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2016 Week 9 Texas A&M Aggies Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
pitchesandthrows 3
DafoeFoSho 4
kdbvols 4
ProbablyRickSantorum 4 10.36 this either
PromoPimp 4
aubieismyhomie 5
CountryRoads8 5
DelphicLike 5
DonnieNarco 5
Grimbo_Reaper 5
kelctex 5
LeinadSpoon 5
polydorr 5
RobertNeyland 5
SCsprinter13 5
tallg8tor 5
TheCid 5
tylerbc 5
aguyfromthewest 6
bakonydraco 6
CraftyConsumer 6
DarthYoda2594 6
G-Aardvark 6
GeneralGBO 6
icklebush 6
kflinderman 6
RagingWombats 6
retnuh101 6
ruwisc 6
Saxasaurus 6
ssnider23 6
swanky-k 6
T-Thugs 6 Only loss is to Alabama. Solid wins over Tennessee and Auburn.
taloncarde 6
Texasagsman 6
TimeBroken 6
ToxicSteve13 6
was_saying_boo_urns 6
03040905 7
AaronRodgers16 7
Apep86 7
bernkastel87 7
bread_buddy 7
BugsSuck 7
captain_sasquatch 7
Colton3690 7 Coming off a loss to the #1 team in which you were expected to lose isn't terrible, but I was disappointed they didn't keep the game a bit closer.
Disregardskarma 7
freebirdcrowe 7
GilBrandt 7
GiveMeSomeRaptorNews 7
gms212 7
GoldenHawk07 7
HarbingerOfFun 7
jayhawx19 7
jeedf 7
keytide22 7
LEGEN--wait_for_it 7
mgmfa 7
NatecUDF 7
nickknx865 7 1754
owl_man 7
Plneapple 7
pufan321 7
PureCFR 7
qacha 7
SantiagoRamon 7
seaotter2 7
sirgippy 7
smills79 7
solo_22 7
swodaem2005 7
tmart12 7
TopheryG8er 7
trumpet_23 7
Tvwatcherr 7
ucieaters33 7
uwbjb 7
Andaldo 8
Austinperroux 8
BallSoHerd 8
BoboIsDead 8
BosskOnASegway 8 Score: 0.623 Human Rank: #11 Change: Down 2
boxbeat 8
Branzilla91 8
BrutonGaster77 8
Caedus 8
Cars-and-Coffee 8
chweris 8
CSU_Mike 8
DavoinShower-handle 8
diastereomer 8
DoctorWhosOnFirst 8
epmatsw 8
hokies220 8
huskerfan4life520 8
hythloday1 8
JCiLee 8
kdcoltred 8
kelling928 8
Khavanon 8 79.483
KobeOrNotKobe 8
Laschoni 8
meatfrappe 8
monotonemr 8
Mr_Metagross 8
MrDoctorSmartyPants 8
mynameisjona 8
nin478 8
orangeslash 8
r0sco 8
ReallyCreative 8
RiffRamBahZoo 8
ryseing 8
srs_house 8
tabelz 8
theb52 8
TheFlyingBoat 8 Prev 4 | Texas A&M lost to Bama, but they are still a damn good team.
ttsci 8
UNC_Samurai 8
WarEagle9 8
wazoheat 8 Honestly, A&M played better than I expected. Take out a few key stupid plays and we'd be right in that game at the end. I finally believe we're a top-10 team (cue loss to Ole Miss).
52hoova 9
A-Stu-Ute 9 Playing Alabama is hard, but a loss is a loss.
admiraltarkin 9
AGSattack 9
Beechman 9
brobroma 9
Californie_cramoisie 9
CantHousewifeaHo 9
ChemicalOle 9
ChickenTaco 9
coreyfra 9
Corporal_Hicks 9
Daigotsu 9
deadtofall12 9
djowen68 9
Dropbackandpunt 9
EastPowdermilk 9
fadingthought 9
Fifth_Down 9
flipadelphia17 9
gbuntin 9
gohuskies 9
groggydog 9
hawkspur1 9
Hummer77x 9
IAmAChemicalEngineer 9
jlh2b 9
Keener1899 9
KingKliffsbury 9
LiptonCB 9
mickeyquicknumbers 9
OhGad 9
pascha 9
Pikachu1989 9
Polarbear1914 9
Pope_Jake 9
ryumast3r 9
scootmcgroot 9
SCRx 9
seanosaur 9
Sophocles5 9
steinman17 9
ThaCarter 9
warm_warmer_disco 9
Wescat 9
Xtremeloco 9
BaldEagle88 10
bties 10
buckeyegold 10
CambodianDrywall 10
Cecil_Hardboner 10
cfbguy 10
cmdrcaboose2 10
dabul-master 10
DFWTooThrowed 10
dybuell 10
Emperor_of_Orange 10
ExternalTangents 10
funtubs 10
G-manP 10
galacticdude7 10
gsuhooligan 10
key_lime_pie 10
Luriker 10
MammothMan34 10
marcellnation 10
Mario_Speedwagon 10
monkeymatt1836 10
MrTheSpork 10
myghtymouse 10
NeauxRegrets 10
No_Way_Pablo 10
nolez 10
noodlethebear 10
OskeewowwowIL 10
pmartin0079 10
scronko 10
SenorPuff 10
sideoutpar 10
spasm01 10
SPRX97 10
stephenbawesome 10
strikersteve60 10
SurpriseSalami 10 Good team, too many mistakes to beat Bama
thatwasntveryraven 10
theCANCERbat 10
TheReformedBadger 10
TheTeamCubed 10
topher3003 10
XSavageWalrusX 10
Zerosa 10
alextoyalex 11
AllHawkeyesGoToHell 11
alsonamedbort87 11
antiherowes 11
bluegrassborn 11
Buckeyes2010 11
buckeyes75 11
chceman 11
cliffhanger407 11
CockADoodleBOOM 11
corundum9 11
d_mcc_x 11
dupreesdiamond 11
esoterik 11
FellKnight 11
flyingcrayons 11
fshi 11
goblue10 11
halldaylong 11
Harry_B_C_Dresden 11
HelioOne 11
Mr_Storm 11
puffadda 11
rabid_communicator 11
Red261 11
remwin 11
slntkilla 11
Smidgens 11
SpeedxKills 11
spsellers 11
Stockz 11
Techwid 11
the5thpixel 11
TossedRightOut 11
vanburen1845 11
Wurst_Law 11
Atoodope 12
CFSparta92 12
grjohnst 12
plannedsickdays 12
SmokingCricket 12
sunburn_on_the_brain 12
The_DHC 12
THECrew42 12
Acm0028 13
BabyBladder 13
BlueFalcon89 13
BUSean 13
digdat0 13
DisraeliEers 13
Frognosticator 13
jrichardh 13
Mythic514 13
TDenverFan 13
wackywiener 13
njm1314 14
snwidget 14
ToLongDR 14 1663.43
boonamobile 15
neovenator250 15
runujhkj 15
Darth_Sensitive 19 1189
f0gax 19

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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