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2024 Week 5 Miami Hurricanes Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
DataDrivenPirate 1
VerySeriousBanana 1
cota1212 2
TimeBroken 2 Rank: #2
AlexanderComet 3
cfbguy 3
Ch-i-ef 3 That was scary. Cal almost beat Florida State; that would have meant TWO ranked teams on that cupcake schedule. Whoo close one! Back to your scheduled sleepwalk.
GeauxTri 3
GilBrandt 3
Inkblot9 3
LiptonCB 3
RJEP22 3
BallSoHerd 4
Bank_Gothic 4
ChemicalOle 4
Colton3690 4
Doogitywoogity 4
Feral_Squirrel 4
frumious88 4
HarbingerOfFun 4
IAmAChemicalEngineer 4
KJdkaslknv 4
MADBuc49 4 Currently slotted for #4 seed
nbingham196 4
No11223456 4
owl_man 4
PHubbs 4
SlaminSammons 4
stew_pac 4 +2
Striker743 4 Up 7 - played USF better than Bama
tks231 4
trumpet_23 4
woakley 4
bernkastel87 5
Blazeth 5
BlueFalcon89 5
ch1l1_ch33s3 5
dabul-master 5
Daigotsu 5
deadtofall12 5
DisraeliEers 5
ehoefler 5 86.76 | -
esoterik 5
ExternalTangents 5 Net Rating: 41.97; O: 23.09, O Rank: 2; D: -18.88, D Rank: 18
goblue10 5
grtgbln 5
HHcougar 5
ikindalikelemons 5
kamiller2020 5
MarlinsGuy 5
Meany_Vizzini 5 24.8, +3, +4.3
ndbroski 5
noodlethebear 5
outthawazoo 5
pileatedloon 5
Player_1_has_Joined 5
ReallyCreative 5
RheagarTargaryen 5
shadowwingnut 5
Sometimeswelose 5
ThaCarter 5
The_Good_Constable 5
TouchdownHeroes 5 LW: 5
ucieaters33 5
UMeister 5
zenverak 5
_fastball 6
Acm0028 6
arrowfan624 6
Bill3ffinMurray 6
Cars-and-Coffee 6
Cecil_Hardboner 6
chaser676 6
Chris-P-Creme 6
chweris 6
coletheredditer 6 Fell despite winning by 30
CommodoreN7 6
Corgi_Koala 6
corundum9 6
Fmeson 6
G-Aardvark 6
GenialGiant 6
goodnames679 6
Harpua99 6
hascogrande 6
Helifino 6
JamoRedhead 6 could go top 5 minimum with a win over cal
JustAManAndHisLaptop 6
Maladroit44 6
manbeardawg 6
Mr_Brews 6
nin478 6
OKgolfer 6
PumpSmash 6
Pyroblockx 6
Rakarei 6
Red261 6
RollWarTideEagle 6
royrules22 6
ryseing 6
SCsprinter13 6
seaotter2 6
SpadeRyker 6
spmartin1993 6
srs_house 6
Techwid 6
teddythe3rd 6
titansfan174 6
UNC_Samurai 6
vanburen1845 6
ya111101 6
10catsinspace 7
a_bit_of_a_misnomer_ 7
BabyBladder 7
BananaBouquet 7
BorisNumber1 7
boxbeat 7
buckeyes75 7
Casaiir 7
CFBHurts 7
ChaseTheFalcon 7 +2
CockADoodleBOOM 7
colton_97 7
D1N2Y 7
dan4223 7
DarkLegend64 7
Darth_Ra 7
DarthYoda2594 7
diehardcubforever 7
digdat0 7
dogwoodmaple 7
Drexlore 7
DrKennethJNoisewater 7
Dropbackandpunt 7
Due_Connection179 7 Last Week #9 at USF // Won 50 - 15 // Slowly starting to believe in the Cam Ward for Heisman hype train, and that scares me a little bit.
eclectic_tastes 7
fadingthought 7
fshi 7
GatorBolt 7 Recruiting matters. Some of the looks USF was getting put Miami in hell that first half, but once wear and tear took over it was convincing for the Canes. Now it is time for ACC play to start: and a VT team coming to Miami Gardens that has losses to Vandy and Rutgers on their head isn't a bad way to start.
Hackasizlak 7
Hugefootballfan44 7 LW: 7
IceColdDrPepper_Here 7
icklebush 7
jaybigs 7
JeromesNiece 7
JonesUCF34 7
jthomas694 7 Miami (FL) has been the surprise of the year so far to me. They have absolutely handled business and Cam Ward looks legit. They don't play a tough schedule here on out, but they have looked the part of a top ten team.
justsaynotoreddit 7 0.942
lillipup03 7
magnumweiner 7
MahjongDaily 7
Megalomanizac 7
MoneyManeVick 7
myghtymouse 7
nemoran 7
nw____ 7 Shook off a shaky start. Not sure if the shakiness means anything but I liked the fight they showed in the second half.
oghawks18 7
Our-Gardian-Angel 7
Polarbear1914 7
posiitively 7
PrimalCookie 7
ProbablyRickSantorum 7
puffadda 7
Pure_Protein_Machine 7
r0sco 7
realclean 7 -1
RegionalBias 7 2nd Half lit up South Florida
Ruhrgebietheld 7
soonerfreak 7
strikersteve60 7
stripes361 7
tallg8tor 7
tauzeta 7
tdeff19 7
Texasagsman 7
tjstanley 7
Tman450x 7
TopGoose 7
udubdavid 7
Wescat 7
Zloggt 7
AllHawkeyesGoToHell 8
AlphaH4wk 8
AudiieVerbum 8
BearsAreGreat1 8
Branzilla91 8
CambodianDrywall 8
captain_sasquatch 8
Charlemagne42 8 Adjustment: 14.1%
ChickenTaco 8
conchobor 8
Conglossian 8 +5
dasani3x 8
e8odie 8
GoBlueScrewOSU7 8
JBonkies 8 (-)
jjjoebox 8
JustinMSU21 8
Klaassy23 8 (LW Change: +4)
Longvols 8
mellolizard 8
monkeymatt1836 8
noahthearc 8
OldCoaly 8
olmsted 8
PalmettoFace 8
rain_parkour 8
RobertNeyland 8
ScarletFever333 8
spsellers 8
SwissArmyScythe 8 +2
TaylorLeprechaun 8 +3
tdoger 8
texas2089 8
the_neverdoctor 8
thomasosu 8
tmothy07 8
wameron 8
wesman212 8
Xtremeloco 8
ALStark69 9 +1
BenchRickyAguayo 9
BlueSCar 9
BosskOnASegway 9
Buckeyes2010 9
CharlemagneOfTheUSA 9 (+2)
cinciforthewin 9
DavoinShower-handle 9
djowen68 9
falconlover79 9
grjohnst 9
HelioOne 9
huskerfan4life520 9
kflinderman 9
Le_Jerk_My_Circle 9
Lex_Ludorum 9
nburt13 9
NyquillusDillwad20 9
Pollaski 9
retnuh101 9
rocco2246 9
Shootit_Rockets 9
spasm01 9
Staind075 9
SteemieRayVaughn 9
TossedRightOut 9
velociraptorfarmer 9
WillWorkForSugar 9
52hoova 10
70stang 10 TIER 2 - Undefeated Teams with 1 P5 win Miami tops this tier at 4-0 with 1 P5 away win, 2 G5 wins including one away, and 1 FCS win. Miami and Duke have both played away games against G5 teams, whereas everybody else in this tier has played their G5 games at home. Miami takes the spot over Duke due to strength of opponents played at 16th.
A_Rolling_Baneling 10
bakonydraco 10 80.12
bannista7 10
blahblehblahwhoru 10
CptCheese 10
darkra01 10
EpicSchwinn 10
frone 10
halldaylong 10
joebob431 10
jrluhn 10
MemeofMemeJTG999999 10 (4-0) (up 3) W: 50-15 @ South Florida (2-2) Next Week: vs Virginia Tech (2-2) Projected Bowl: Peach vs Georgia/UNLV
NotSoSuperNerd 10 0.933 (10.1-1.9)
one98d 10
Pikachu1989 10
plannedsickdays 10
RegulatorRWF 10
ruwisc 10
scronko 10
studio_sally 10
T-nawtical 10
TadKosciuszko 10
TDenverFan 10
WarEagle9 10
aggiebruin27 11
Apep86 11
bretticus33 11 Just like Alabama, Miami started off slow against USF but pulled away in the 2nd half for a big victory. The Canes are the ACC favorite and open up ACC play against VA Tech on Friday
bwburke94 11
CPiGuy2728 11
DampFrijoles 11
eSpiritCorpse 11 0.9405
ewolfy13 11
Extra_Excrement 11
fourpinz8 11
fredmerc111 11 LW: 14
galacticdude7 11
hypercube42342 11
jeedf 11
malowry0124 11
owlalwaysloveyew 11
placid_salad 11 LW #22
redrumsoxLoL 11 Miami looks like this could be the season where they get it back together. They haven't struggled at all so far this season and are about to begin conference play
romulusjsp 11 (+1) I just don't buy it yet.
sasmith2015 11
the_lost_carrot 11
TheNSAAgent777 11
TheZachster 11
HieloLuz 12 Points: 46.55 | Wins: 2 T5, 1 T6, 1 T7 |
jalexjsmithj 12
Noelthemexican 12
skuhlke 12
fo13 13
Hey_Its_Roomie 13
hythloday1 13
infinitempg 13 0.806
luckroy 13
MemeLovingLoser 13
ToeInDigDeep 13
YellowSkarmory 13
cvsprinter1 14
Hobbes_121 14
ShogunAshoka 14
jimbobbypaul 15
Pablo49 15 2231
Sproded 15
w8w8 15
ColombianInIowa24 17 USF gave them a good competition for a bit. Oh well. Up next, an apparently overrated Virginia Tech.
T-Thugs 17 Miami is 4-0 with a win over Florida (2-2) and South Florida (2-2)
cyberchaox 18
Noy_Telinu 18
SearonTrejorek 18 0.74109
Jakesnake42 20 69.84 Last Week: #19
practicallybert 21
theb52 21 35.750
jrichardh 24
12panther 25
BUSean 25

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
big_thunder_man 2
drewscottt 3
isrealball 3
Laschoni 3
charmingcharles2896 4
FsuNolezz 4
gavinw24 4
grahamca 4 T1ˢᵗ W/L, T1ˢᵗ Predicted Wins, 7ᵗʰ Team Strength, 4ᵗʰ Quality of Wins
josh55134 4
JoshuaMan024 4 256.92
kevinsdomain 4
MainPeanut25 4 +1, blowing out cupcakes and legit threats, very disrespected right now
MajikSix 4
patriots230 4
PattyKane16 4
PeteyNice 4
pianoprofiteer 4
RadiationRichard 4 LW - 5
samtaylor92 4
STL_12 4
wittingtarsier 4
Aggravating-Steak-69 5
aredna 5
BeyondLiesTheWub 5 +8
chillmagic420 5 kind of did the same thing against USF that bama did
ESPbeN 5
HideNZeke 5
JackWK_Gaming 5
johnjones55 5
Lefunnymaymays4lief 5 Cam Ward. They might cruise to 12-0.
Menktenk 5
mountain_troop86 5
mthompson2320 5 LW: 6
ntny 5
Rcfan0902 5 736.88
silfarion10 5
sroach91 5
StripedSteel 5
TheSleaze22 5
Xy13 5
Yelich04 5 v1
7_evyn 6
ALToidzz 6
Bereft13 6 Power: 6, SoR: 17; LW: 8
Burnsite 6
Dan20698 6
doctrhouse 6
drneilpretenamen 6
Hastronaut 6
JustAGuy7915 6
Living_Human 6
Mayonezee 6
mcdsmaster8824 6
McIntyre2K7 6
Middle_Wheel_5959 6
Milflover69cbb 6 Great team usf is definitely interesting
owl-bears 6
quantum_jedi 6 Pulled away early in the second half against USF.
ScooterLeShooter 6
thehornedlamb 6
tisofold 6
WebfootTroll 6
-Gnostic28 7
ActuallyJasonPrice 7
AdministrativeAnt683 7
Aidanj927 7
alttabbins 7
AnAngryPanda1 7
Beneficial_Present29 7
BG-WestyC 7
bigred91224 7
brihimia 7
bruhstevenson 7
BuckeyeForLife95 7
carsonivey72 7
ckubi 7
cookie__monster___ 7
Crelc3 7
CriterionCrypt 7
DaewooLanosMFerr 7
daredassdude 7
dawgfan24348 7
DownshiftGD 7
dterp13 7
Effective-Lead-6657 7
Fghjkdid911 7
FlashSpider-man 7
FoRtNiteizBAD 7
geauxsaints777 7
GeyWeyner12 7
gonshpreds1 7
GoxxoG 7
hurricaneatx 7 (4-0) -
JJones927 7
JordanDean04 7
Josh_historybuff 7 50-15 vs USF
jwrtf 7
kcvtdc 7
loganisfresh 7
luciusetrur 7 LW: 8 Change: +1
Luigiatl 7
ManiacalBlazer 7
Maxdarkfire 7
mfraga66 7
Midnight-Mustang 7
mikecsiy 7
Mossed26 7
munchermode 7
NA_Faker 7
NastyWideOuts 7 Scored a lot of points at USF. Covered the spread by a lot. Cam Ward seems to be a real Heisman contender.
notsaying123 7
OG_Felwinter 7
Omegaus492 7
Piptit 7
PSUMediaPA 7
RipRaycom 7
SaguaroCactus19 7
SaveTheCombees10 7
schneeplehoppen 7
scsd4222 7
Sflabuckeye13 7
sirvalkyerie 7
Slow_Leg1791 7
sly2bfox 7
Somali-Pirate-Lvl100 7
soonertiger 7
spencej98 7
supercon21 7
tbutrie1916 7
tcomn 7 Group C
thefarsideinside 7
TKFT_ExTr3m3 7
True_Ad5324 7
trust_the_process__ 7
twr96 7
Underground_Bread 7
UTTuba16 7
WBLwiffleball 7
willbill182 7
Wumbology724 7
133112 8 Impressive win, over a not bad USF team! Puts Miami at #8.
_Junk_Rat_ 8
Airweldon 8
andyjelliott 8
Astone1996 8
BoukenGreen 8
camus69x 8
corona779 8
divey043 8
dubkent 8
dukemetoo 8
HopefulReb76 8 Slow Start against USF. Cam Ward and the team are very well put together and I think we will see a lot more from this team.
HoustonHorns 8
jonstark19 8 0
journey1986 8
KansasChaser2021 8
mill1634 8
MuhMuhManRay 8
PsychologicalFox8660 8
Salmon-Dude 8
sconbon 8
Serenityy8 8
SNjr 8
spaceblev11 8
tatteredgnome_23 8
TheBeekman8 8
TheQuakinator 8
vindictivejazz 8
youngs2309 8
ziggysaysnada 8
70277027 9
Arvandu 9
brucewaynewins 9
CakeEaters 9
CallingUagoatUgoat 9 0 SP+ T-25 wins. Miami's best win this season is against Florida, who dropped out of the SP+ T-25 since playing them.
ChBass 9
chief_sitass 9
ConstantPause1239 9
donbagert 9
ElyxUW 9
forkedravioli 9
ianmcmoney 9
Jay_Dubbbs 9
mauliknshah 9
maxwell6233 9
mr_longfellow_deeds 9
Mynameisdiehard 9 I am finally on the "Miami looks good" train. Still think the schedule is weak so keeping them here until the can beat a top team.
RedBarracuda25 9
thatoneguyD13 9 Tier 2.
TheReformedBadger 9
tms42206 9
Tornadohunter24 9
WRSpill 9 (11)
yesiambear 9
BoilerUp28 10
Chipsahoy523 10
dubscurry30 10
hoovereatscowpoop 10
jibberishdhyukl 10
kcspot 10
msonar623 10
RubbleHome 10
saquad69 10
Shion314 10
throwaway_6786 10 A nice win over an in-state school, but at this point, the Louisville game seems to be the only game that will tell us much about Miami for a while. Ward and the offense continue to roll over all comers.
xX_GIGA_MAN_Xx 10 Could they finally be an actual competent team for the first time in 20 years????
boomersooner222 11
Devintheroaster 11
DillyDillySzn 11
Fantastic-Calendar-9 11 LW: 13
funt9rtle 11
leadbymight 11
newSomberMan 11
Noahsince2002 11
SomerandomIDFBfan 12
Spazzatack 12
cfbpeoplespoll 13 107 pts. Prev rank 42.
DeerPrison 13
LoCh0_xX 13
Sp1cyRice 14 (+7)
GenuineBoss 15
Jacob_Sumner 16
cbusalex 18
RealignmentJunkie 21
penix4heisman 22
0010MK 23
1Subject 25
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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