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2024 Week 6 Louisville Cardinals Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
Joester09 11
r0sco 12
aggiebruin27 13
Fmeson 13
teddythe3rd 13
TouchdownHeroes 13 LW: 14
DavoinShower-handle 14
JeromesNiece 14
Branzilla91 15
Conglossian 15 -2
DarthYoda2594 15
Doogitywoogity 15 Bounce back after that loss and you’ll be fine
Polarbear1914 15
Texasagsman 15
ThaCarter 15
the_lost_carrot 15
lillipup03 16
Player_1_has_Joined 16
Striker743 16 Down 2 - they were their own worst enemy vs ND
TDenverFan 16
TimeBroken 16 Rank: #15
TopGoose 16
zenverak 16
BlueSCar 17
creative_penguin 17
D1N2Y 17
malowry0124 17
nin478 17
owl_man 17
ProbablyRickSantorum 17
royrules22 17
w8w8 17
darkra01 18
Helifino 18
JamoRedhead 18
lookglen 18
MADBuc49 18
MemeofMemeJTG999999 18 (3-1) (down 5) L: 24-31 @ #21 Notre Dame (4-1) Next Week: vs SMU (4-1) Projected Bowl: Mayo vs Illinois
stripes361 18
the_neverdoctor 18
Acm0028 19
AlexanderComet 19
arrowfan624 19
BamaPride95 19
boxbeat 19
coletheredditer 19 Close loss, still a loss.
Hugefootballfan44 19 LW: 13
IceColdDrPepper_Here 19
joebob431 19
Lex_Ludorum 19
NotSoSuperNerd 19 0.860 (8.2-3.8)
one98d 19
pileatedloon 19
sasmith2015 19
SlaminSammons 19
studio_sally 19
WillWorkForSugar 19
Zloggt 19
BananaBouquet 20
bretticus33 20 Close loss for Louisville in South Bend, couldn’t watch though (thanks Peacock)
CFBHurts 20
GeauxTri 20
Harpua99 20
hascogrande 20
HelioOne 20
magnumweiner 20
Pyroblockx 20
Wescat 20
Xtremeloco 20
ALStark69 21 -6 Biggest riser: BYU/Kansas State (22->18/23->19)
chweris 21
cornholesurfer 21
d_mcc_x 21
Extra_Excrement 21
Feral_Squirrel 21
GenialGiant 21
KirbyDumber88 21
monkeymatt1836 21
Our-Gardian-Angel 21
Pikachu1989 21
practicallybert 21
RollWarTideEagle 21
SCsprinter13 21
Techwid 21
titansfan174 21
a_bit_of_a_misnomer_ 22 The Cardinals stayed in the fight until the bitter end and I applaud them for it.
BallSoHerd 22
bernkastel87 22
BosskOnASegway 22
Cars-and-Coffee 22
Casaiir 22
CommodoreN7 22
fourpinz8 22
GatorBolt 22 Well we saw their first real test and they didn't pass. Still a chance to bounce back against SMU.
JustAManAndHisLaptop 22
kflinderman 22
mellolizard 22
OldCoaly 22
Pollaski 22
Rakarei 22
ReallyCreative 22
strikersteve60 22
Terminal_BAS 22
The_Good_Constable 22
visor841 22
Cassiyus 23
Ch-i-ef 23 Stop turning the ball over Stop turning the ball over Stop turning the ball over Stop turning the ball over Stop turning the ball over Stop
diehardcubforever 23
frone 23
galacticdude7 23
grtgbln 23
hypercube42342 23
JBonkies 23 (-9)
jeedf 23
JonesUCF34 23
nemoran 23
posiitively 23
RegulatorRWF 23
scronko 23
seaotter2 23
SwissArmyScythe 23 -7
The-Gothic-Castle 23
TheNSAAgent777 23
thomasosu 23
trumpet_23 23
UMeister 23
BearsAreGreat1 24
BorisNumber1 24
Buckeyes2010 24
CambodianDrywall 24
CockADoodleBOOM 24
DarkLegend64 24
icklebush 24
Meany_Vizzini 24 12.4, -13, -4.6
Megalomanizac 24
noodlethebear 24
PHubbs 24
PrimalCookie 24
PumpSmash 24
Pure_Protein_Machine 24
rain_parkour 24
soonerfreak 24
tdeff19 24
TheZachster 24
Tman450x 24
tmothy07 24
TossedRightOut 24
VerySeriousBanana 24
washington_jefferson 24
52hoova 25
bannista7 25
Bill3ffinMurray 25
Cecil_Hardboner 25
conchobor 25
Corgi_Koala 25
e8odie 25
GilBrandt 25
GoBlueScrewOSU7 25
IAmAChemicalEngineer 25
ikindalikelemons 25
ruwisc 25
Shootit_Rockets 25
sirgippy 25
Staind075 25
SteemieRayVaughn 25
tdoger 25
wesman212 25

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
tms42206 10
swdanley17 11
BoukenGreen 12
chief_sitass 12
mfraga66 12
spencej98 12
BuckeyeForLife95 14
loganisfresh 14
Menktenk 14
aredna 16
brucewaynewins 16
jibberishdhyukl 16
Laschoni 16
Luigiatl 16
PsychologicalFox8660 16
carsonivey72 17
charmingcharles2896 17
cookie__monster___ 17
ianmcmoney 17
jakepadres23 17
Midnight-Mustang 17
Milflover69cbb 17 A team HAD to lose
SquadPoopy 17
TheSleaze22 17
UTTuba16 17
ActuallyJasonPrice 18
DownshiftGD 18
geauxsaints777 18
grahamca 18 T39ᵗʰ W/L, T6ᵗʰ Predicted Wins, 12ᵗʰ Team Strength, 29ᵗʰ Quality of Wins
HideNZeke 18
JoshuaMan024 18 225.07
PSUMediaPA 18
sroach91 18
AdministrativeAnt683 19
Aggravating-Steak-69 19
ALToidzz 19
BG-WestyC 19
donbagert 19
dterp13 19
isrealball 19
journey1986 19
KansasChaser2021 19
mthompson2320 19 LW: 14
sly2bfox 19
twr96 19
usernamegoeshere763 19
willbill182 19
BeyondLiesTheWub 20 -5
BoilerUp28 20
Burnsite 20
CakeEaters 20
DaewooLanosMFerr 20
DillyDillySzn 20
JordanDean04 20 (-8) Louisville was awaiting their first big test of the year and came home empty handed against the Fighting Irish.
LonghornInNebraska 20
ManiacalBlazer 20
Mascorn 20
mountain_troop86 20 Still solidly in ACC contention
NastyWideOuts 20
thatoneguyD13 20 Tier 4.
thehornedlamb 20
yesiambear 20
bolts_win_again 21
daredassdude 21
Fantastic-Calendar-9 21 LW: 14
Jay_Dubbbs 21
LoCh0_xX 21
MainPeanut25 21 -6
maxwell6233 21
mr_longfellow_deeds 21
notsaying123 21
RipRaycom 21
scsd4222 21
spaceblev11 21
thejus10 21
ab317 22
Aidanj927 22
AnAngryPanda1 22
Bereft13 22 Power: 18, SoR: 40; LW: 14
brihimia 22
ckubi 22
funt9rtle 22
JJones927 22
Kirkwood641 22
Living_Human 22
Piptit 22
RedBarracuda25 22 Yeah that sucks but the cards are still a good team, playoff darkhorse
ScraaaaaaaambledEggs 22
SortaDecent 22
TheReformedBadger 22
trust_the_process__ 22
Underground_Bread 22
bruhstevenson 23
chillmagic420 23
Crelc3 23
divey043 23
drneilpretenamen 23
FsuNolezz 23
jonstark19 23 -7 / New to poll: #21 Indiana
josh55134 23
jwrtf 23 -8
leadbymight 23
MuhMuhManRay 23
newSomberMan 23
Omegaus492 23
quadnips 23
tbutrie1916 23 Will Louisville ever be a true contender? The world may never know
TheBeekman8 23 Lost close on the road.
True_Ad5324 23
WebfootTroll 23
70277027 24
dubkent 24
FlashSpider-man 24
HopefulReb76 24 SMU very well could knock this team off rankings. They struggled against ND that isn't an overly amazing team.
kcvtdc 24
kevinsdomain 24
Lefunnymaymays4lief 24
mill1634 24
PattyKane16 24
PeteyNice 24
pianoprofiteer 24
SaguaroCactus19 24
Sflabuckeye13 24
throwaway_6786 24 The only reason why they didn't drop out of the top 25 entirely is because they kept it pretty darn close on the road against ND. Brohm and the coaching staff have to be kicking themselves over that delay of game penalty at about the worst possible time. Now comes an interesting challenge when the Cardinals host an SMU team high off of crushing their rival TCU in the Iron Skillet.
Wumbology724 24
Yelich04 24 v12
_Junk_Rat_ 25
Arvandu 25
Chipsahoy523 25
drewscottt 25 -10
ESPbeN 25
Josh_historybuff 25 24-31 vs Notre Dame
NA_Faker 25
Somali-Pirate-Lvl100 25
Spazzatack 25
supercon21 25
TheQuakinator 25
wittingtarsier 25
ziggysaysnada 25
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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