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2021 Week 11 Cincinnati Bearcats Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
Harmbert_ 1 I serve the G5
nburt13 1
Spalliston 1
Stoneador 1
WeenisWrinkle 1
_fastball 2
A-Stu-Ute 2
Acm0028 2
AllHawkeyesGoToHell 2
AlphaH4wk 2
ALStark69 2 0
badgers4194 2
BallSoHerd 2
BamaPride95 2
bernkastel87 2
Bill3ffinMurray 2
Blazeth 2
Blooblod 2
BlueFalcon89 2
BorisNumber1 2
BosskOnASegway 2
boxbeat 2
Branzilla91 2
buckeyegold 2
buckeyes75 2
CambodianDrywall 2
captain_sasquatch 2
Cassiyus 2
Cecil_Hardboner 2
cfbguy 2
Ch-i-ef 2 What is going on Bearcats? That's 3 weeks in a row of subpar performance...
ChemicalOle 2
ChickenTaco 2
Chris-P-Creme 2
chrisb19 2
Chucky1539 2
cinciforthewin 2
CockADoodleBOOM 2
Colton3690 2
Corporal_Hicks 2
corundum9 2
creative_penguin 2
crimsonlaw 2
d_mcc_x 2
dabul-master 2
DafoeFoSho 2
DampFrijoles 2
DarkLegend64 2 B Tier
darkra01 2
dasani3x 2
DavoinShower-handle 2
digdat0 2
DisraeliEers 2
Drexlore 2
Dropbackandpunt 2
Ersatzself 2
esoterik 2
Extra_Excrement 2
Feral_Squirrel 2
fo13 2
fourpinz8 2
Foxmcbowser42 2
Frognosticator 2
fshi 2
G-Aardvark 2
G-manP 2
GeauxTri 2
GenialGiant 2
goblue10 2
GoBlueScrewOSU7 2
Greflingorax 2
HarbingerOfFun 2
hascogrande 2
Helifino 2
HelioOne 2
Hey_Its_Roomie 2
Hobbes_121 2
huskerfan4life520 2
hypercube42342 2
icklebush 2
igloo27 2
Jakesnake42 2 The Notre Dame win is still carrying them.Last Week: 3
jchall3 2
jeedf 2
jjjoebox 2
Joester09 2
Johnnycockseed 2
JonesUCF34 2
Keener1899 2
King-Clover 2
Knightro2011 2
KommanderKeen-a42 2
LEGEN--wait_for_it 2
LeinadSpoon 2
Lex_Ludorum 2
lillipup03 2
LiptonCB 2
Longvols 2
malowry0124 2
mellolizard 2
mjacksongt 2
mnmmatt 2
moistats_ 2
MoneyManeVick 2
monkeymatt1836 2
myghtymouse 2
nbingham196 2
ndbroski 2
nemoran 2
nin478 2
njm1314 2
noodlethebear 2
not_folie 2
Noy_Telinu 2
NyquillusDillwad20 2
olmsted 2
Omegaus492 2
one98d 2
orbania 2
orboth 2
outthawazoo 2
owl_man 2
owlalwaysloveyew 2 It was ugly, but Cincinnati ended their match against Tulsa 28-20. I expect the CFP committee will move them down a spot or three
peachios 2 oh man that eye test is struggling but yeh
PHubbs 2
physedka 2
pileatedloon 2
puffadda 2
RagingWombats 2
ReallyCreative 2
RiffRamBahZoo 2
roaddogg 2
RobertNeyland 2
RollWarTideEagle 2
ryumast3r 2
sasmith2015 2
ScarletFever333 2
scotsworth 2
SCRx 2
SCsprinter13 2
seaotter2 2
SearonTrejorek 2
ShamusJohnson13 2
ShogunAshoka 2
Shrektastic28 2
SlaminSammons 2
Sometimeswelose 2
soonerfreak 2
soonersthebetter 2
Sophocles5 2
Sproded 2
SPRX97 2
spsellers 2
srs_house 2
SSJRoshi 2
stesser 2
strikersteve60 2
T-nawtical 2
tabelz 2
tallg8tor 2
teddythe3rd 2
thexraptor 2
thomasosu 2
TimeBroken 2
tjstanley 2
tks231 2
tmothy07 2
ToeInDigDeep 2
ToLongDR 2
TossedRightOut 2
ttsci 2
turkishguy 2
typicaliconoclast 2
ucfskuba 2
ucieaters33 2
UNC_Samurai 2
vanburen1845 2
VerySeriousBanana 2
wameron 2
WarEagle9 2
Wescat 2
woakley 2
Xtremeloco 2
YellowSkarmory 2 The committee really screwed Cinci, but they still have one of the best wins in the country, at Notre Dame. They haven't exactly looked impressive as of late, and their resume really falls off after the ND win (they beat UCF at home and that's about it), but they've stayed undefeated. SMU losing again will not help their chances, as that game won't be quite as good of a win when it comes around assuming they do win.
Zloggt 2
113milesprower 3
52hoova 3
ACCBiggz 3
andrewthestudent 3
Apep86 3
arrow_dynamics 3
arrowfan624 3
bakonydraco 3 79.58
bobsled_time 3
boxman151515 3
bretticus33 3 For the 3rd straight week, Cincinnati failed to really impress.  We know they're a good team but they ain't showing it.  The biggest issue is the offense is struggling without a ground game and potentially losing Jerome Ford will hurt.  Luckily for them, a lot of the teams around them also looked unimpressive or outright lost.
bties 3
BugsSuck 3
BUSean 3
Charlemagne42 3 625
chweris 3
coogs35 3
Darth_Ra 3
dogwoodmaple 3
drgnlis 3
Fmeson 3
I_am_bot_beep_boop 3
IAmAChemicalEngineer 3
JaxofAllTrades13 3
JCiLee 3
jlh2b 3
jmac_21 3
jnoobs13 3
JoshDaws 3
justsaynotoreddit 3
Laschoni 3
LeWoofle 3 Still undefeated, but this most recent win did in fact look bad. Barely above Oregon and Ohio State. If MoV doesnt improve against poor teams soon, can potentially drop out of the top 4.
Maladroit44 3
noahthearc 3
NotSoSuperNerd 3 21.43
OKgolfer 3
Pikachu1989 3
plannedsickdays 3
Polarbear1914 3
practicallybert 3
ProbablyRickSantorum 3
Red261 3
RegulatorRWF 3
relax_on_the_mat 3
ryseing 3
SantiagoRamon 3
sirgippy 3
spasm01 3
Staind075 3
studio_sally 3
tauzeta 3
TaylorLeprechaun 3 +0
tdeff19 3
TDenverFan 3
TehAlpacalypse 3
THECrew42 3
TheReformedBadger 3
TheZachster 3
TopheryG8er 3
transferStudent2018 3
zacheiny 3
Bank_Gothic 4
BigBoutros 4
cajunaggie08 4
conchobor 4
crownebeach 4 Has a better average scoring margin than Oklahoma (+22.2 to +11.5) against a similar schedule (~100 to ~80).
DarthYoda2594 4
doggo816 4
emueagles 4
Hackasizlak 4
infinitempg 4
Inkblot9 4
jchurch8073 4
Nathanael-Greene 4
pascha 4
PumpSmash 4
Rakarei 4
RavenclawWiz816 4 looked like ass
retnuh101 4
scronko 4
Texasagsman 4
TouchdownHeroes 4 LW: 4
velociraptorfarmer 4
BlueSCar 5
CFBHurts 5
Conglossian 5 -1
DataDrivenPirate 5
Disregardskarma 5
DrKennethJNoisewater 5
eSpiritCorpse 5 0.9447
falconlover79 5
halldaylong 5
kflinderman 5
Pollaski 5
thegreendalegelf 5
Ticklebump 5
trumpet_23 5
wesman212 5
ya111101 5
admiraltarkin 6
Buckeyes2010 6
Cars-and-Coffee 6
cmdrcaboose2 6
confirmd_am_engineer 6
Daigotsu 6
dicky_________seamus 6
djowen68 6
eclectic_tastes 6
galacticdude7 6
GilBrandt 6
GoBeaversOSU 6
iliketoupvotepuns 6
JeromesNiece 6
MarlinsGuy 6
Mr_Brews 6
MrTheSpork 6
No11223456 6
StevvieV 6
stripes361 6
BabyBladder 7
blahblehblahwhoru 7
bwburke94 7
e8odie 7
ExternalTangents 7 9.26
kdcoltred 7
r0sco 7
12panther 8
boonamobile 8
dan4223 8
hythloday1 8
kamiller2020 8
luckroy 8 Pot 3
ndhuskerpower 8
RMathis13 8 74.9
Striker743 8 Down 5 - the 3rd mediocre game in a row is when they stop getting poll inertia
The-Gothic-Castle 8
jrichardh 9
ruwisc 9
ThaCarter 9
owl-bears 10
JamesBCrazy 12
theb52 13 45.778
DeceptiveSpeed 15

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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