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2024 Preseason Auburn Tigers Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
A_Rolling_Baneling 17
skuhlke 18
CambodianDrywall 19
fadingthought 19
noahthearc 21
Charlemagne42 22 With eight home games, Auburn can count on the spirits of the ancestors buried under Jordan-Hare to make their season exciting. If they can harness the chaos, Auburn can win all of those home games. But, their four away games may be their four toughest games: Georgia, Alabama, Mizzou, and Kentucky. In order to end the season ranked Auburn will need to steal at least one of those. Can they do it?
bakonydraco 23 68.174
JeromesNiece 23
BigBoutros 24
nw____ 24
RJEP22 24 68.91
Terminal_BAS 25

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
Protoco2 12
STL_12 18 Auburn jumps USC compared to computer
FigletPiglet 22 +26
TxCincy 22
asbestosman2 24
slatibartifast3 24
doctrhouse 25
GreenAndYellow12 25 Freeze is a great coach, their WRs are young but should be good, they improved on the line, their defense is good but not great. Most Important Game: Sept. 28 vs Oklahoma
Milflover69cbb 25 I legitimately think this team could win 3 games or be top 5
spencej98 25
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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