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2024 Final Oregon Ducks Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
hypercube42342 1
NotSoSuperNerd 1 3.516 (13-1)
SearonTrejorek 1 0.91324
10catsinspace 2
52hoova 2
Acm0028 2
BananaBouquet 2
Blazeth 2
Blooblod 2
Charlemagne42 2 769
Colton3690 2
Corgi_Koala 2 Split 2 games with the national champion. Undefeated otherwise. Wins over Boise and PSU in the playoff field. I know they lack playoff wins and got bounced by OSU but I give them the edge over ND.
creative_penguin 2
cvsprinter1 2
dabul-master 2
Daigotsu 2
dan4223 2
DrKennethJNoisewater 2
eclectic_tastes 2
esoterik 2
GoBlueScrewOSU7 2
huskerfan4life520 2
joebob431 2
jthomas694 2 Only lost one game, to the National Champs, who they also have a win over
Klaassy23 2
Lex_Ludorum 2
MADBuc49 2 -1. Ranked wins: Boise State, Illinois, Ohio State, Penn State
Maladroit44 2
malowry0124 2
Muffinnnnnnn 2
nbingham196 2
nburt13 2
Noelthemexican 2
NyquillusDillwad20 2
OKgolfer 2
olmsted 2
outthawazoo 2
Player_1_has_Joined 2
Polarbear1914 2
puffadda 2
Pure_Protein_Machine 2
Pyroblockx 2
redrumsoxLoL 2
RegionalBias 2 Best record in football. Beat two of the current top five.
RegulatorRWF 2
SCsprinter13 2
SlaminSammons 2
SwissArmyScythe 2 -1
tallg8tor 2
TaylorLeprechaun 2 -1
theb52 2 76.679
TouchdownHeroes 2
velociraptorfarmer 2
Xtremeloco 2
a_bit_of_a_misnomer_ 3
A_Rolling_Baneling 3
aggiebruin27 3
bakonydraco 3 88.155
BallSoHerd 3
BearsAreGreat1 3
BlueSCar 3
BosskOnASegway 3
boxbeat 3
bretticus33 3 Overall, it was a great season for Oregon. They won 13 games, won the B1G in their first season, finally beat Washington, had a Heisman finalist, and were the #1 team for most of the season. Problem is the ending completely soured it, and this wasn’t the format’s fault. Oregon was gonna have to play a team like Ohio State eventually, and they came completely unprepared for the game.
Buckeyes2010 3
BUSean 3
bwburke94 3 +18.5010188 (LW: #1)
CambodianDrywall 3
captain_sasquatch 3
Cassiyus 3
Cecil_Hardboner 3
cfbguy 3
CFBHurts 3
chweris 3
coletheredditer 3 Oregon, Hit, Called them the best team on paper, they weren't
ColombianInIowa24 3 Bruh, what the hell. Gets this spot for season but what a choke.
CommodoreN7 3
conchobor 3
CPiGuy2728 3
DarkLegend64 3
diehardcubforever 3
DisraeliEers 3
eSpiritCorpse 3 0.9524
ewolfy13 3
Extra_Excrement 3
fadingthought 3
fo13 3
fredmerc111 3
frone 3
galacticdude7 3
GatorBolt 3 Oof. When ranking the teams who fell short I thought about things a bit, but Oregon deserves to stay as high up as #3. They still went 13-1 and won the Big Ten. Just that 1 hurts big time though.
GenialGiant 3
goodnames679 3
grtgbln 3
Hackasizlak 3
halldaylong 3
HarbingerOfFun 3
Helifino 3
Hey_Its_Roomie 3
Hobbes_121 3
IAmAChemicalEngineer 3
ikindalikelemons 3
infinitempg 3 0.868, -2
Inkblot9 3
Jakesnake42 3 87.41 Last Week: #1
JaxofAllTrades13 3
JBonkies 3
jrichardh 3
KirbyDumber88 3
KJdkaslknv 3
LiptonCB 3
MahjongDaily 3
MemeofMemeJTG999999 3 (13-1) (down 2) L: 21-41 vs #7 Ohio State (12-2) (Rose; in Pasadena)
monkeymatt1836 3
ndbroski 3
one98d 3
Our-Gardian-Angel 3
Pablo49 3 4057
placid_salad 3 LW: #1
PlactusTX 3 (1) L 10 Ohio State
Pollaski 3
Rakarei 3
retnuh101 3
ScarletFever333 3
scronko 3
seaotter2 3
shadowwingnut 3
skuhlke 3
SpadeRyker 3
spmartin1993 3
srs_house 3
SteemieRayVaughn 3
stew_pac 3 -2
Striker743 3 Down 2 - self explanatory
stripes361 3
T-Thugs 3 Oregon had a great season despite getting knocked out of the CFP. Finished 13-1 with wins over Ohio State and Penn State.
TadKosciuszko 3
Terminal_BAS 3
texas2089 3
The-Gothic-Castle 3
the_lost_carrot 3
TimeBroken 3
titansfan174 3
tjstanley 3
ToeInDigDeep 3
udubdavid 3
visor841 3
w8w8 3
WarEagle9 3
Zloggt 3 Hey...being a transitive national champion (and also still being THE best team solely in terms of the regular season) can be a decent consolation prize, ah? Hopefully it lifts your spirits while chowing down on bread scraps and chopped grapes...
Apep86 4
bannista7 4
Cars-and-Coffee 4
ehoefler 4 88.69 | -3
frumious88 4
GilBrandt 4
HelioOne 4
HieloLuz 4
IceColdDrPepper_Here 4
jjjoebox 4 Preseason #4
Keener1899 4
kflinderman 4
manbeardawg 4
nemoran 4
nin478 4
noodlethebear 4
PHubbs 4
ReallyCreative 4
sirgippy 4
the_neverdoctor 4
vanburen1845 4
VerySeriousBanana 4
12panther 5
AllHawkeyesGoToHell 5
ALStark69 5 -4
Bank_Gothic 5
BorisNumber1 5
ChaseTheFalcon 5
ChemicalOle 5
cornholesurfer 5
djowen68 5
Doogitywoogity 5
Dropbackandpunt 5
EpicSchwinn 5
GeauxTri 5
Hugefootballfan44 5 LW: 1
JustAManAndHisLaptop 5
Knightro2011 5
lillipup03 5
MemeLovingLoser 5
OldCoaly 5
owl_man 5
Pikachu1989 5
RheagarTargaryen 5
rocco2246 5
royrules22 5
Ruhrgebietheld 5
ShogunAshoka 5
Sometimeswelose 5
strikersteve60 5
T-nawtical 5
tdeff19 5
TDenverFan 5
tks231 5
ya111101 5
_fastball 6
blahblehblahwhoru 6
Corporal_Hicks 6
CptCheese 6
JeromesNiece 6
Staind075 6
UNC_Samurai 6
DampFrijoles 7
RiffRamBahZoo 7
TheNSAAgent777 7
deadtofall12 8
digdat0 8
fourpinz8 8
r0sco 8
Noy_Telinu 9 What the hell happened?!
ExternalTangents 10 Net Rating: 23.04; O: 12.59, O Rank: 6; D: -10.45, D Rank: 16
Fmeson 10

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
asbestosman2 1
Bereft13 1 Power: 3, SoR: 1; LW: 1
CallMeTheKing 1 133-0-0
0010MK 2
666PeaceKeepaGirl 2
bolts_win_again 2
BombayGeeseHunter 2
ChBass 2
dr_funk_13 2
FlashSpider-man 2 They had the best regular season. They lost to the champs, after having a long bye in a year where all 4 teams with byes came out flat footed. I still think they are better than ND
FrontRunner51 2 Beat #1 team and didn't lose to Northern Illinois. Also had a tougher overall schedule than Notre Dame.
g_trechel 2 Only loss was to a team they beat, won conference championship.
GuyOTN 2
ianmcmoney 2
ManiacalBlazer 2
OG_Felwinter 2
PSUMediaPA 2
RealignmentJunkie 2
samspopguy 2
scrambolambo 2
Sflabuckeye13 2
Shion314 2
soonertiger 2
STL_12 2 LW: 1
thehornedlamb 2
wittingtarsier 2
1Subject 3
Arvandu 3
bigred91224 3
brucewaynewins 3
Burns2211 3
Bushken 3 76.90
cookie__monster___ 3
daredassdude 3 Only 1-loss Power 4 team with a loss to the #1 team
dawgfan24348 3
divey043 3
donbagert 3
DownshiftGD 3
dterp13 3
fellohuman77 3
Fghjkdid911 3
fm22fnam 3 -2 Pretty bad loss to Ohio State
GenuineBoss 3
GeyWeyner12 3
Holyachilles04 3
hurricaneatx 3
isrealball 3
JackWK_Gaming 3
JamesDontPlayNoGames 3
Jay_Dubbbs 3
jibberishdhyukl 3
JJones927 3
jonstark19 3 -2
josh55134 3
journey1986 3
JRam01 3
kevinsdomain 3
Laschoni 3
Lefunnymaymays4lief 3
logace444444444 3
loganisfresh 3
Luigiatl 3
maknasty09 3
mcdsmaster8824 3
Mossed26 3
mr_longfellow_deeds 3
ndbfsu22 3
newSomberMan 3
Norleras 3
Omegaus492 3
owl-bears 3
PattyKane16 3
quantum_jedi 3 (-2) Certainly not the way Oregon would have liked to finish the season, but the Ducks should be proud of a terrific season. Look for Oregon to return to the playoffs next year; Lanning is building an empire out West.
Redbogey98 3
Redditor597-13 3
requiemsux 3
RipRaycom 3
RJTrey 3
Roscoe_Filburn 3
saquad69 3
SaveTheCombees10 3
scsd4222 3
SignificanceFirm2398 3
silfarion10 3
SomerandomIDFBfan 3
spaceblev11 3
Spazzatack 3
SpectralHydra 3
SpeddyDawg 3
sroach91 3
stealingchairs 3 only loss was to champs in playoffs AND beat them previously in the season
SufferingfOrLife 3
TheBeekman8 3
ThompsonCreekTiger 3
Tornadohunter24 3 [13-1, 9-0] (-2)
tvjbowe571 3 beat penn st, one loss on the year
willbill182 3
Yelich04 3 v2
ActuallyJasonPrice 4
chillmagic420 4
DillyDillySzn 4
FoRtNiteizBAD 4
GloryReaper_ 4
grahamca 4 1ˢᵗ W/L, T2ⁿᵈ Predicted Wins, 9ᵗʰ Team Strength, 9ᵗʰ Quality of Wins
jwrtf 4
Logamer1012 4
LonghornInNebraska 4
MainPeanut25 4 -3, don’t leave Jeremiah Smith “wide-ass open”
manbeqrpig 4
Mission_Big_2145 4
MotherQuocer 4
PsychologicalFox8660 4
Rcfan0902 4 3314.10
Real_TSwany 4
Resolve-Opening 4
shouldajustsaid_yeah 4
sirvalkyerie 4
solarsnail6 4 1962
Tippyshortmouth 4
TolkienFan71 4
TommyWiseau22 4
WBLwiffleball 4
WebfootTroll 4
ziggysaysnada 4
BoilerUp28 5
Burnsite 5
BYUPollvoter 5
ConstantPause1239 5
dubscurry30 5
geordieColt88 5
Jeff_Banks_Monkey 5
Josh_historybuff 5 21-41 vs Ohio State
kcvtdc 5
leadbymight 5
mountain_troop86 5 They were this good, NC good but came out flat against a team on a mission. It happens
mthompson2320 5 LW: 1
NA_Faker 5
Nath0leon 5
PersianGuitarist 5
Piptit 5
Protoco2 5
SNjr 5
TheReformedBadger 5
TheSleaze22 5
True_Ad5324 5
Crelc3 6
inconvenientpoop 6
mstr_yda 6
Noahsince2002 6
spencej98 6
Versigot 6
buzzingoffthetuffy 7
Chipsahoy523 7
KansasChaser2021 8
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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