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2012 Week 2 South Carolina Gamecocks Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
jcornelius84 3
super-rad 4
amazedandconfused 5
FAderp91 5
kflinderman 5
pascha 5
snwidget 5
acquiescing 6
Blindward 6
buckeyewx 6
eHawleywood 6
Emit_Remmus_ 6
felatiodeltoro 6
khalorei 6
nyrfan317 6
simpletrouserbeacon 6
Zeitskeet 6
Anaharat 7
apfpilot 7
brtucker 7
BUSean 7
ClemsonPoker 7
ctblues24 7
efilon 7
GhostdadUC 7
GNicholson25 7
Jakegarr 7
Khavanon 7
kylethemachine 7
lardmannont 7
mikejarrell 7
slntkilla 7
ss33o23 7
Texasagsman 7
the_chandler 7
theonetheonly55 7
turkishguy 7
TwoAngryFigs 7
1darkadonis 8
andhelostthem 8
asullivanmusic 8
bigbays 8
billybobskcor 8
bobosaurs 8
boxbeat 8
Branzilla91 8
cited 8
Darth_Sensitive 8
fshi 8
grjohnst 8
hehateme29 8
incandescence14 8
ItzATarp 8
jam3p 8
jdhall010 8
jkeena88 8
jwstark 8
K_U 8
Kickit2Peterson7 8
Lkr721993 8
mmmtoastmmm 8
peterrabbit2010 8
RomanCandle332 8
RudolphRed 8
snappyj 8
StinsonBeach 8
thatguy2014 8
ToxicSteve13 8
a_haar 9
aaaangiemarie 9
Addyct 9
aewilliam 9
awesomedave680 9
blackeagle613 9
bofa-on-the-sofa 9
burn_all_the_things 9
cons 9
dahvdahv 9
donvito7335 9
elgambino 9
finallycreatedaname 9
gmnitsua 9
hardaysknight 9
iusethistosavelinks 9
jerry8135 9
jlh2b 9
jormson 9
kohltrain917 9
kturner24 9
Nixon_Corral 9
njm1314 9
nolez 9
Nostroloppoccus 9
Orikfricai 9
Polarbear1914 9
scronko 9
Skylink 9
SpecialAgentScrotes 9
spsellers 9
Sstewa2 9
stewyg27 9
studio_sally 9
tallg8tor 9
taloncarde 9
thenotoriousjwb 9
therealdudditz 9
trickdiesel 9
UpsideButNotDown 9
WaffleIron278 9
wambotron 9
Wiremonkey 9
wvucoop2134 9
abdalfarn 10
Ad_Vance 10
ApplejackOfMyEye 10
bharmon 10
cataphoresis 10
cfbguy 10
chaaarles 10
Corporal_Hicks 10
CowOfSteel 10
cquinnc 10
dabul-master 10
dances_with_ibprofen 10
Dmtry 10
dvdov 10
epicschwinn 10
Hestkuk 10
hurgh55 10
hyp3rfastrxn 10
ixcuincle 10
jeffgoodt 10
kama_river 10
marcellnation 10
moose512 10
MustangDude69 10
patsyanks06 10
peteisneat 10
pl02pl 10
Race_banyon 10
ScorpionsSpear 10
Shitrus 10
SmokingCricket 10
SnrNC 10
SPRX97 10
sychosomat 10
tcurox112 10
Techwid 10
TrailerTrashBandit 10
trolledbytech 10
warox13 10
wcalvert 10
WharFalcon 10
abcruz52 11
Ambitiousdreamer 11
Apep86 11
Bobtheweedbunny 11
Cozyheartache 11
demeteloaf 11
DoomCrew 11
Dukes1320 11
FellKnight 11
Harry_B_C_Dresden 11
ikariwarrior 11
imsoupercereal 11
indexspartan 11
jacketit 11
jland445 11
jv27071 11
kip256 11
KommanderKeen-a42 11
oest 11
PapaMauMau 11
piontek15 11
profhoogs 11
RagingWombats 11
s0nopritch 11
SailorBexar 11
Squishy33 11
strungoutonsix 11
tayloraugustus 11
toocoofoschool 11
TossedRightOut 11
trauma_alert 11
wild9 11
Xtremeloco 11
zdc 11
zomglolreddit 11
Acm0028 12
andthatswhyyoudont 12
Balrog_of_Morgoth 12
bobwoodshed 12
delsol5117 12
discobreakin 12
DisgruntledElf 12
DuckDuckMooose 12
ehlu15 12
ElMatadorBorracho 12
gbuntin 12
HeWhoLurksALot 12
IAmLyingRightNow 12
itstractor 12
jbolling 12
laminak 12
mcraft07 12
mildlypeeved 12
mnyquist 12
myghtymouse 12
Nano4473 12
Nelson_Mandela_Jr 12
OhSoMexicellent 12
One_Quick_Question 12
Phantom_Absolute 12
plurge 12
Rapsca 12
ribread3 12
rossbk 12
SouthlandScion 12
Typicalseminole 12
Wescat 12
wick36 12
152515 13
azwethinkweizm 13
dannylandulf 13
darkknight4686 13
darth_turtle 13
Dawgclaw 13
geauxtothetop 13
jallen3 13
jcbeam 13
life_is_okay 13
madviking 13
mthompson720 13
NatecUDF 13
neverdonebefore 13
plannedsickdays 13
Provid3nce 13
redbenn 13
rooge77 13
SCsprinter13 13
senorthunder 13
shryne 13
tflordmalakt 13
Weagle 13
ac1colossus 14
cliffhanger407 14
Derek2k3 14
DisraeliEers 14
jrhaberman 14
mikelj 14
NeededLogic 14
nuxenolith 14
sev09 14
stat-quo 14
The_Thane_Of_Cawdor 14
wafflesnsyrup 14
xavierwest 14
burgler 15
DarthYoda2594 15
dybuell 15
ExternalTangents 15
flipadelphia17 15
foretopsail 15
jdoublee5000 15
kojak2091 15
november5th 15
Penny_Henny 15
shoopderp 15
sirgippy 15
theaustinkid 15
WeenisWrinkle 15
cowme 16
luis1972 16
patlanips11 16
Razzrax 16
ronpaul012 16
ThaCarter 16
UNC_Samurai 16
why_so_sirius 16
87broseidon 17
ajd3886 17
buttlordZ 17
dothemath 17
dsampson92 17
motbob 17
piccolo1228 17
RSR390 17
WuTangConnor 17
Bum_bacon 18
jeedf 18
kamkazemoose 18
mellolizard 18
Red261 18
ttsci 18
bissimo 19
cometparty 19
gms212 19
MC_Grandesize 19
RealMikeDiesel 19
superdeej 19
TheCid 19
uwbjb 20
gaybachelor 21
cblaines 22
ChickenTaco 22
Arronwy 23
saladbar 24
red_firetruck 25

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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