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2020 Bowls Florida Gators Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
bakonydraco 5 79.69
Fmeson 5
ThePUNisher96 5
KittiesHavingSex 6
Miami_da_U 6
r0sco 6
Charlemagne42 7
chrisb19 7
crimsonlaw 7
crownebeach 7 Better performance against a common opponent doesn't outweigh head-to-head.
djowen68 7
goblue10 7
JeromesNiece 7
No11223456 7
TaylorLeprechaun 7 +3 - (homer take alert) To be honest I completely believe that Florida is the 3rd best team in the country at the very least but unfortunately they lost two games along the way which sucks for them
_fastball 8
Acm0028 8
cajunaggie08 8
cmdrcaboose2 8
dogwoodmaple 8
Harmbert_ 8
soonersthebetter 8
cinciforthewin 9
D1amondDude 9
DrKennethJNoisewater 9
ExternalTangents 9
galacticdude7 9
goodnames679 9
Helifino 9
King-Clover 9
Mario_Speedwagon 9
peachios 9 real close one there, thats the closest anyone came to bama, just an unfortunate week last week. 
ryseing 9
scronko 9
ShogunAshoka 9
T-nawtical 9
tdeff19 9
toocleverbyhalf 9
vanburen1845 9
52hoova 10
BUSean 10
CFBHurts 10
Ch-i-ef 10
Chucky1539 10
CockADoodleBOOM 10
DafoeFoSho 10
dicky_________seamus 10
eclectic_tastes 10
fireinvestigator113 10
GilBrandt 10
Hackasizlak 10
IAmAChemicalEngineer 10
icklebush 10
JCiLee 10
jlh2b 10
Lex_Ludorum 10
Longvols 10
MoneyManeVick 10
Mr_Brews 10
nin478 10
PHubbs 10
Pikachu1989 10
Rakarei 10
RatherBeYachting 10
ScarletFever333 10
seaotter2 10
stesser 10
typicaliconoclast 10
ucfskuba 10
ucieaters33 10
corundum9 11
DarthYoda2594 11
Ersatzself 11
FellKnight 11
Hobbes_121 11
jmac_21 11
joebob431 11
Maladroit44 11
nbingham196 11
noahthearc 11
RiffRamBahZoo 11
royrules22 11
soonerfreak 11
steelcitygator 11
VerySeriousBanana 11
ACCBiggz 12
arrowfan624 12
bernkastel87 12
Blazeth 12
Cecil_Hardboner 12
deadtofall12 12
Hey_Its_Roomie 12
Jakesnake42 12 Last Week: 16
JonesUCF34 12
monkeymatt1836 12
owl-bears 12
Pieisgood186 12
roaddogg 12
RollWarTideEagle 12
spsellers 12
Striker743 12 Up 1 - played a top team closer than anyone else
strikersteve60 12
thegreendalegelf 12
UNC_Samurai 12
BallSoHerd 13
boxbeat 13
CambodianDrywall 13
dabul-master 13
DampFrijoles 13
emueagles 13
Feral_Squirrel 13
GenialGiant 13
LiptonCB 13
malowry0124 13
Our-Gardian-Angel 13
owl_man 13
Polarbear1914 13
WarEagle9 13
Wescat 13
AlphaH4wk 14
Cassiyus 14
DarkLegend64 14 C Tier (Despite the loss, I'm moving them up a tier for giving Alabama a more competitive game than I expected.)
fo13 14
G-manP 14
Johnnycockseed 14
one98d 14
Red261 14
TheJeemTeam 14
tks231 14
ttsci 14
Xtremeloco 14
DeceptiveSpeed 15
olmsted 15
TDenverFan 15
retnuh101 16
Staind075 16
studio_sally 16
ToeInDigDeep 16
jputna 17
practicallybert 18
BigBoutros 19
boonamobile 19
jjjoebox 19
JustAManAndHisLaptop 19
Dropbackandpunt 20
NyquillusDillwad20 20 Fell off a cliff to end the season. The LSU loss is a bad loss, but they did fight hard against Bama.
ShamusJohnson13 21
BunnySelfDestruct 22
DisraeliEers 22
jrichardh 22

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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