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2024 Preseason Iowa Hawkeyes Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
retnuh101 10
Charlemagne42 12 Death, taxes, Iowa punting their way to a 10-2 record. This time the pathway is pretty obvious. They play 3 teams I have ranked here. Only Ohio State is ranked ahead of them. Both the Badgers and the Huskies have to go to Kinnick. Iowa might have the easiest schedule in power football, and they will ride it to one of the rarest achievements: a win total greater than their PPG.
Darth_Ra 12
_fastball 13
fredmerc111 14
noahthearc 14
BosskOnASegway 15
djowen68 15
halldaylong 15
RegulatorRWF 15
Ruhrgebietheld 15
eclectic_tastes 16
Longvols 16
PlactusTX 16
shadowwingnut 16
spsellers 16
dan4223 17
deadtofall12 17
TaylorLeprechaun 17
Branzilla91 18
bwburke94 18
Corgi_Koala 18
NyquillusDillwad20 18
spmartin1993 18
diehardcubforever 19
goodnames679 19
HelioOne 19
jthomas694 19
Rakarei 19
RiffRamBahZoo 19
sasmith2015 19
T-Thugs 19
52hoova 20
Cassiyus 20
Harpua99 20
Helifino 20
malowry0124 20
monkeymatt1836 20
nbingham196 20
outthawazoo 20
SteemieRayVaughn 20
Striker743 20
titansfan174 20
ChaseTheFalcon 21
Dropbackandpunt 21
GeauxTri 21
Hackasizlak 21
jjjoebox 21
plannedsickdays 21
The_Good_Constable 21
tmothy07 21
AllHawkeyesGoToHell 22
ard8 22
AudiieVerbum 22
BananaBouquet 22
Blooblod 22
buckeyes75 22
BUSean 22
CFBHurts 22
coletheredditer 22 Dominant D + competent QB = success?
GoBlueScrewOSU7 22
Pure_Protein_Machine 22
SpadeRyker 22
tdoger 22
TheNSAAgent777 22
w8w8 22
12panther 23
A_Rolling_Baneling 23
ALStark69 23 -2 Dropped out: 20 Louisville, 22 NC State, 23 Liberty, 25 West Virginia
Blazeth 23
CptCheese 23
ehoefler 23
jaybigs 23
jeedf 23
MahjongDaily 23
WarEagle9 23
Zloggt 23 No more nepobaby! Yay!!! And see how gaining even some offense will change things...
bakonydraco 24 68.108
Bank_Gothic 24
DarkLegend64 24
darkra01 24
Due_Connection179 24
fourpinz8 24
galacticdude7 24
grjohnst 24
grtgbln 24
Jakesnake42 24
jmac_21 24
magnumweiner 24
manbeardawg 24
mellolizard 24
OldCoaly 24
practicallybert 24
ReallyCreative 24
Terminal_BAS 24
ya111101 24
BamaPride95 25
colton_97 25
CommodoreN7 25
Daigotsu 25
Drexlore 25
jrluhn 25 Next 5 (in no order): Louisville, VT, SMU, Boise St, and Washington
kamiller2020 25
Pollaski 25
tdeff19 25

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
cfbpeoplespoll 7
ChBass 8
IDropFatLogs 9
TheSleaze22 12
sconbon 14
Sflabuckeye13 14
EBuckhouse 15
penix4heisman 15
inconvenientpoop 16
Spazzatack 16
cookie__monster___ 18
dubscurry30 18
Milflover69cbb 18 Best d in the country not even Johnny sins can compete
Tornadohunter24 18
bethe2ndmouse 19
boomersooner222 19
chillmagic420 19
ConstantPause1239 19
demolisty24 19
Effective-Lead-6657 19
FloridaBoy317 19
pianoprofiteer 19
Salmon-Dude 19
thatoneguyD13 19 Tier 4. Defense figures to be great but can the new OC get their offense going?
TheFalconGuy 19
True_Ad5324 19 Could crash the playoff
666haha 20 I hate ranking them, but their defense will still be excellent and the offense can't get worse.
Bereft13 20 Power: 20
cnpeters 20
Coteup 20
Dobbins 20
donbagert 20
Esb5415 20
gavinw24 20
journey1986 20
MajikSix 20
mcdsmaster8824 20
mill1634 20
soonertiger 20
sroach91 20
xX_GIGA_MAN_Xx 20 Unburdened by what has been concerning their former offensive coordinator, they have a chance to truly create a national powerhouse team with their all powerful defense. unfortunately, from what I have seen from their scrimmage stats, that is very unlikely to happen. Oh well. Their defense will probably carry them to a 10-2, 9-3 record and a potential B1G championship game and maybe playoff game. If their relatively light schedule plays to their favor, they could also go 11-1. That would be interesting. Real 4-horse race for the B1G Championship.
bthombeast 21
BuckeyeForLife95 21
dawgfan24348 21
Menktenk 21
Mossed26 21
Noahsince2002 21
Ok_Welcome_6684 21 Yes, Cade McNamara looked awful in practice, but this is Iowa. If they can get ranked #2 with Spencer Petras, anything is possible.
oneforthehaters 21
schneeplehoppen 21
tatteredgnome_23 21
The_Stratman 21
TheQuakinator 21
ActuallyJasonPrice 22
AdministrativeAnt683 22
CriterionCrypt 22
Dan20698 22
Dawg-Bite 22
DillyDillySzn 22
dubkent 22
Jay_Dubbbs 22
jonstark19 22
lowcontrol 22
luciusetrur 22
newSomberMan 22
saquad69 22
slatibartifast3 22
sly2bfox 22
SNjr 22
Underground_Bread 22
Arvandu 23
FlashSpider-man 23
ianmcmoney 23
MainPeanut25 23
ScooterLeShooter 23
ScraaaaaaaambledEggs 23
Sp1cyRice 23 I'm very interested in how Iowa will fare with an offense not being run by Brian Ferentz
Ute32 23
Aggravating-Steak-69 24
brucewaynewins 24
Chipsahoy523 24
Kirkwood641 24
ManiacalBlazer 24
Shion314 24
why_doineedausername 24
akyankee 25
AnAngryPanda1 25
bruhstevenson 25
camus69x 25
dheck2016 25
hoovereatscowpoop 25 Tier - It's Iowa
mport97 25
nebsA1 25
samtaylor92 25
tbutrie1916 25
TheBeekman8 25
throwaway_6786 25
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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