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2021 Week 12 Oklahoma State Cowboys Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
Blazeth 3
Dropbackandpunt 3
moistats_ 3
soonersthebetter 3
blahblehblahwhoru 4
dabul-master 4
DataDrivenPirate 4
igloo27 4
luckroy 4 Pot 2
nbingham196 4
OKgolfer 4
sirgippy 4
Striker743 4
tallg8tor 4
YellowSkarmory 4 Oklahoma State has a great win at home against Baylor, and they certainly have the depth to back up that win as well, with wins vs. Kansas State and at Boise being solid. Their one loss isn't bad either (at Iowa State), and they really aren't getting enough attention for their resume, which looks pretty good.
AlphaH4wk 5
Apep86 5
BallSoHerd 5
bernkastel87 5
BlueSCar 5
cfbguy 5
cms186 5
ExternalTangents 5 10.61
Feral_Squirrel 5
Fmeson 5
Foxmcbowser42 5
halldaylong 5
Hey_Its_Roomie 5
JamesBCrazy 5
JaxofAllTrades13 5
jputna 5
jrichardh 5
RMathis13 5 124
theb52 5 60.900
badgers4194 6
Blooblod 6
boonamobile 6
bwburke94 6
chweris 6
Conglossian 6 +1
coogs35 6
creative_penguin 6
crownebeach 6
DarthYoda2594 6
digdat0 6
DisraeliEers 6
eSpiritCorpse 6 0.9452
fshi 6
Greflingorax 6
hascogrande 6
infinitempg 6
jjjoebox 6
jmac_21 6
mjacksongt 6
not_folie 6
owlalwaysloveyew 6 Oklahoma State took down TCU 63-17
r0sco 6
ruwisc 6
ryseing 6
Shrektastic28 6
SlaminSammons 6
Staind075 6
stesser 6
TaylorLeprechaun 6 +1
thomasosu 6
TimeBroken 6
TouchdownHeroes 6 LW: 12
ttsci 6
velociraptorfarmer 6
arrowfan624 7
bakonydraco 7 83.76
BUSean 7
Charlemagne42 7 529
cinciforthewin 7
conchobor 7
Darth_Ra 7
DrKennethJNoisewater 7
Ersatzself 7
falconlover79 7
GilBrandt 7
HarbingerOfFun 7
jeedf 7
JeromesNiece 7
JustAManAndHisLaptop 7
Knightro2011 7
KommanderKeen-a42 7
Lex_Ludorum 7
lillipup03 7
LiptonCB 7
MarlinsGuy 7
MoneyManeVick 7
MrTheSpork 7
njm1314 7
NotSoSuperNerd 7 18.73
Polarbear1914 7
Pollaski 7
RegulatorRWF 7
RobertNeyland 7
ShogunAshoka 7
spsellers 7
Stoneador 7
tdoger 7
Techwid 7
TopheryG8er 7
wameron 7
wesman212 7
113milesprower 8
A-Stu-Ute 8
admiraltarkin 8
BigBoutros 8
Branzilla91 8
CFBHurts 8
ChemicalOle 8
Chris-P-Creme 8
crimsonlaw 8
DampFrijoles 8
dasani3x 8
dicky_________seamus 8
emueagles 8
Extra_Excrement 8
fadingthought 8
fourpinz8 8
GenialGiant 8
Helifino 8
HelioOne 8
Hobbes_121 8
hypercube42342 8
I_am_bot_beep_boop 8
Jakesnake42 8 That Baylor win looks very sexy now...the ISU loss does not.Last Week: 11
JCiLee 8
joebob431 8
JoshDaws 8
LeinadSpoon 8
Longvols 8
malowry0124 8
MammothMan34 8
monkeymatt1836 8
Nathanael-Greene 8
nburt13 8
notyogrannysgrandkid 8
peachios 8 can they get bedlam
PHubbs 8
physedka 8
Pikachu1989 8
pileatedloon 8
practicallybert 8
Rakarei 8
ReallyCreative 8
relax_on_the_mat 8
royrules22 8
ryumast3r 8
SCsprinter13 8
seaotter2 8
Sophocles5 8
Spiral-Pilot 8
stripes361 8
TanzaniaMagic 8
tmothy07 8
ToeInDigDeep 8
trumpet_23 8
WarEagle9 8
Xtremeloco 8
ya111101 8
zacheiny 8
52hoova 9
ALStark69 9 +1
arrow_dynamics 9
bgr308 9
Bill3ffinMurray 9
BorisNumber1 9
BosskOnASegway 9
boxbeat 9
boxman151515 9
bretticus33 9 Oklahoma State's ground game exploded against TCU as they had their best win of the season.  They're currently tied with Oklahoma for the Big 12 lead but as of now they're looking like the best team in the conference.
bties 9
buckeyegold 9
buckeyes75 9
BugsSuck 9
cajunaggie08 9
CambodianDrywall 9
captain_sasquatch 9
Cars-and-Coffee 9
Cassiyus 9
Ch-i-ef 9 Texas Tech will always put up points, but your defense should be able to hold steady. The big game is on the horizon though, since beating OU will be a one way visit to the Big12 Championship Game.
ChickenTaco 9
cmdrcaboose2 9
CockADoodleBOOM 9
Corporal_Hicks 9
corundum9 9
d_mcc_x 9
DafoeFoSho 9
Daigotsu 9
DarkLegend64 9 B Tier
darkra01 9
deadtofall12 9
Disregardskarma 9
Drexlore 9
e8odie 9
esoterik 9
G-manP 9
GatorRich 9
GoBlueScrewOSU7 9
goodnames679 9
Hackasizlak 9
Harmbert_ 9
huskerfan4life520 9
IAmAChemicalEngineer 9
icklebush 9
Inkblot9 9
ItsZizk 9
jnoobs13 9
justsaynotoreddit 9
kamiller2020 9
kdcoltred 9
LeWoofle 9
mellolizard 9
mnmmatt 9
Mr_Brews 9
myghtymouse 9
ndhuskerpower 9
nemoran 9
nin478 9
noahthearc 9
noodlethebear 9
olmsted 9
one98d 9
orboth 9
Our-Gardian-Angel 9
outthawazoo 9
owl-bears 9
PalmettoFace 9
plannedsickdays 9
ProbablyRickSantorum 9
puffadda 9
PumpSmash 9
RagingWombats 9
retnuh101 9
roaddogg 9
sasmith2015 9
ScarletFever333 9
scronko 9
SCRx 9
SearonTrejorek 9
ShamusJohnson13 9
soonerfreak 9
Spalliston 9
Sproded 9
SPRX97 9
strikersteve60 9
studio_sally 9
tabelz 9
tauzeta 9
TDenverFan 9
teddythe3rd 9
thegreendalegelf 9
TheJeemTeam 9
tjstanley 9
tks231 9
ToLongDR 9
TopGoose 9
topher3003 9
TossedRightOut 9
ucieaters33 9
UNC_Samurai 9
vanburen1845 9
woakley 9
Zloggt 9
ACCBiggz 10
Acm0028 10
BamaPride95 10
Buckeyes2010 10
Cecil_Hardboner 10
chrisb19 10
Colton3690 10
dan4223 10
DavoinShower-handle 10
djowen68 10
dogwoodmaple 10
eclectic_tastes 10
fo13 10
GeauxTri 10
GoBeaversOSU 10
hythloday1 10
jchall3 10
Johnnycockseed 10
JonesUCF34 10
kflinderman 10
King-Clover 10
laminak 10
LEGEN--wait_for_it 10
Maladroit44 10
Noy_Telinu 10
Omegaus492 10
RavenclawWiz816 10
Red261 10
RiffRamBahZoo 10
RollWarTideEagle 10
tdeff19 10
Texasagsman 10
toocleverbyhalf 10
ucfskuba 10
12panther 11
BlueFalcon89 11
confirmd_am_engineer 11
galacticdude7 11
Keener1899 11
srs_house 11
StevvieV 11
ThaCarter 11
TheZachster 11
transferStudent2018 11
typicaliconoclast 11
AllHawkeyesGoToHell 12
frumious88 12
goblue10 12
qacha 12
spasm01 12
TehAlpacalypse 12
The-Gothic-Castle 12
THECrew42 12
jlh2b 13
thexraptor 13

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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