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2015 Week 6 Florida Gators Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
Apep86 1
bread_buddy 1
FatWhiteGuy49 1
GiveMeSomeRaptorNews 1
mildlypeeved 1
Saxasaurus 1
sideoutpar 1
tallg8tor 1
Balrog_of_Morgoth 2
Cars-and-Coffee 2
DonnieNarco 2
gms212 2
LeinadSpoon 2
qacha 2
sirgippy 2
ttsci 2
turtle_flu 2
Californie_cramoisie 3
DafoeFoSho 3
esoterik 3
ExternalTangents 3
GilBrandt 3
hythloday1 3
OhGad 3
T-Thugs 3
aubieismyhomie 4
ChickenTaco 4
dabul-master 4
indexspartan 4
nuxenolith 4
pash1k 4
spasm01 4
bernkastel87 5
dupreesdiamond 5
Grimbo_Reaper 5
HarbingerOfFun 5
HelioOne 5
kelctex 5
srs_house 5
strikersteve60 5
cfbguy 6
DelphicLike 6
Dropbackandpunt 6
eclectic_tastes 6
kflinderman 6
LEGEN--wait_for_it 6
Luriker 6
ryseing 6
ryumast3r 6
SmokingCricket 6
Sophocles5 6
TheCid 6
BorisNumber1 7
CSU_Mike 7
DisraeliEers 7
dybuell 7
Hummer77x 7
icklebush 7
pascha 7
pitchesandthrows 7
RobertNeyland 7
SantiagoRamon 7
smills79 7
theCANCERbat 7
TotalEconomist 7
UhOhOreo2012 7
03040905 8
alextoyalex 8
BabyBladder 8
BallSoHerd 8
ChicagoKoolAid 8
Corporal_Hicks 8
CraftyConsumer 8
digdat0 8
Jeric_B 8
laminak 8
orangeslash 8
ProbablyRickSantorum 8
Rapsca 8
roneman815 8
Scrantonbornboy 8
seaotter2 8
stephenbawesome 8
SurpriseSalami 8
thegoldenavatar 8
WeenisWrinkle 8
WhoaABlueCar 8
bothra 9
boxbeat 9
Fcc4life 9
Frognosticator 9
funtubs 9
JewishAllah 9
Khavanon 9
milesgmsu 9
pbjork 9
StickerBrush 9
thatwasntveryraven 9
uwbjb 9
WarEagle9 9
Wurst_Law 9
CambodianDrywall 10
cliffhanger407 10
cmdrcaboose2 10
dannylandulf 10
Darth_Sensitive 10
Dasboot123 10
DoctorWhosOnFirst 10
EastPowdermilk 10
Edgar_Allan_Vogon 10
felatiodeltoro 10
fitzmauricet 10
flyingcrayons 10
fshi 10
MammothMan34 10
MrDoctorSmartyPants 10
mynameisjona 10
nataliieportman 10
neovenator250 10
No_Way_Pablo 10
owl_man 10
PaineThomas 10
pufan321 10
r0sco 10
RagingWombats 10
remwin 10
seanosaur 10
spsellers 10
Texasagsman 10
topher3003 10
Xtremeloco 10
Acm0028 11
ApplejackOfMyEye 11
bfizzledizzle 11
brobroma 11
bties 11
CantHousewifeaHo 11
DFWTooThrowed 11
grjohnst 11
jklharris 11
KingKliffsbury 11
marcellnation 11
monotonemr 11
noodlethebear 11
OskeewowwowIL 11
PalmettoFace 11
scootmcgroot 11
SCRx 11
SCsprinter13 11
slntkilla 11
steinman17 11
TDenverFan 11
The_DHC 11
ToLongDR 11
TopheryG8er 11
wackywiener 11
52hoova 12
Alpha_Orange 12
Andaldo 12
boonamobile 12
chrismoore8 12
doublething1 12
edinatlanta 12
Emperor_of_Orange 12
GeneralGBO 12
Hawkdagon 12
ilovecfb 12
JonesUCF34 12
kelling928 12
meressy 12
nolez 12
Polarbear1914 12
redbenn 12
SpeedxKills 12
sychosomat 12
ucieaters33 12
Zerosa 12
bluegrassborn 13
Branzilla91 13
buckeyegold 13
buckeyes75 13
BUSean 13
captainBlackUGA 13
ChemicalOle 13
ClintFuckingEastwood 13
flipadelphia17 13
freebirdcrowe 13
groggydog 13
IAmAChemicalEngineer 13
jeedf 13
mellolizard 13
MrTheSpork 13
nikolajz1 13
njm1314 13
pmartin0079 13
Techwid 13
ThaCarter 13
TheTeamCubed 13
TossedRightOut 13
vanburen1845 13
152515 14
atchemey 14
Buckeyes2010 14
CountryRoads8 14
d_mcc_x 14
Daigotsu 14
deadtofall12 14
DeKaF 14
djowen68 14
FellKnight 14
galacticdude7 14
Gryfer 14
OldTimeyPugilist 14
rabid_communicator 14
Red261 14
santablazer 14
scotsworth 14
Smidgens 14
TimeBroken 14
DarthYoda2594 15
G-Aardvark 15
gbuntin 15
jlh2b 15
jrichardh 15
nemoran 15
wazoheat 15
aguyfromthewest 16
CFSparta92 16
domderek 16
Harry_B_C_Dresden 16
LiptonCB 16
Mario_Speedwagon 16
nin478 16
niperwiper 16
trumpet_23 16
NatecUDF 17
Wescat 17
polydorr 19
huskerfan4life520 20
taloncarde 21
Fifth_Down 24
snwidget 24

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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