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2022 Week 8 Kansas Jayhawks Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
dabul-master 13
BigBoutros 17
bwburke94 17 +11.5243068 (LW: #8)
Ticklebump 18
dan4223 19
fo13 19
Impudicity2001 19
ExternalTangents 20 12.58%
IceColdDrPepper_Here 20 21, 2777
SCsprinter13 20
goblue10 21
I_am_bot_beep_boop 21
SearonTrejorek 21 0.71784
soonersthebetter 21
Bank_Gothic 22
njm1314 22
NoMorning6152 22
PHubbs 22
hythloday1 23
jjjoebox 23
kdbvols 23
pileatedloon 23
Red261 23
RiffRamBahZoo 23
theb52 23
TheFlyingBoat 23
Bill3ffinMurray 24
CommodoreN7 24
Daigotsu 24
DrKennethJNoisewater 24
Harmbert_ 24
KJdkaslknv 24
owlalwaysloveyew 24
TaylorLeprechaun 24 -3
thegreendalegelf 24
Arteza147 25
badgers4194 25
Blooblod 25
chweris 25
cornholesurfer 25
DataDrivenPirate 25
kamiller2020 25
LEGEN--wait_for_it 25
Meany_Vizzini 25 12.0, -3.8, -5, 14.0 (21st), 9.9 (27th). Despite a second loss in a row, Kansas keeps their ranking. Their losses are to #3 TCU and #30 Oklahoma. Honorable Mentions: Purdue 11.4, Kentucky 11.3
Nathanael-Greene 25
noahthearc 25
Rakarei 25
ScarletFever333 25
Sometimeswelose 25
stesser 25
tdeff19 25
Wescat 25

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
bocraw 17
dustingibson 18
1Subject 20 0.166048
SwitchingC 20
colby983 22
Due_Connection179 22 Last week #15 at Oklahoma lost 42-52. Even without their starting QB, the Jayhawk offense looked great scoring 42pts with a balanced offense 265 passing yards to 165 rushing yards. The problem came from Kansas' defense (which was their strength this season) giving up a total of 701 yards and 7 TDs. Oklahoma's five TD drives in the first half combined for 9 minutes and 1 second a play time. The Sooners were just hitting big play after big play on the Jayhawk defense then strolled to a 10pt win in the 2nd half. I won't over react too much with the injuries on the Kansas side, but something needs to stop the bleeding. Next week at Baylor.
AlphaMemory2 23
bubbleheads_ 23
coletheredditer 23
Cooliamabeast 23
dtynes10 23
zsmaster23 23
cirtnecoileh 24
CPiGuy2728 24
NanoBuc 24
romulusjsp 24
ViewFrom209 24
w8w8 24 I think KU still has some good win ability. Their recent losses threw cold water on their hot streak but that doesn't entirely mean their good season is over.
ballstar03 25
colton_97 25
decencymoss 25 L @ Oklahoma, 42-52
ianmcmoney 25
igloo27 25
ione107 25
mmaxey14 25
NielsensFourth 25 Mean score: 2813
shadowwingnut 25
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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