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2024 Week 9 SMU Mustangs Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
ChemicalOle 8
D1N2Y 9
zenverak 9
bwburke94 10
MarlinsGuy 10
Meany_Vizzini 11 19.5, -, +1.7; SoR: 20.0 (13th), MoV: 18.9 (10th)
srs_house 11
cvsprinter1 12 Only loss to undefeated team
manbeardawg 12
Muffinnnnnnn 12
nburt13 12
ryseing 12
Striker743 12 Up 1
ThaCarter 12
cyberchaox 13 I feel like I might be overrating them on the strength of their quality loss. Still, blowout win this week.
spasm01 13
AlexanderComet 14
BenchRickyAguayo 14
Corporal_Hicks 14
goodnames679 14
Stoneador 14
TaylorLeprechaun 14 +1
TheZachster 14
70stang 15 SMU is 6-1 with 4 P5 wins, including two away, as well as 1 G5 away win, 1 FCS win, and a home loss to last week's #1 BYU. For the record here, because K State and SMU are functionally identical down to who they lost to, this came down to strength of opponents played with K State at 19th and SMU at 34th.
Blazeth 15
BlueSCar 15
cfbguy 15
dabul-master 15
DarthYoda2594 15
fadingthought 15
LiptonCB 15
NotSoSuperNerd 15 1.131 (9.7-2.3)
practicallybert 15
r0sco 15
Rakarei 15
SlaminSammons 15
strikersteve60 15
Xtremeloco 15
52hoova 16
Blooblod 16
bretticus33 16
ehoefler 16 85.25 | +1
fshi 16
HarbingerOfFun 16
Harpua99 16
JaxofAllTrades13 16
JeromesNiece 16
JustAManAndHisLaptop 16
MoneyManeVick 16
Mr_Brews 16
NyquillusDillwad20 16
owlalwaysloveyew 16
Red261 16
RJEP22 16 259.463 pts
ShogunAshoka 16
TouchdownHeroes 16
velociraptorfarmer 16
BallSoHerd 17
bernkastel87 17
CharlemagneOfTheUSA 17 (+1)
ChaseTheFalcon 17 +2
Conglossian 17
DarkLegend64 17
Doogitywoogity 17 I like that they join / The ACC winning lots / While FSU can’t
Drexlore 17
Due_Connection179 17 Last Week #18 at Stanford // Won 40 - 10 // I guess there is nothing to worry about traveling to the West Coast as an ACC team when you are already halfway there to begin with.
Fmeson 17
GilBrandt 17
HHcougar 17
Hugefootballfan44 17 LW: 17
JamoRedhead 17
JBonkies 17 (+2)
MADBuc49 17 +1
Maladroit44 17
MemeofMemeJTG999999 17 (6-1) (up 2) W: 40-10 @ Stanford (2-5) Next Week: @ #28 Duke (6-1) Projected Bowl: Holiday vs Colorado
nemoran 17
No11223456 17
placid_salad 17 LW: #18
posiitively 17
sirgippy 17
teddythe3rd 17
The-Gothic-Castle 17
the_lost_carrot 17
TheNSAAgent777 17
wameron 17
blahblehblahwhoru 18
Ch-i-ef 18 ACC games where you have to travel across the entire country to face a mediocre coast team is 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Chris-P-Creme 18
corundum9 18
CPiGuy2728 18
DrKennethJNoisewater 18
ewolfy13 18
G-Aardvark 18
Hey_Its_Roomie 18
IceColdDrPepper_Here 18
infinitempg 18 0.855, -1
Jakesnake42 18 72.49 Last Week: #21
jalexjsmithj 18
jrluhn 18
MahjongDaily 18
mellolizard 18
Player_1_has_Joined 18
Polarbear1914 18
Pyroblockx 18
RobertNeyland 18
sasmith2015 18
ScarletFever333 18
SearonTrejorek 18 0.76854
tallg8tor 18
Techwid 18
The_Good_Constable 18
TimeBroken 18 Rank: #17
tmothy07 18
ToeInDigDeep 18
udubdavid 18
VerySeriousBanana 18
AlphaH4wk 19
Branzilla91 19
Buckeyes2010 19
Casaiir 19
CockADoodleBOOM 19
DataDrivenPirate 19
digdat0 19
DisraeliEers 19
fo13 19
GatorBolt 19 The Pony Express keeps rolling Year 1 in the ACC.
GeauxTri 19
Hackasizlak 19
IAmAChemicalEngineer 19
Inkblot9 19
jjjoebox 19
JonesUCF34 19
Klaassy23 19 (LW Change: +3)
Le_Jerk_My_Circle 19
Megalomanizac 19
nbingham196 19
Noelthemexican 19
oghawks18 19
PlactusTX 19 (22) W Stanford
ReallyCreative 19
RegionalBias 19
ruwisc 19
seaotter2 19
spmartin1993 19
stew_pac 19 +2
stripes361 19
SwissArmyScythe 19 -2
T-nawtical 19
tdoger 19
WillWorkForSugar 19
ya111101 19
10catsinspace 20
Apep86 20
Bank_Gothic 20
BUSean 20
CFBHurts 20
Corgi_Koala 20
creative_penguin 20
Dropbackandpunt 20
e8odie 20
ExternalTangents 20 Net Rating: 27; O: 17.07, O Rank: 9; D: -9.93, D Rank: 47
galacticdude7 20
GenialGiant 20
kflinderman 20
malowry0124 20
MemeLovingLoser 20
nin478 20
noahthearc 20
Our-Gardian-Angel 20
pileatedloon 20
realclean 20 =
redrumsoxLoL 20
SCsprinter13 20
skuhlke 20
soonerfreak 20
spsellers 20
studio_sally 20
thomasosu 20
tks231 20
Tman450x 20
UMeister 20
WarEagle9 20
Zloggt 20 Mustangs remain doing pretty well...but how well will they be prepared once Pittsburgh comes to town?
aggiebruin27 21
ALStark69 21 0 Biggest riser: Indiana (15->10)
arrowfan624 21
BananaBouquet 21
Bill3ffinMurray 21
BosskOnASegway 21
captain_sasquatch 21
ch1l1_ch33s3 21
colton_97 21
CptCheese 21
dan4223 21
darkra01 21
Darth_Ra 21
dasani3x 21
djowen68 21
eclectic_tastes 21
esoterik 21
falconlover79 21
frone 21
HelioOne 21
Hobbes_121 21
icklebush 21
jaybigs 21
jthomas694 21
justsaynotoreddit 21 0.889
KirbyDumber88 21
KJdkaslknv 21
monkeymatt1836 21
OKgolfer 21
outthawazoo 21
PalmettoFace 21
plannedsickdays 21
Pollaski 21
retnuh101 21
rocco2246 21
Sometimeswelose 21
SpadeRyker 21
SteemieRayVaughn 21
TadKosciuszko 21
TDenverFan 21
texas2089 21
titansfan174 21
TopGoose 21
UNC_Samurai 21
woakley 21
a_bit_of_a_misnomer_ 22
BlueFalcon89 22
BorisNumber1 22
boxbeat 22
CambodianDrywall 22
Cars-and-Coffee 22
coletheredditer 22 Would be in BYU's position if they had beaten them
conchobor 22
diehardcubforever 22
eSpiritCorpse 22 0.8899
GoBlueScrewOSU7 22
Helifino 22
huskerfan4life520 22
ikindalikelemons 22
JustinMSU21 22
Keener1899 22
Lex_Ludorum 22
Longvols 22
ndbroski 22
Noy_Telinu 22 Only loss is to BYU.
Pikachu1989 22
rain_parkour 22
RegulatorRWF 22
romulusjsp 22
royrules22 22
Ruhrgebietheld 22
scronko 22
Staind075 22
T-Thugs 22 SMU is 6-1 with a close loss to BYU. Best win is probably Louisville (4-3) or TCU (4-3)
tauzeta 22
Terminal_BAS 22
Texasagsman 22
ucieaters33 22
washington_jefferson 22
WolverineDDS 22
A_Rolling_Baneling 23
AllHawkeyesGoToHell 23
bakonydraco 23 79.567
bannista7 23
BearsAreGreat1 23
buckeyes75 23
ChickenTaco 23
cinciforthewin 23
Colton3690 23
fredmerc111 23 LW: 25
grjohnst 23
grtgbln 23
HieloLuz 23 Only decent win is Louisville, important next 2 weeks coming up for them 25
jeedf 23
jimbobbypaul 23
lillipup03 23
MrTheSpork 23
OldCoaly 23
olmsted 23
one98d 23
owl_man 23
PHubbs 23
PrimalCookie 23 Key Wins: TCU 66-42, @ Louisville 34-27 Losses: #4 BYU 15-18 Another quality loss ranking. They played BYU really close, and that's (plus their 6-1 record) is enough for me to believe they're a good team.
PumpSmash 23
Pure_Protein_Machine 23
Sproded 23
tdeff19 23
w8w8 23
Acm0028 24
BabyBladder 24
Cecil_Hardboner 24
cornholesurfer 24
d_mcc_x 24
Daigotsu 24
DavoinShower-handle 24
deadtofall12 24
EpicSchwinn 24
Feral_Squirrel 24
frumious88 24
hascogrande 24
hythloday1 24
puffadda 24
RheagarTargaryen 24
vanburen1845 24
visor841 24
Wescat 24
_fastball 25
cyclonepsycho 25
Extra_Excrement 25
myghtymouse 25
RollWarTideEagle 25
the_neverdoctor 25
tjstanley 25

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
Laschoni 9
GenuineBoss 10
hftfohio 10
blaisek 11
cirtnecoileh 11
samspopguy 11
Bereft13 12 Power: 12, SoR: 11; LW: 15
SaveTheCombees10 12
CakeEaters 13
FuzzyDunlop911 13
g_trechel 13
RealignmentJunkie 13
ALToidzz 14
Bushken 14 61.26
carsonivey72 14
drewscottt 14 +1
ianmcmoney 14
Living_Human 14
loganisfresh 14
mthompson2320 14 LW: 15
owl-bears 14
Sflabuckeye13 14
tcomn 14
thehornedlamb 14
wittingtarsier 14
dterp13 15
Electronic_Nail 15 I've been impressed with how the Mustangs have transitioned to the Power 4
enneper4 15
FlashSpider-man 15
Mynameisdiehard 15 Handled a bad Stanford team. Need to make sure they aren't overlooking Duke this week and then a big matchup with Pitt next week.
ndbfsu22 15
silfarion10 15
spencej98 15
SufferingfOrLife 15
throwaway_6786 15 Stanford had no chance from the start against these Mustangs. I like the way SMU plays and while their schedule has been a little light, they gave BYU everything they could handle and have a chance to bolster that resume against Duke and Pitt over the next two weeks. Win both, and SMU has a serious opportunity to run the table and go to the ACC Championship Game, a statement that would sound almost incomprehensible five years ago.
Austin_LSU_Fan22 16
broyo209 16 Handles Stanford. Next up: Duke
buccaneerboy22 16
Effective-Lead-6657 16 (+2)
forkedravioli 16
Jeff_Banks_Monkey 16
josh55134 16
kevinsdomain 16
Sp1cyRice 16 (+2)
Stags304 16
WBLwiffleball 16
133112 17 Stanford takes a big loss to the Mustangs. Just don't get another payroll going!
BeyondLiesTheWub 17 +8
bryophyta_insolitam 17 W 40-10 @ Stanford
BuckeyeForLife95 17
cbusalex 17 [[[W: #32 Louisville, #75 Stanford, #86 TCU, #98 Florida St., #99 Nevada]]] [[[L: #2 BYU]]]
daredassdude 17
FoRtNiteizBAD 17
FrontRunner51 17
geauxsaints777 17
Greyson04 17
HideNZeke 17
jibberishdhyukl 17
KansasEF5Tornado 17
mountain_troop86 17
notsaying123 17
OkAppointment5691 17
patriots230 17
RadiationRichard 17 LW - 18
Rcfan0902 17 1053.33
scsd4222 17
SpursUpSoundsGudToMe 17
The_Stratman 17
tvjbowe571 17
Aggravating-Steak-69 18
aredna 18
big_thunder_man 18
boomersooner222 18
CallingUagoatUgoat 18 1 Tier 2 win (Louisville). 1 Tier 2 loss (BYU).
charmingcharles2896 18
DillyDillySzn 18
doctrhouse 18
drneilpretenamen 18
dubkent 18
Fantastic-Calendar-9 18 LW: 19
grahamca 18 T11ᵗʰ W/L, T5ᵗʰ Predicted Wins, 25ᵗʰ Team Strength, 23ʳᵈ Quality of Wins
hoovereatscowpoop 18
Jay_Dubbbs 18
Protoco2 18
PsychologicalFox8660 18
RipRaycom 18
SaguaroCactus19 18
slashbopzing 18
Spazzatack 18
swdanley17 18
thatoneguyD13 18 Tier 4.
TolkienFan71 18
Underground_Bread 18
unused13 18
0010MK 19
1Subject 19
Aidanj927 19
Arvandu 19
bigred91224 19
Chipsahoy523 19
cookie__monster___ 19
dee3Poh 19
dukemetoo 19
Fghjkdid911 19
jackmc04 19 (+3) keep lookin better
JackWK_Gaming 19
JazzYotesRSL 19
JoshuaMan024 19 224.56
jwrtf 19
Lefunnymaymays4lief 19
LoCh0_xX 19
MPotato23 19
mr_longfellow_deeds 19
msonar623 19
newSomberMan 19
Noahsince2002 19
ntny 19
RedBarracuda25 19 Mustangs hate cardinals apparently
Repulsive_Rub6443 19
SignificanceFirm2398 19
SNjr 19
StFuzzySlippers 19
TheQuakinator 19
Tylex123 19
androonfl 20 actually good need to respect them
BG-WestyC 20
CaptainGordan 20
chillmagic420 20
Dan20698 20
DownshiftGD 20
funt9rtle 20
geordieColt88 20
Hastronaut 20
isrealball 20
Jay682002 20
JJones927 20
MainPeanut25 20 LSU seems to have figured it out, this is a much better team than they were in the beginning
MajikSix 20
Middle_Wheel_5959 20
Milflover69cbb 20
PeteyNice 20
SomerandomIDFBfan 20
SortaDecent 20
The_Good_General 20
Tornadohunter24 20 (+2)
WebfootTroll 20
xX_GIGA_MAN_Xx 20 Best team in the ACC. Guarantee it.
ziggysaysnada 20 -1
BoilerUp28 21
brucewaynewins 21
bruhstevenson 21
CriterionCrypt 21
DaewooLanosMFerr 21
dheck2016 21
donbagert 21
energydan 21
gonshpreds1 21
ihatepineapples 21
JordanDean04 21
journey1986 21
Luigiatl 21
Mascorn 21
mcdsmaster8824 21
mill1634 21
Miserable-Chart-9479 21
PattyKane16 21
RecordingSure5405 21
Shion314 21
sirvalkyerie 21
sroach91 21
ThompsonCreekTiger 21
willbill182 21
WRSpill 21 (23)
zmp1924 21 loss to BYU but looked good
70277027 22
ab317 22
Airweldon 22
Blazemaster77 22 6-1. 1 loss by a single score. Beat a solid Louisville squad on the road. Comfortably won their other games
CallMeTheKing 22
corona779 22
dubscurry30 22
FsuNolezz 22
HHunko13 22
HopefulReb76 22
KansasChaser2021 22
kcvtdc 22
LonghornInNebraska 22
Minnesnowtaaa 22
PSUMediaPA 22
spaceblev11 22
tisofold 22
Tortillero96 22
True_Ad5324 22
trust_the_process__ 22
Windoge_Master 22
Yelich04 22 ^2
balconesescarpment 23 Only one bad loss.
camus69x 23
ChBass 23 The ACC gives them some chances to build a resume and offset that BYU loss. Pitt will be a fun game.
ConstantPause1239 23
DeerPrison 23
ElyxUW 23
ManiacalBlazer 23
mikecsiy 23
No_Particular_746 23 (6-1) Loss to BYU.
Omegaus492 23
Piptit 23
pl02pl 23
pvadali 23 Loss to BYU hurts, and weak schedule has not helped. Do not view Louisville highly, but it is a decent win. Will shoot up if they can beat Pitt.
redleg86 23
saquad69 23
Serenityy8 23
SpeddyDawg 23
tbutrie1916 23
thealbinotitan1 23 Played really well but have a loss
TheBeekman8 23
usernamegoeshere763 23
bolts_win_again 24
brihimia 24
Burnsite 24
divey043 24
gavinw24 24
GavRunsTheTrap 24
hurricaneatx 24
jonstark19 24 NR / Dropped from poll: #22 Michigan, #25 Nebraska
munchermode 24
pianoprofiteer 24
quantum_jedi 24 (+1) Rolled over Stanford to improve to 6-1. Huge game next against Duke.
requiemsux 24
samtaylor92 24
sconbon 24
stealingchairs 24
TheReformedBadger 24
TheSleaze22 24
tms42206 24
AdministrativeAnt683 25
Dawg-Bite 25
jalapeno_nips 25
Josh_historybuff 25 40-10 vs Stanford
Kirkwood641 25
soonertiger 25
TommyWiseau22 25
twr96 25
yesiambear 25
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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