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2014 Week 6 South Carolina Gamecocks Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
beardown1983 12
ryumast3r 12
marcellnation 13
UNC_Samurai 13
gms212 14
redmachined 15
galacticdude7 16
uwbjb 16
Frognosticator 18
LeinadSpoon 18
152515 19
FatWhiteGuy49 19
SantiagoRamon 19
sirgippy 19
Cars-and-Coffee 20
Imregular 20
jeedf 20
qacha 20
stormstopper 20
ToxicSteve13 20
burgler 21
nemoran 21
slntkilla 21
taloncarde 21
Bilibond 22
CFSparta92 22
ChickenTaco 22
davoinshower-handle 22
r0sco 22
03040905 23
ExternalTangents 23
mellolizard 23
MrDoctorSmartyPants 23
pascha 23
WeenisWrinkle 23
kelling928 24
MammothMan34 24
mildlypeeved 24
NatecUDF 24
pufan321 24
Saxasaurus 24
scronko 24
ThaCarter 24
atchemey 25
Corporal_Hicks 25
dannylandulf 25
felatiodeltoro 25
kflinderman 25
qacha 25
StickerBrush 25
watchpigsfly 25

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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