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2024 Week 2 Miami Hurricanes Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
BallSoHerd 2
Corgi_Koala 2
tallg8tor 2
Doogitywoogity 3 The Hurricanes may have just accelerated plans to fire Billy Napier substantially. Thoroughly embarrassing the Gators must feel nice. Cam looked great, and they have a 26 year old lining up vs college kids.
HarbingerOfFun 3
lookglen 3
nbingham196 3
arrowfan624 4
CommodoreN7 4
Hey_Its_Roomie 4
JustAManAndHisLaptop 4
VerySeriousBanana 4
70stang 5 Miami won away against Florida
Acm0028 5
buckeyes75 5
eclectic_tastes 5
frone 5
jalexjsmithj 5 P5 road blow out of a bad but talented team.
Mr_Brews 5
strikersteve60 5
T-Thugs 5 Miami started the season with a nice road win over Florida.
TouchdownHeroes 5 LW: 7
wameron 5
Bank_Gothic 6
CFBHurts 6
corundum9 6
ehoefler 6 94.98
JamoRedhead 6
outthawazoo 6
owl_man 6
udubdavid 6
vanburen1845 6
_fastball 7
Blazeth 7
Ch-i-ef 7 Cam Ward is nice for the U. All the other P5 schools in Florida falling apart is also nice
DisraeliEers 7
dogwoodmaple 7
GilBrandt 7
ikindalikelemons 7
Meany_Vizzini 7 19.1, +16, +8.7
nemoran 7
Rakarei 7
Sometimeswelose 7
tks231 7
Tman450x 7 Miami really impressed in all facets.
Xtremeloco 7
zenverak 7
A_Rolling_Baneling 8
colton_97 8
dan4223 8
grtgbln 8
kamiller2020 8
noahthearc 8
spmartin1993 8
T-nawtical 8
Techwid 8
Cars-and-Coffee 9
Cecil_Hardboner 9
CockADoodleBOOM 9
coletheredditer 9 I hate ranking them this high, I will regret this ranking later in the season when the team falls apart, but outside of @ GT and @ Louisville there’s not much challenge in the ACC. I still don’t like this ranking though
Corporal_Hicks 9
djowen68 9
Dropbackandpunt 9
falconlover79 9
HieloLuz 9 Points: 7 | Wins: 1 T6 |
icklebush 9
JBonkies 9
JustinMSU21 9
Megalomanizac 9
monkeymatt1836 9
Noelthemexican 9
nw____ 9
OldCoaly 9
PrimalCookie 9
Ruhrgebietheld 9
ScarletFever333 9
tjstanley 9
Cassiyus 10
Daigotsu 10
DarthYoda2594 10
fadingthought 10
Feral_Squirrel 10
Helifino 10
KirbyDumber88 10
PumpSmash 10
RegionalBias 10 Is Florida bad or Miami good? Or some combination.
seaotter2 10
skuhlke 10
SpadeRyker 10
tauzeta 10
washington_jefferson 10
52hoova 11
a_bit_of_a_misnomer_ 11
BenchRickyAguayo 11
Branzilla91 11
ch1l1_ch33s3 11
DrKennethJNoisewater 11
hascogrande 11
huskerfan4life520 11
jthomas694 11
Klaassy23 11 (LW Change: +9)
mellolizard 11
MoneyManeVick 11
plannedsickdays 11
RheagarTargaryen 11
RiffRamBahZoo 11
RobertNeyland 11
rocco2246 11
Terminal_BAS 11
ya111101 11
Blooblod 12
bties 12
CambodianDrywall 12
Darth_Ra 12
diehardcubforever 12
Drexlore 12
EpicSchwinn 12
Extra_Excrement 12
jaybigs 12
JeromesNiece 12
Le_Jerk_My_Circle 12
MahjongDaily 12
nburt13 12
PHubbs 12
Red261 12
RJEP22 12 (1-0) - 68.532 pts
RollWarTideEagle 12
Shootit_Rockets 12
SlaminSammons 12
spsellers 12
SteemieRayVaughn 12
UNC_Samurai 12
wesman212 12
ALStark69 13 +6
bannista7 13
Conglossian 13
cornholesurfer 13
Harpua99 13
HelioOne 13
IceColdDrPepper_Here 13
lillipup03 13
Longvols 13
Pure_Protein_Machine 13
scronko 13
shadowwingnut 13 3 Seed - Plays winner of Alabama/Penn St
srs_house 13
SwissArmyScythe 13 +8
TheNSAAgent777 13
BearsAreGreat1 14
DarkLegend64 14
fourpinz8 14
jrluhn 14
Player_1_has_Joined 14
ReallyCreative 14
sasmith2015 14
tdeff19 14
TDenverFan 14
the_neverdoctor 14
BosskOnASegway 15
Charlemagne42 15 Hurricanes handle hapless Florida, hold heads high in Seminoles' horror
grjohnst 15
halldaylong 15
Lex_Ludorum 15
magnumweiner 15
manbeardawg 15
MemeofMemeJTG999999 15 (1-0) (up 7) W: 41-17 @ Florida (0-1) Next Week: vs Florida A&M (2-0) Projected Bowl: Peach vs Texas/Memphis
one98d 15
Pollaski 15
RegulatorRWF 15
titansfan174 15
Zloggt 15 As with anything, who knows if this Miami team really has it in them? I guess manhandling Florida at the Swamp gives a lot of credit (even if it is not exactly a high-standard lol)...but I do suppose that, uh, "recent events" opens up the path for the ACC title...
bakonydraco 16 71.632
Hackasizlak 16
malowry0124 16
Muffinnnnnnn 16
Pikachu1989 16
stew_pac 16
captain_sasquatch 17
ChaseTheFalcon 17
CptCheese 17
galacticdude7 17
jjjoebox 17
owlalwaysloveyew 17
romulusjsp 17 (NR) Okay, Miami might actually be good, you can be ranked if you want
TheZachster 17
bwburke94 18
NyquillusDillwad20 18
TaylorLeprechaun 18 +6
the_lost_carrot 18
D1N2Y 19
Maladroit44 19
BananaBouquet 20
bretticus33 20 Miami looked like the team that was deserving of the hype and Cam Ward looked like a difference maker. How much of that was Florida being awful and Miami being good is yet to be seen.
ToeInDigDeep 20
ewolfy13 21 Good performance, although not sure you can tell too much given Florida is bad
Staind075 21
AllHawkeyesGoToHell 22
cyberchaox 23
MrTheSpork 23
PlactusTX 23 (—) W Florida
Striker743 23
hypercube42342 25
NotSoSuperNerd 25 0.420 (8.4-3.6)
placid_salad 25 LW: #34

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
STL_12 3
Living_Human 4
sroach91 4
atlbluedevil 5
CallingUagoatUgoat 5
charmingcharles2896 5 The Canes absolutely shelled the Gators.
cnpeters 5
Jacob_Sumner 5
josh55134 5
MajikSix 5
Sp1cyRice 5 (+11) Miami just dad-dicked Florida at the Swamp. Although UF's preseason rating may be overrated (top 40) the MOV I believe makes this a fine place. The ACC is Miami's to lose.
Xy13 5
_Junk_Rat_ 6
big_thunder_man 6 Decapitated Florida. This voter has a low view of Napier, but still impressed.
chillmagic420 6
mathmanhale 6
Menktenk 6
Protoco2 6
RadiationRichard 6
schneeplehoppen 6
ShefCrl 6
The_Candler 6
TheSleaze22 6
Bereft13 7 Power: 10, SoR: 5; LW: 22
camus69x 7
DaewooLanosMFerr 7
inconvenientpoop 7
irishGOP413 7
MainPeanut25 7 Dominant
sconbon 7
spaceblev11 7
Underground_Bread 7
Crelc3 8
daredassdude 8 Most impressive performance from Week 1. Reminds me of the Big East powerhouses of old. Could shock the world and finish 13-0 and make the Semi-Finals.
FsuNolezz 8
grahamca 8 T1ˢᵗ W/L, T5ᵗʰ Predicted Wins, 17ᵗʰ Team Strength, 10ᵗʰ Quality of Wins
iHasMagyk 8
ilikepie145 8
Laschoni 8
Milflover69cbb 8 Wonderful week 1, the problem is Mario Cristobal is the head coach
mthompson2320 8 LW: 19
SpursUpSoundsGudToMe 8
thehornedlamb 8
WebfootTroll 8
Yelich04 8 Up 8
_JustinTheGreat_ 9
alttabbins 9
BoukenGreen 9
Burnsite 9
CakeEaters 9
divey043 9
DragonFire101Gamer 9
enneper4 9
mauliknshah 9
maxwell6233 9
mcdsmaster8824 9
Middle_Wheel_5959 9
mountain_troop86 9 Most impressive win, swamp voodoo is real and it did not matter. I was wrong, they are really good
ndbfsu22 9
notsaying123 9
OCD3ds 9
OG_Felwinter 9
Piptit 9
quantum_jedi 9 Crushed a Florida team that seems completely lifeless. If Cam Ward can maintain this level consistently, Miami will be dangerous.
SaguaroCactus19 9
sammyt21 9
samtaylor92 9
soonertiger 9
TheGlassRemains 9
tisofold 9
vindictivejazz 9
ActuallyJasonPrice 10
ALToidzz 10
DillyDillySzn 10
drneilpretenamen 10
Effective-Lead-6657 10
journey1986 10
kevinsdomain 10
Kirkwood641 10
Midnight-Mustang 10
MuhMuhManRay 10
Serenityy8 10
sirvalkyerie 10
Thehomelessguy11 10
thejus10 10
Wumbology724 10
70277027 11
bolts_win_again 11
ckubi 11
ConstantPause1239 11
cookie__monster___ 11
CriterionCrypt 11
daa4th 11
dubkent 11
Greyson04 11
Jay_Dubbbs 11
jonstark19 11 +1
ManiacalBlazer 11
McIntyre2K7 11
NastyWideOuts 11
PeteyNice 11
RubbleHome 11
ScooterLeShooter 11
Sflabuckeye13 11
SquadPoopy 11 Miami exposed every single thing wrong with the Napier led Gators in just 60 minutes. A season's worth of problems put on display for the whole country to witness. I genuinly don't even know if I can consider Miami as "back" in that sense because Florida is just that bad. If you swapped Miami (FL) with Miami (OH) I honestly don't think I can argue that the outcome of the game would have been different. I think what Miami did do was cement themselves as the team to beat in ACC. They did it by thoroughly dismantling a team that's been drowning on dry land the last 2 seasons now. It's not even the loss really, if Miami just beat us 24-17 or even 31-17, I could have lived with it because that means we at least put up a fight. The only thing the Gators can hope now is that Napier gets thrown into the street before he can waste the career of DJ Lagway assuming he even wants to stay with this dumpster fire program once Billy is gone.
Tornadohunter24 11 [NEW] [1-0] Okay, I know I made the joke about Notre Dame being fraudulent, but this applies to you too. Helluva 2-week period for Hurricanes fans, though. Cam Ward is legit.
trust_the_process__ 11
Tylex123 11
tyy1117 11
AnAngryPanda1 12
BertGallagher 12
BeyondLiesTheWub 12
Dan20698 12
dheck2016 12
donbagert 12
dr_funk_13 12 I'm not sure if Florida is that bad or if Miami is that good. Probably a bit of both, but it's early.
Fghjkdid911 12
GeyWeyner12 12
ianmcmoney 12
loganisfresh 12 Everyone will talk about Cam Ward's debut performance for the Hurricanes, and rightfully so, but credit where credit is due, Xavier Restrepo made multiple great catches and racked up over 110 receiving yards with a touchdown. Along with Ward, fellow Pac-2 refugee Damien Martinez didn't have the flashiest game, but look for him to make some big plays coming up. Miami has had the talent to be a top 15 caliber team for years now, but they were always missing those offensive playmakers that kept them in games or allowed them to blow out inferior opponents like Florida. It may be too early to say, but as of now it looks like Miami may have found it's missing pieces to win the ACC in a down year.
NA_Faker 12 The U might be back after putting Billy Napier on the hot seat
Omegaus492 12
PersianGuitarist 12
PsychologicalFox8660 12
SignificanceFirm2398 12
tbutrie1916 12
tcomn 12 Group B
thatoneguyD13 12 Tier 3. Great win @Florida. Looking to be best ACC team.
tumadrelover 12
WRSpill 12
ziggysaysnada 12
AdministrativeAnt683 13
Airweldon 13
BoilerUp28 13
brihimia 13
brucewaynewins 13
chief_sitass 13
doctrhouse 13
dterp13 13
ETHTrillionaire 13
FlashSpider-man 13 Dominated UF. Really surprised me with that. I thought UF was gonna look better. May just be early season U though, we'll have to see
gavinw24 13
geauxsaints777 13
jackmc04 13 (+11)
JJones927 13
Josh_historybuff 13 41-17 vs Florida
KansasChaser2021 13
LonghornInNebraska 13
Mossed26 13
saquad69 13
SomerandomIDFBfan 13
spencej98 13
twr96 13
ChBass 14
Coteup 14
DownshiftGD 14
dubscurry30 14
Luigiatl 14
mill1634 14
OSU_Shecter 14
Salmon-Dude 14
supercon21 14
TheQuakinator 14
youngs2309 14
_TGT7 15 Florida might be complete trash for all we know, but Miami did beat them quite soundly, and looked good given their struggles the last few seasons, they just need to remember to kneel when the game is won.
Chipsahoy523 15
munchermode 15
nebsA1 15
OSUfan88 15
Prof_Pie 15 The state of Florida may actually belong to the Canes for once. Is the 'U' really back though? Doubtful.
slashbopzing 15
SpeddyDawg 15
willbill182 15
666haha 16
bruhstevenson 16
ftskeebo 16 Up 5 spots thanks to losses ahead and a huge win in the Swamp
HideNZeke 16
hurricaneatx 16 (1-0) -
jibberishdhyukl 16
jwrtf 16
luciusetrur 16 LW: NR
Scruggerboy 16
slatibartifast3 16
True_Ad5324 16
usernamegoeshere763 16
BuckeyeForLife95 17
GreenAndYellow12 17 +4
mikecsiy 17
Minnesnowtaaa 17
Fantastic-Calendar-9 19 LW: NR
newSomberMan 19
Shion314 19
TheReformedBadger 19
TheFalconGuy 20
throwaway_6786 20 I'm not ready to throw Miami way up there just yet, they've still had a mediocre last two years and Florida under Napier hasn't been close to their usual talent level. However, Cam Ward is a solid passer and his steadiness plus the talent level that the Canes have makes them a trendy pick for the ACC crown. We'll see if Cristobal and Co. can live up to the expectations.
xX_GIGA_MAN_Xx 20 Didn't rank them last week cause I refuse to be one of the fools who rank them + TAMU at the beginning of every year only for them to embarrassingly falter somewhere down the line, but that win looked really convincing, and Ward looks good, so im gonna take the bait.
CallMeTheKing 21 1-0-132
tatteredgnome_23 21
hoovereatscowpoop 22 Tier - Decent, but maybe not good
leadbymight 22
Spazzatack 22
Arvandu 23
wittingtarsier 23
cfbpeoplespoll 24 10 pts
FigletPiglet 24 -4
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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