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2024 Preseason Miami Hurricanes Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
A_Rolling_Baneling 8
Corgi_Koala 8
eclectic_tastes 9
nw____ 9
Megalomanizac 11
retnuh101 11
T-nawtical 11
tdoger 11
dan4223 12
Blooblod 14
ch1l1_ch33s3 14
kamiller2020 14
ard8 15
bannista7 15
ehoefler 15
EpicSchwinn 15
GilBrandt 15
JustinMSU21 15
noahthearc 15
VerySeriousBanana 15
52hoova 16
BamaPride95 16
Pure_Protein_Machine 16
Xtremeloco 16
Acm0028 17
colton_97 17
Drexlore 17
Harpua99 17
seaotter2 17
the_neverdoctor 17
vanburen1845 17
darkra01 18
Due_Connection179 18
fourpinz8 18
ikindalikelemons 18
Jakesnake42 18
jaybigs 18
plannedsickdays 18
texas2089 18
ALStark69 19 NR
AudiieVerbum 19
BallSoHerd 19
Branzilla91 19
buckeyes75 19
Charlemagne42 19 Miami's been innovating this off-season. While everyone else was focused on FSU and Florida, they've been cooking in Coral Gables. Word on the street is, they've come up with some concepts no one has ever seen before. It's gonna be completely impossible to defend. Mario is calling this package the "QB Kneel", and he will use it to great effect in dispatching the rival Gators week 1. Still gonna lose to GT again though.
coletheredditer 19 They had a good recruiting class I guess? Will start 6-0 and end 8-4
deadtofall12 19
galacticdude7 19
GoBlueScrewOSU7 19
grjohnst 19
JBonkies 19
JeromesNiece 19
jrluhn 19
Le_Jerk_My_Circle 19
malowry0124 19
manbeardawg 19
Pikachu1989 19
SteemieRayVaughn 19
Terminal_BAS 19
UNC_Samurai 19
woakley 19 Recruiting Rank #11 Poll Rank #44 Production Rank #33 Overall Weighted Number 26.95
BigBoutros 20
CockADoodleBOOM 20
CptCheese 20
Daigotsu 20
DrKennethJNoisewater 20
goodnames679 20
jmac_21 20
Klaassy23 20
Pollaski 20
tdeff19 20
Zloggt 20 again? I do suppose that good 'crootin' gives thee the benefit of the doubt...maybe the Hurricanes will have more favorable conditions to grow...
aggiebruin27 21
CommodoreN7 21
HarbingerOfFun 21
jeedf 21
Longvols 21
MoneyManeVick 21
OldCoaly 21
Player_1_has_Joined 21
RegulatorRWF 21
shadowwingnut 21
SharkMovies 21
SwissArmyScythe 21
BenchRickyAguayo 22
HelioOne 22
lillipup03 22
MahjongDaily 22
MemeofMemeJTG999999 22 End of Last Season: unranked (7-6) Next Week: @ Florida Bowl Projection: Pop-Tarts vs Miami
one98d 22
sasmith2015 22
the_lost_carrot 22
titansfan174 22
WarEagle9 22
BosskOnASegway 23
Corporal_Hicks 23
djowen68 23
dogwoodmaple 23
fadingthought 23
Helifino 23
jthomas694 23
Meany_Vizzini 23 10.4
Rakarei 23
RJEP22 23 69.73
rocco2246 23
TheNSAAgent777 23
BananaBouquet 24
CFBHurts 24
ChaseTheFalcon 24
ewolfy13 24 Not sure how to feel about miami. New QB, but does that fix this team, not sure
Noelthemexican 24
PrimalCookie 24
SpadeRyker 24
TaylorLeprechaun 24
mellolizard 25
spsellers 25
The_Good_Constable 25
ya111101 25

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
chillmagic420 7
CriterionCrypt 11 Much like Kiffin, I think this is the year Cristobal puts it all together. With no Clemson and FSU at home, the only real challenge they face is an opening weekend against UF.
IDropFatLogs 11
Salmon-Dude 11
SomerandomIDFBfan 11
Ute32 11
jonstark19 12
ndbfsu22 13
Sflabuckeye13 13
TheSleaze22 13
MainPeanut25 14
akyankee 15
maxwell6233 15
Ok_Welcome_6684 15 This is not the same Miami team getting all the preseason hype… Cam Ward is a huge hit and with Damien Martinez and Xavier Restrepo as weapons this team could be the ACC favorite
bthombeast 16
dubkent 16
Effective-Lead-6657 16
mcdsmaster8824 16
Sp1cyRice 16 Unlike others, I believe in this ranking. They might be the best team on paper in the ACC, unlike previous years
sroach91 16
WebfootTroll 16
camus69x 17
ManiacalBlazer 17
oneforthehaters 17
slashbopzing 17
WaterRat13 17
ActuallyJasonPrice 18
brihimia 18
charmingcharles2896 18 Cristobal’s about to get fired when the U underachieves… yet again.
dinkytown42069 18
Jay_Dubbbs 18
KansasChaser2021 18
samtaylor92 18
schneeplehoppen 18
SignificanceFirm2398 18
spaceblev11 18
thatoneguyD13 18 Tier 3. Seems like the talent is there. Can the Hurricanes take the next step?
70277027 19
AnAngryPanda1 19
brucewaynewins 19
bruhstevenson 19
Chipsahoy523 19
cookie__monster___ 19
DaewooLanosMFerr 19
dheck2016 19
Got_That_WeeFee 19
grahamca 19 T1ˢᵗ W/L, T4ᵗʰ Predicted Wins, 23ʳᵈ Team Strength, T1ˢᵗ Quality of Wins
Midnight-Mustang 19
mthompson2320 19
MuhMuhManRay 19
sly2bfox 19
spencej98 19
willbill182 19
Dawg-Bite 20
FigletPiglet 20 +10
FlashSpider-man 20 See Clemson
FsuNolezz 20
lowcontrol 20
RedBarracuda25 20 Is this team talented enough to be ranked higher? yes. Is Cristobal still the hc? also yes.
Scruggerboy 20
AdministrativeAnt683 21
asbestosman2 21
BoilerUp28 21
ftskeebo 21
GreenAndYellow12 21 Roster looks very good on offense, defense looks good but not special, still do not trust Cristobal to get it done. Most Important Game: Oct. 26 vs Florida State
kevinsdomain 21
MajorPhoto2159 21
newSomberMan 21
saquad69 21
slatibartifast3 21
tbutrie1916 21
Aggravating-Steak-69 22
Bereft13 22 Power: 23
ianmcmoney 22
Kirkwood641 22
Mini-Mussolini 22
mport97 22
narwhalz27 22
pianoprofiteer 22
Protoco2 22
ScooterLeShooter 22
twr96 22
BuckeyeForLife95 23
chief_sitass 23
DownshiftGD 23
Menktenk 23
nebsA1 23
TheBeekman8 23
666haha 24 Too much talent to fail... But if they do it will be hilarious.
cnpeters 24
ConstantPause1239 24
Dobbins 24
gavinw24 24
hoovereatscowpoop 24 Tier - Could be good, but might not be
iHasMagyk 24
PunishedLeBoymoder 24
STL_12 24
TheFalconGuy 24
donbagert 25
SNjr 25
TheQuakinator 25
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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