, leaving nothing in doubt. The Hurricanes are 2-0 with 1 FCS win and 1 away P5 win.
Charlemagne42 12 Best team in the state!
cornholesurfer 12
CptCheese 12
fourpinz8 12
HieloLuz 12 Points: 22.5 | Wins: 1 T5, 1 T7 |
JeromesNiece 12
Lex_Ludorum 12
Maladroit44 12
MemeofMemeJTG999999 12 (2-0) (up 3) W: 56-9 vs Florida A&M (2-1) Next Week: vs Ball State (1-0) Projected Bowl: Orange vs Texas/Northern Illinois
one98d 12
Pikachu1989 12
Pollaski 12
romulusjsp 12 (+5) Idk man the rest of these rankings are a bit of a mess, I don't really have faith in the Canes, but can't really justify putting anyone else this high
ruwisc 12
sasmith2015 12
Staind075 12
Striker743 12
TDenverFan 12
the_neverdoctor 12
titansfan174 12
bakonydraco 13 76.404
bretticus33 13 Easy expected win. Move up due to chaos
ewolfy13 13 Miami is good, so far. Need to see a real test because Florida wasnt it
NyquillusDillwad20 13
fredmerc111 14 LW: NR
galacticdude7 14
Noelthemexican 14
owlalwaysloveyew 14
placid_salad 15 LW: #25
RJEP22 15 (2-0) 95.591 pts
RobertNeyland 15
studio_sally 15
Joester09 16
bwburke94 17
skuhlke 17
TheZachster 18
w8w8 18
MrTheSpork 19
SharkMovies 19
TadKosciuszko 20
the_lost_carrot 20
ToeInDigDeep 20
cyberchaox 21
HHcougar 21
NotSoSuperNerd 21 0.498 (8.5-3.5)
cvsprinter1 23
jimbobbypaul 24
A_Rolling_Baneling 25

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
big_thunder_man 3 Win over Florida was great, and looked just as good against Florida A&M.
cnpeters 3
grahamca 3 T1ˢᵗ W/L, T1ˢᵗ Predicted Wins, 14ᵗʰ Team Strength, 6ᵗʰ Quality of Wins
isrealball 3
josh55134 3
STL_12 3
charmingcharles2896 4 Continuing to impress
Laschoni 4
PattyKane16 4
samtaylor92 4
Sebene 4
AdministrativeAnt683 5
cheeks_mcgoo 5
chillmagic420 5
daredassdude 5
GavRunsTheTrap 5
Living_Human 5
LonghornInNebraska 5
MainPeanut25 5
Milflover69cbb 5 I’m buying in now to the hype train
ntny 5 Demolished Florida
SaveTheCombees10 5
Underground_Bread 5
WebfootTroll 5
Xy13 5
Yelich04 5 ^3
_Junk_Rat_ 6
ActuallyJasonPrice 6
Burnsite 6
camus69x 6
Cdsnz23 6
drneilpretenamen 6
eddietheintern 6 Ward looks really good but slightly inconsistent. Considered actually putting them over Ole Miss because Miami has actually been tested but they just don't look as confident
enneper4 6
FlashSpider-man 6
mathmanhale 6
Protoco2 6
soonertiger 6
spaceblev11 6
tcomn 6 Group B
The_Candler 6
thehornedlamb 6
TheSleaze22 6
wittingtarsier 6
_JustinTheGreat_ 7
Bereft13 7 Power: 8, SoR: 15; LW: 7
BoukenGreen 7
Cooliamabeast 7
Crelc3 7
DaewooLanosMFerr 7
FoRtNiteizBAD 7
JordanDean04 7
MajikSix 7
McIntyre2K7 7
Midnight-Mustang 7
mountain_troop86 7
NA_Faker 7
notsaying123 7
Omegaus492 7
Piptit 7
quantum_jedi 7 Took care of business. Unclear when the Hurricanes will meet their first real test.
RadiationRichard 7 LW - 6
RipRaycom 7
SaguaroCactus19 7
schneeplehoppen 7
sconbon 7
ScooterLeShooter 7
TheFalconGuy 7
TKFT_ExTr3m3 7 Beat a bad Florida team easily, crushed Florida AM who is at least a decent FCS school
tyy1117 7
AccessPhysical7252 8
Aggravating-Steak-69 8
alttabbins 8
bolts_win_again 8
Butternades 8
cookie__monster___ 8
CriterionCrypt 8
dawgfan24348 8
DillyDillySzn 8
DownshiftGD 8
dubkent 8
Effective-Lead-6657 8
gonshpreds1 8
Got_That_WeeFee 8
greysatire 8
Jay_Dubbbs 8
jonstark19 8 +3
journey1986 8
JustAGuy7915 8
jwrtf 8
KansasChaser2021 8
kevinsdomain 8
ManiacalBlazer 8
mcdsmaster8824 8
Mossed26 8
mthompson2320 8 LW: 8
nebsA1 8
pianoprofiteer 8
SNjr 8
spicywarlock73 8
TheGlassRemains 8
tms42206 8
True_Ad5324 8
trust_the_process__ 8
twr96 8
UTTuba16 8
Wumbology724 8
Astone1996 9
bostonboy08 9
ClandestineFox 9
daa4th 9
dheck2016 9
divey043 9
dterp13 9
EBuckhouse 9
HopefulReb76 9
JackWK_Gaming 9
Jacob_Sumner 9
JJones927 9
Josh_historybuff 9 56-9 vs Florida A&M
kcvtdc 9
Kirkwood641 9
loganisfresh 9 W 56-9 vs Florida A&M
luciusetrur 9 LW: #16 Change: +7
Menktenk 9
MuhMuhManRay 9
OSUfan88 9
sammyt21 9
scsd4222 9
Serenityy8 9
Shion314 9
sirvalkyerie 9 Beating bad teams the way a good team should.
slatibartifast3 9
smtgcleverhere 9
theopression 9
Tylex123 9
ziggysaysnada 9
_TGT7 10 +5
Aidanj927 10
Airweldon 10
AnAngryPanda1 10
bigred91224 10
brihimia 10
carsonivey72 10
chief_sitass 10
ConstantPause1239 10
donbagert 10 A definite surprise so far.
Fghjkdid911 10
gavinw24 10
HideNZeke 10
hurricaneatx 10 (2-0) -
jackmc04 10 (+3)
maxwell6233 10
mfraga66 10
Minnesnowtaaa 10
mr_longfellow_deeds 10
Noahsince2002 10
PSUMediaPA 10
PsychologicalFox8660 10
RubbleHome 10
silfarion10 10
SomerandomIDFBfan 10
spencej98 10
supercon21 10
tbutrie1916 10
thatoneguyD13 10 Tier 3.
TheQuakinator 10
Tornadohunter24 10 [+1] [2-0] I'm not sure what to make of the Hurricanes. They've taken care of business so far, blowing out Florida in Gainesville during Week 1 before shutting out FCS Florida A&M in Week 2, but it's clear that the Gators aren't really that good, so it's uncertain where the Hurricanes stand. No further P5 opponents until next month doesn't help clear out things either, though maybe the South Florida game in 2 weeks might illuminate some weaknesses (if any exist).
willbill182 10
70277027 11
ALToidzz 11
BertGallagher 11
BoilerUp28 11
bruhstevenson 11 Another good win this week; going to Florida and winning by a ton is doing the heavy lifting at the moment
BuckeyeForLife95 11
CallingUagoatUgoat 11
dubscurry30 11
ianmcmoney 11
Luigiatl 11
mill1634 11
munchermode 11
OSU_Shecter 11
TheBeekman8 11 They won
Thehomelessguy11 11
thejus10 11
Tight_Discipline_134 11
vindictivejazz 11
WBLwiffleball 11
WRSpill 11 (12)
brucewaynewins 12
ChBass 12
Chipsahoy523 12
ElyxUW 12
geauxsaints777 12
Maxdarkfire 12
Mynameisdiehard 12
RedBarracuda25 12 I know it's still early in the year Miami where we get our hopes too high but THEY LOOK GOOD. I guess time will tell but the only P4 CFB team in the state of Florida is flying
Salmon-Dude 12
saquad69 12
scottyjetpax 12
Scruggerboy 12
Sflabuckeye13 12
slashbopzing 12
Sp1cyRice 12 (-7)
tatteredgnome_23 12
usernamegoeshere763 12
civfan5843 13
xX_GIGA_MAN_Xx 13 probably the favorites for the ACC now that everyone else is dogshit. we'll see if that lasts. they will fuck it up eventually
hoovereatscowpoop 14 Tier - We'll know soon if they're for real
OCD3ds 14
Spazzatack 14
throwaway_6786 14 A win over FAMU won't do much for the Hurricanes on its own, but Miami, like many teams around this area, is the beneficiary of losses and poor performances from teams that were ahead of them last week. The schedule is fairly light for Cristobal and crew, so they'll have to continue to dominate in order to move up the rankings.
Fantastic-Calendar-9 15 LW: 19
Arvandu 16
doctrhouse 16
BeyondLiesTheWub 17 -6, not sure what the model doesn't like but they're passing the eye test so far. Will start manually moving them up if they keep playing well once they start facing quality opponents.
msonar623 17
Ok_Welcome_6684 17
SpursUpSoundsGudToMe 17
yesiambear 17
FigletPiglet 18 +6
leadbymight 18
The_Stratman 18
TheReformedBadger 18
Mayonezee 19
LoCh0_xX 20
GenuineBoss 23
LongjumpingState9635 24 +NR
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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