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2021 Week 12 Michigan State Spartans Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
confirmd_am_engineer 2
GeauxTri 3
goblue10 3
MammothMan34 3
arrow_dynamics 4
Blazeth 4
cfbguy 4
coogs35 4
moistats_ 4
relax_on_the_mat 4
Sproded 4
transferStudent2018 4
AllHawkeyesGoToHell 5
BigBoutros 5
Buckeyes2010 5
bwburke94 5
DavoinShower-handle 5
dicky_________seamus 5
e8odie 5
Ersatzself 5
Extra_Excrement 5
GoBlueScrewOSU7 5
Hackasizlak 5
huskerfan4life520 5
hythloday1 5
jchall3 5
justsaynotoreddit 5
kamiller2020 5
malowry0124 5
notyogrannysgrandkid 5
spasm01 5
TanzaniaMagic 5
thegreendalegelf 5
Xtremeloco 5
12panther 6
52hoova 6
ACCBiggz 6
Acm0028 6
admiraltarkin 6
AlphaH4wk 6
ALStark69 6 +2
Bill3ffinMurray 6
BlueFalcon89 6
BorisNumber1 6
BosskOnASegway 6
boxman151515 6
Branzilla91 6
bretticus33 6 Michigan State got back on track and Kenneth Walker boosted his Heisman resume.  Their pass defense is scary bad though and could lead to their downfall against Ohio State.  However a win puts them right back to where they were pre-Purdue.
captain_sasquatch 6
Cars-and-Coffee 6
CFBHurts 6
Ch-i-ef 6 Uhh read above.
Chris-P-Creme 6
CockADoodleBOOM 6
corundum9 6
crimsonlaw 6
d_mcc_x 6
dabul-master 6
DampFrijoles 6
DarkLegend64 6 B Tier
Disregardskarma 6
djowen68 6
DrKennethJNoisewater 6
eclectic_tastes 6
fourpinz8 6
frumious88 6
goodnames679 6
Harmbert_ 6
icklebush 6
igloo27 6
Inkblot9 6
ItsZizk 6
JaxofAllTrades13 6
JCiLee 6
jlh2b 6
JonesUCF34 6
jrichardh 6
laminak 6
LEGEN--wait_for_it 6
mnmmatt 6
myghtymouse 6
nbingham196 6
ndhuskerpower 6
njm1314 6
olmsted 6
orboth 6
owl-bears 6
PHubbs 6
physedka 6
plannedsickdays 6
puffadda 6
Rakarei 6
RavenclawWiz816 6
roaddogg 6
RollWarTideEagle 6
royrules22 6
ScarletFever333 6
scronko 6
SCsprinter13 6
seaotter2 6
ShogunAshoka 6
soonerfreak 6
srs_house 6
strikersteve60 6
tabelz 6
tauzeta 6
tdeff19 6
teddythe3rd 6
Texasagsman 6
theb52 6 58.800
TheZachster 6
tmothy07 6
ToLongDR 6
toocleverbyhalf 6
TopGoose 6
TopheryG8er 6
TossedRightOut 6
ucieaters33 6
wesman212 6
ya111101 6
A-Stu-Ute 7
Apep86 7
badgers4194 7
BallSoHerd 7
BamaPride95 7
bgr308 7
boxbeat 7
bties 7
buckeyegold 7
buckeyes75 7
BugsSuck 7
cajunaggie08 7
CambodianDrywall 7
Cassiyus 7
ChemicalOle 7
chrisb19 7
chweris 7
cmdrcaboose2 7
Colton3690 7
Corporal_Hicks 7
crownebeach 7
DafoeFoSho 7
darkra01 7
DarthYoda2594 7
dasani3x 7
deadtofall12 7
DisraeliEers 7
dogwoodmaple 7
Drexlore 7
Dropbackandpunt 7
esoterik 7
fadingthought 7
Feral_Squirrel 7
Fmeson 7
Foxmcbowser42 7
G-manP 7
GatorRich 7
GoBeaversOSU 7
Hobbes_121 7
hypercube42342 7
IAmAChemicalEngineer 7
Jakesnake42 7 Bounceback win and now it is Ohio State time...pls Michigan State do the impossible.Last Week: 7
jmac_21 7
jnoobs13 7
joebob431 7
Johnnycockseed 7
JoshDaws 7
Keener1899 7
King-Clover 7
LeinadSpoon 7
LeWoofle 7
mellolizard 7
mjacksongt 7
monkeymatt1836 7
Mr_Brews 7
Nathanael-Greene 7
nburt13 7
nemoran 7
nin478 7
noahthearc 7
noodlethebear 7
OKgolfer 7
Omegaus492 7
one98d 7
Our-Gardian-Angel 7
owlalwaysloveyew 7 Got the W over Maryland, who is completely inept against top 10 teams historically. The Spartans face the Buckeyes this coming weekend
PalmettoFace 7
peachios 7 oh man big test this week again
PumpSmash 7
qacha 7
RagingWombats 7
ReallyCreative 7
Red261 7
RiffRamBahZoo 7
ryumast3r 7
sasmith2015 7
SCRx 7
sirgippy 7
Sophocles5 7
Spalliston 7
Staind075 7
stesser 7
StevvieV 7
stripes361 7
tallg8tor 7
TaylorLeprechaun 7 +1
TDenverFan 7
TehAlpacalypse 7
ThaCarter 7
TheJeemTeam 7
thexraptor 7
thomasosu 7
tjstanley 7
ttsci 7
vanburen1845 7
Wescat 7
Zloggt 7
arrowfan624 8
bernkastel87 8
Blooblod 8
Cecil_Hardboner 8
ChickenTaco 8
cinciforthewin 8
cms186 8
conchobor 8
creative_penguin 8
falconlover79 8
fo13 8
GilBrandt 8
Greflingorax 8
hascogrande 8
Hey_Its_Roomie 8
infinitempg 8
JamesBCrazy 8
jeedf 8
jjjoebox 8
jputna 8
kdcoltred 8
Knightro2011 8
KommanderKeen-a42 8
Lex_Ludorum 8
lillipup03 8
Maladroit44 8
MoneyManeVick 8
not_folie 8
Noy_Telinu 8
outthawazoo 8
Polarbear1914 8
ProbablyRickSantorum 8
RegulatorRWF 8
retnuh101 8
ruwisc 8
ryseing 8
SearonTrejorek 8
Shrektastic28 8
SlaminSammons 8
soonersthebetter 8
spsellers 8
studio_sally 8
Techwid 8
topher3003 8
typicaliconoclast 8
ucfskuba 8
UNC_Samurai 8
wameron 8
Charlemagne42 9 484
emueagles 9
eSpiritCorpse 9 0.9353
GenialGiant 9
halldaylong 9
HarbingerOfFun 9
Helifino 9
HelioOne 9
I_am_bot_beep_boop 9
kflinderman 9
LiptonCB 9
Longvols 9
NotSoSuperNerd 9 16.74
Pikachu1989 9
pileatedloon 9
Pollaski 9
r0sco 9
Striker743 9
TimeBroken 9
ToeInDigDeep 9
velociraptorfarmer 9
WarEagle9 9
zacheiny 9
113milesprower 10
blahblehblahwhoru 10
BUSean 10
Conglossian 10 +1
Daigotsu 10
digdat0 10
galacticdude7 10
JustAManAndHisLaptop 10
MarlinsGuy 10
MrTheSpork 10
ShamusJohnson13 10
SPRX97 10
tks231 10
woakley 10
YellowSkarmory 10 Michigan State's resume is basically we beat Michigan! After that, they beat Miami on the road who is decent, and then...yeah. Next best win is probably Rutgers or Maryland, and they lost at Purdue. The game against Ohio State next week is big for both teams. However, them only having 1 loss and a solid win against Michigan is enough for me to put them above them by H2H, though I could make a case for Michigan being above despite the H2H.
fshi 11
Stoneador 11
boonamobile 12
dan4223 12
practicallybert 12
bakonydraco 13 81.14
ExternalTangents 13 7.81
luckroy 13 Pot 3
RobertNeyland 13
The-Gothic-Castle 13
THECrew42 13
tdoger 14
TouchdownHeroes 14 LW: 14
BlueSCar 15
Darth_Ra 15
JeromesNiece 15
trumpet_23 18
Spiral-Pilot 20
DataDrivenPirate 21
RMathis13 23 102

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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