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2024 Week 6 Duke Blue Devils Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
ColombianInIowa24 3 Blah blah, see my past polls. What matters is we won the Victory Bell from the University of No Competence. The wounds of refball bailing the Tar Holes out during the last two amazing rivalry games can now fade as scars after my first storming of Brooks Field at Wallace Wade. I will be taking no further comments on this now objectively correct ranking (/s). Up next (#55) Georgia Tech looking to spoil my nascent happiness and hope.
TadKosciuszko 3
70stang 4 Duke is 5-0 with 2 P5 wins including one away, 2 G5 wins including one away, and 1 FCS win. With functionally identical resume, they lose out to Miami due to strength of opponent played. Miami is at 28th, Duke at 89th. However, they are above Indiana due to playing a G5 game away.
A_Rolling_Baneling 4
skuhlke 4
spasm01 4
fo13 5
Pablo49 6 2907
RJEP22 7
Stoneador 8
infinitempg 9 0.885 (+11)
jimbobbypaul 9
udubdavid 9
YellowSkarmory 9 0.3802
cvsprinter1 10
JaxofAllTrades13 10
theb52 10 48.800
dabul-master 12
Daigotsu 12
ehoefler 12 82.47 | +7
SearonTrejorek 12 0.77702
spsellers 12
srs_house 12
T-Thugs 12 Duke is 5-0 with wins over North Carolina (3-2) and Northwestern (2-2)
bakonydraco 13 73.781
OKgolfer 13
olmsted 13
plannedsickdays 13
HarbingerOfFun 14
jrichardh 14
MarlinsGuy 14
Noy_Telinu 14
spmartin1993 14
grjohnst 15
hythloday1 15
Jakesnake42 15 73.90 Last Week: NR
Ruhrgebietheld 15
velociraptorfarmer 15
arrowfan624 16
BenchRickyAguayo 16
blahblehblahwhoru 16
cfbguy 16
Corporal_Hicks 16
LiptonCB 16
Red261 16
ShogunAshoka 16
CFBHurts 17
Charlemagne42 17 Adjustment: 29%
CharlemagneOfTheUSA 17 (NR)
jalexjsmithj 17
MemeLovingLoser 17
NyquillusDillwad20 17
realclean 17 +8
SCsprinter13 17
stew_pac 17 +3
AllHawkeyesGoToHell 18
Apep86 18
Bank_Gothic 18
cyberchaox 18
Hey_Its_Roomie 18
HieloLuz 19 Points: 44.21 | Wins: 3 T5, 2 T7 | 3 WP |
aggiebruin27 20
goblue10 21
JustAManAndHisLaptop 21
BlueSCar 22
DisraeliEers 22
No11223456 22
Noelthemexican 22
redrumsoxLoL 22
rocco2246 22
ToeInDigDeep 22
frumious88 23
Joester09 23
PlactusTX 23 (25) W North Carolina
retnuh101 23
tallg8tor 23
ThaCarter 23
vanburen1845 23
BUSean 24
Drexlore 24
joebob431 24
lookglen 24
owlalwaysloveyew 24
ryseing 24
The-Gothic-Castle 24
bwburke94 25
MoneyManeVick 25
T-nawtical 25 Pittsburgh, Indiana, Utah, Kentucky, Ole Miss, Iowa, Boston College, Navy, James Madison, Nebraska

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
doctrhouse 5
Rcfan0902 6 842.45
STL_12 6 Points: 10.933 LW: N/A
CallMeTheKing 8 47-0-86
cbusalex 8
0010MK 9
boblovespi 9
big_thunder_man 11 They came back from 20 down, but hell. This is not a good team. It just isn't. Rewarding them for being 5-0, but come the freak on. It just is not a great team, even good team by any metric. They're going to lose to SMU, Miami, and Virginia Tech at least.
owl-bears 11
TKFT_ExTr3m3 12
boomersooner222 13
cfbpeoplespoll 13 132 pts Previous rank 16.
Effective-Lead-6657 13 (+9)
quantum_jedi 13 (+1) What a satisfying win for Duke! Like Indiana, the model is very high on the Blue Devils, but they keep winning.
SpeddyDawg 13
1Subject 14
mathmanhale 14
penix4heisman 14
CallingUagoatUgoat 16 T14. 1 SP+ T-50 win (UNC).
ChBass 16
cirtnecoileh 16
Sp1cyRice 16 (+6)
133112 17 As above, a close game, but Duke survives.
cartierboy25 17
FlashSpider-man 17
RealignmentJunkie 18
CakeEaters 19
SquadPoopy 19
wittingtarsier 19
HoustonHorns 20
dukemetoo 21
Tornadohunter24 21
tcomn 22 Group F
PSUMediaPA 23
WRSpill 23 (24)
funt9rtle 24
Aggravating-Steak-69 25
leadbymight 25
mcdsmaster8824 25
Serenityy8 25
TheSleaze22 25
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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