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2021 Week 5 Texas A&M Aggies Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
boonamobile 6
qacha 9
bobsled_time 10
ReallyCreative 10
chweris 11
G-Aardvark 11
Shrektastic28 11
vanburen1845 11
bakonydraco 12 80.06
beerslingerjay 12
cfbguy 12
Greflingorax 12
Mr_Brews 12
one98d 12
practicallybert 12
Sometimeswelose 12
Spiral-Pilot 12
THECrew42 12
topher3003 12
arrow_dynamics 13
cajunaggie08 13
G-manP 13
GeauxAllDay 13
Harmbert_ 13
hascogrande 13
Helifino 13
jlh2b 13
jnoobs13 13
justsaynotoreddit 13
Longvols 13
PHubbs 13
Pikachu1989 13
Red261 13
TaylorLeprechaun 13 -4
TheZachster 13
TossedRightOut 13
Wescat 13
ALStark69 14 -6
bretticus33 14 Top 10 defense in the country but the offense is sputtering.  Calzada might not be someone the Aggie can win tough games with.  Very talented but in danger of falling even more.
captain_sasquatch 14
Cassiyus 14
creative_penguin 14
DampFrijoles 14
darkra01 14
emueagles 14
g0d0fm15ch13f 14
galacticdude7 14
GoBlueScrewOSU7 14
JCiLee 14
KittiesHavingSex 14
nburt13 14
Pollaski 14
PumpSmash 14
RegulatorRWF 14
ryumast3r 14
safariari 14
SCRx 14
seaotter2 14
Striker743 14 Down 5 - best win is Colorado?
strikersteve60 14
tdeff19 14
thegreendalegelf 14
typicaliconoclast 14
UNC_Samurai 14
52hoova 15
Buckeyes2010 15
Cars-and-Coffee 15
chrisb19 15 Aggies benefit from being in the SEC West and a ton of preseason hype (which seems mostly due to the fact that nobody outside of the top 3 teams looked elite in preseason and we were collectively wrong about Clemson). Their loss to Arkansas, in the warped world of college football punditry, proved the Razorbacks are good, not that the Aggies are bad. But it seems hard to believe either team can stand up to Alabama. The Aggies do land a more favorable draw in cross-division play with Mizzou and SCar. I still think they've got a better shot at 2nd or 3rd in the West, once the real tests come in November.
cinciforthewin 15
conchobor 15
dicky_________seamus 15
Disregardskarma 15
doggo816 15
dogwoodmaple 15
Drexlore 15
e8odie 15
Extra_Excrement 15
HanSoIoque 15
JaxofAllTrades13 15
jjjoebox 15
jmbourn45 15
mellolizard 15
moistats_ 15
MrTheSpork 15
nemoran 15
nin478 15
No11223456 15
noodlethebear 15
owl_man 15
PalmettoFace 15
Papalew32 15
physedka 15
RavenclawWiz816 15
retnuh101 15
scronko 15
TDenverFan 15
ToLongDR 15
TopGoose 15
ucieaters33 15
WarEagle9 15
12panther 16
A-Stu-Ute 16
BlueSCar 16
BosskOnASegway 16
boxman151515 16
bties 16
BUSean 16
CFSparta92 16
Ch-i-ef 16 Might wanna figure out that 'offense' thing Aggies..
Chucky1539 16
cmdrcaboose2 16
CockADoodleBOOM 16
Fmeson 16
GatorAndrew 16
GatorRich 16
GenialGiant 16
iliketoupvotepuns 16
ItsZizk 16
JonesUCF34 16
laminak 16
Mario_Speedwagon 16
monkeymatt1836 16
NotSoSuperNerd 16
notyogrannysgrandkid 16
Our-Gardian-Angel 16
Papytendo 16
pileatedloon 16
puffadda 16
royrules22 16
sasmith2015 16
scotsworth 16
ShamusJohnson13 16
soonerfreak 16
teddythe3rd 16
Texasagsman 16
thexraptor 16
TimeBroken 16
tmothy07 16
TouchdownHeroes 16 LW: 14
VerySeriousBanana 16
wameron 16
woakley 16 Hard to say where Texas A&M really belongs. Arkansas is a very good team, but Texas A&M has really been up and down this year will be interesting to see how they rebound from this loss. 
Zloggt 16
BamaPride95 17
bgr308 17
BlueFalcon89 17
CambodianDrywall 17
crimsonlaw 17
d_mcc_x 17
DavoinShower-handle 17
fadingthought 17
fourpinz8 17
Hobbes_121 17
JeromesNiece 17
JoshDaws 17
Keener1899 17
LeWoofle 17
lillipup03 17
mjacksongt 17
mnmmatt 17
not_folie 17
OKgolfer 17
Omegaus492 17
rmp0005 17
scrotes_magotes 17
SearonTrejorek 17
sirgippy 17
Sproded 17
SPRX97 17
stripes361 17
studio_sally 17
Techwid 17
TehAlpacalypse 17
tjstanley 17
TopheryG8er 17
transferStudent2018 17
Xtremeloco 17
Acm0028 18
Bank_Gothic 18
BorisNumber1 18
buckeyes75 18
Cecil_Hardboner 18
ChickenTaco 18
cms186 18
dan4223 18
halldaylong 18
hypercube42342 18 They looked to be getting blown out until Arkansas' starting QB got hurt. Arkansas' backup was completely inept. So I don't think the score reflected Arkansas' dominance. In combination with the offensive incompetence A&M has shown against other teams like Colorado, I think 18th is the highest they belong, until they work something out with Calzada.
jmac_21 18
kflinderman 18
myghtymouse 18
peachios 18 hmm well, arkansas showed how good they are this game. a and m does seem solid, but that offense def is an issue (and maybe a bigger one like clemson's became)
RobertNeyland 18
ruwisc 18
soonersthebetter 18
SSJRoshi 18
stesser 18
TanzaniaMagic 18
The-Gothic-Castle 18
Wurst_Law 18
zacheiny 18
djowen68 19
fshi 19
GoBeaversOSU 19
Jakesnake42 19 TAMU goes down to Arkansas this week and their wins are definitely not the reason TAMU is still ranked.Last Week: 8
jchurch8073 19
jeedf 19
LEGEN--wait_for_it 19
Lex_Ludorum 19
malowry0124 19
Nathanael-Greene 19
OskeewowwowIL 19
outthawazoo 19
spsellers 19
tabelz 19
Ticklebump 19
wesman212 19
BabyBladder 20
brobroma 20
Conglossian 20 -9
Darth_Ra 20
JustAManAndHisLaptop 20
Knightro2011 20
LiptonCB 20
Maladroit44 20
MoneyManeVick 20
ndbroski 20
orboth 20
Staind075 20
BallSoHerd 21
Bill3ffinMurray 21
Charlemagne42 21 Computer ranking: 41
Johnnycockseed 21
kamiller2020 21
SlaminSammons 21
tauzeta 21
TheFlyingBoat 21 A: "You're ass, my dude."  B: "Are you calling me a fish?"  A: "No, that's a Chilean sea bass, my dude. You're ass, my dude."  B: "Are you calling me an alloy of copper and zinc?" A: "No that's brass, my dude.  You're ass, my dude." B: "I'm getting invaded by Putin?" A:"No that's Donbas, my dude. You're ass, my dude." B: "I'm the main ingredient in root beer?" A: "No that's Sassafras. You're ass, my dude." B: "Wait am I Texas A&M?" A: "Yup. You're ass, my dude." After all that trash talk they get manhandled by Arkansas. Jesus.
Blooblod 22
boxbeat 22
Chris-P-Creme 22
DarkLegend64 22 E Tier
MarlinsGuy 22
ninetimesoutaten 22
turkishguy 22
BigBoutros 23
Blazeth 23
ChemicalOle 23
dasani3x 23
Foxmcbowser42 23
GeauxTri 23
IAmAChemicalEngineer 23
nbingham196 23
NyquillusDillwad20 23
RollWarTideEagle 23
badgers4194 24
drgnlis 24
ExternalTangents 24 6.72
igloo27 24
RatherBeYachting 24
theb52 24 32.375
noahthearc 25
Rakarei 25
RiffRamBahZoo 25
Spalliston 25
ya111101 25

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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