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2015 Week 11 LSU Tigers Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
FellKnight 4
LeinadSpoon 4
pascha 4
slntkilla 4
DelphicLike 5
aubieismyhomie 6
Californie_cramoisie 6
ExternalTangents 6
flipadelphia17 6
kflinderman 6
mildlypeeved 6
RobertNeyland 6
sideoutpar 6
sirgippy 6
T-Thugs 6
TheCid 6
vanburen1845 6
bread_buddy 7
ChickenTaco 7
CountryRoads8 7
DeKaF 7
djmoody90 7
eclectic_tastes 7
Emperor_of_Orange 7
emueagles 7
G-Aardvark 7
GeneralGBO 7
GiveMeSomeRaptorNews 7
marcellnation 7
nataliieportman 7
NatecUDF 7
pbjork 7
StickerBrush 7
tmart12 7
wackywiener 7
152515 8
aguyfromthewest 8
Alpha_Orange 8
BabyBladder 8
bfizzledizzle 8
boxbeat 8
brobroma 8
buckeyegold 8
cmdrcaboose2 8
Corporal_Hicks 8
d_mcc_x 8
DafoeFoSho 8
DarthYoda2594 8
DonnieNarco 8
dybuell 8
fshi 8
Gryfer 8
hythloday1 8
jklharris 8
jrichardh 8
key_lime_pie 8
KobeOrNotKobe 8
Laschoni 8
Luriker 8
monotonemr 8
myghtymouse 8
nin478 8
nolez 8
PalmettoFace 8
pmartin0079 8
Polarbear1914 8
polydorr 8
RagingWombats 8
SantiagoRamon 8
Saxasaurus 8
scootmcgroot 8
scotsworth 8
seaotter2 8
stormstopper 8
The_DHC 8
TimeBroken 8
topher3003 8
trumpet_23 8
ucieaters33 8
UNC_Samurai 8
52hoova 9
Acm0028 9
atchemey 9
bakonydraco 9
boonamobile 9
BorisNumber1 9
bothra 9
bties 9
CambodianDrywall 9
Darth_Sensitive 9
DFWTooThrowed 9
DisraeliEers 9
djowen68 9
DoctorWhosOnFirst 9
Dropbackandpunt 9
dupreesdiamond 9
edinatlanta 9
FatWhiteGuy49 9
felatiodeltoro 9
fitzmauricet 9
GilBrandt 9
Grimbo_Reaper 9
hawkspur1 9
Hummer77x 9
icklebush 9
indexspartan 9
jeedf 9
Jeric_B 9
jlh2b 9
JonesUCF34 9
kelling928 9
Khavanon 9
KingKliffsbury 9
laminak 9
MammothMan34 9
neovenator250 9
nikolajz1 9
niperwiper 9
nuxenolith 9
OhGad 9
orangeslash 9
Rapsca 9
Red261 9
roneman815 9
runujhkj 9
ryseing 9
SCRx 9
SCsprinter13 9
Sophocles5 9
stephenbawesome 9
tallg8tor 9
taloncarde 9
TDenverFan 9
Texasagsman 9
TopheryG8er 9
TossedRightOut 9
uwbjb 9
WarEagle9 9
wazoheat 9
Zerosa 9
Andaldo 10
BallSoHerd 10
Balrog_of_Morgoth 10
bernkastel87 10
Branzilla91 10
cfbguy 10
ChicagoKoolAid 10
Daigotsu 10
deadtofall12 10
esoterik 10
Frognosticator 10
funtubs 10
galacticdude7 10
gms212 10
grjohnst 10
groggydog 10
IAmAChemicalEngineer 10
ItsZizk 10
LEGEN--wait_for_it 10
LiptonCB 10
mellolizard 10
Mr_Metagross 10
No_Way_Pablo 10
owl_man 10
pash1k 10
plannedsickdays 10
RiffRamBahZoo 10
Scrantonbornboy 10
SmokingCricket 10
spsellers 10
srs_house 10
strikersteve60 10
sychosomat 10
WhoaABlueCar 10
Xtremeloco 10
03040905 11
ApplejackOfMyEye 11
bluegrassborn 11
Cars-and-Coffee 11
Cecil_Hardboner 11
CFSparta92 11
Fcc4life 11
freebirdcrowe 11
nemoran 11
remwin 11
scronko 11
smills79 11
SurpriseSalami 11
ToxicSteve13 11
Wescat 11
Buckeyes2010 12
buckeyes75 12
BUSean 12
HelioOne 12
SPRX97 12
Techwid 12
theCANCERbat 12
ttsci 12
turtle_flu 12
Atoodope 13
ChemicalOle 13
Harry_B_C_Dresden 13
MrTheSpork 13
mynameisjona 13
qacha 13
Smidgens 13
TheTeamCubed 13
Apep86 14
epmatsw 14
njm1314 14
dabul-master 15
ThaCarter 15
gbuntin 16
pitchesandthrows 16
Fifth_Down 17
kelctex 17
ProbablyRickSantorum 17
digdat0 18
ryumast3r 18
TotalEconomist 18
HarbingerOfFun 20
cliffhanger407 22

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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