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2024 Week 6 Washington State Cougars Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
skuhlke 6
HieloLuz 7 Points: 62 | Wins: 1 T3, 2 T4, 1 T7 | Losses: 1 T2 | 1 WB | 2 WP | 1 LP |
ShogunAshoka 7
YellowSkarmory 8 0.3814
PlactusTX 9 (1) L Boise State
theb52 11 48.600
TadKosciuszko 13
CPiGuy2728 14
Pablo49 14 2386
udubdavid 15
Hey_Its_Roomie 17
Apep86 19
A_Rolling_Baneling 21
hythloday1 21
Jakesnake42 21 71.52 (tie) Last Week: #8
jimbobbypaul 21
lookglen 22
ColombianInIowa24 23 Hangs on despite the extent of the beating received. Like Ole Miss, would likely be removed in full SCF. Up next a frustrated (#77 Fresno State).
Hobbes_121 23
infinitempg 23 0.768 (-21)
jalexjsmithj 23
spasm01 23
Stoneador 23
eSpiritCorpse 24 0.8909
fo13 24
ToeInDigDeep 24
TimeBroken 25 Rank: #29

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
Rcfan0902 9 780.35
1Subject 13
Sp1cyRice 14 (-8)
0010MK 15
ChBass 15
cirtnecoileh 17
STL_12 17 Points: 9.900 LW: N/A
owl-bears 20
cbusalex 22
cfbpeoplespoll 23 87 pts. Previous rank 4.
Effective-Lead-6657 23 (-19)
big_thunder_man 24 Why are they ranked? Because they have the #25 SOR per ESPN, and nobody on the schedule should beat them.
GeyWeyner12 24
mthompson2320 24 LW: 19
msonar623 25 20
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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