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2022 Week 13 South Carolina Gamecocks Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
plannedsickdays 17
ThaCarter 19
Ch-i-ef 21
kamiller2020 21
Rakarei 21
LeWoofle 22 Excellent dismantling of a still very dangerous Tennessee team.
ryumast3r 22
52hoova 23
BigBoutros 23
BlueFalcon89 23
deadtofall12 23
JCiLee 23
Longvols 23
PalmettoFace 23
T-nawtical 23
admiraltarkin 24
AllHawkeyesGoToHell 24
BlueSCar 24
Cassiyus 24
CFBHurts 24
conchobor 24
cornholesurfer 24
Daigotsu 24
Disregardskarma 24
dogwoodmaple 24
fadingthought 24
GilBrandt 24 NEW
MoneyManeVick 24
Omegaus492 24
PumpSmash 24
T-Thugs 24 South Carolina is 7-4 and has a really nice win over Tennessee (9-2)
tauzeta 24
TheZachster 24
Thorteris 24
typicaliconoclast 24
wameron 24
aggiebruin27 25
BorisNumber1 25
bretticus33 25 South Carolina delivered the shock result of the weekend when they obliterated Tennessee. Shane Beamer’s name will be coming up in head coaching searches and he’ll be an even hotter commodity if his Gamecocks can beat Clemson and end their CFP dreams.
cmdrcaboose2 25
CockADoodleBOOM 25
creative_penguin 25
DarthYoda2594 25 This is more of a 1-week reward - If the offense looked like that in any of their flat games (Florida, Georgia), they'd be talked about with Texas among the kind-of unlucky losers
DavoinShower-handle 25
Extra_Excrement 25
fourpinz8 25
GoBlueScrewOSU7 25
HelioOne 25
I_am_bot_beep_boop 25
jrichardh 25
kdcoltred 25
Keener1899 25
Knightro2011 25
MahjongDaily 25
Mr_Brews 25
MrTheSpork 25
ProbablyRickSantorum 25
royrules22 25
SlaminSammons 25
Sproded 25
tdeff19 25
The_Horse_Joke 25
Ticklebump 25
UNC_Samurai 25
wesman212 25

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
asbestosman2 20 Great win against Tennessee
HideNZeke 20
OldCoaly 20
patriots230 21
PattyKane16 21
siggyrambler 21
TheFalconGuy 21
_n8n8_ 22
CheapTrickIsOkay 22 1992
ETHTrillionaire 22
nakeddogs 22
Piptit 22
10catsinspace 23
decencymoss 23 W vs. Tennessee, 63-38
DownshiftGD 23
grtgbln 23
LamarcusAldrige1234 23
PSUMediaPA 23
PythonLemon 23
Underground_Bread 23
BearsAreGreat1 24
D1N2Y 24 NR
DaewooLanosMFerrr 24
dusklord1 24
Gnarlybro365 24 Amazing game against Tennessee, enough to be the best 4 loss team in my opinion
GoCardinals74 24
Grizzly_96 24
kclem33 24
Pyroblockx 24
TheOutlier1 24
WBLwiffleball 24
AnAngryPanda1 25
bruhstevenson 25
catman1256 25
ChaseTheFalcon 25
dawgfan24348 25
diehardcubforever 25
Fantastic-Calendar-9 25 LW: NR
FsuNolezz 25
HappyDuck123 25
jthomas694 25
mauliknshah 25
muzikjamr 25
redrumsoxLoL 25
secoja8 25
thelawlesspizza 25 impressive win
Yelich04 25
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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