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2024 Week 5 Oregon Ducks Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
eSpiritCorpse 3 0.9580
justsaynotoreddit 3 0.986
kflinderman 3
placid_salad 3 LW #5
SearonTrejorek 3 0.85517
Striker743 3
studio_sally 3
TheNSAAgent777 3
ToeInDigDeep 3
Buckeyes2010 4
BUSean 4
CambodianDrywall 4
jimbobbypaul 4
JustAManAndHisLaptop 4
Maladroit44 4
nburt13 4
ruwisc 4
theb52 4 65.667
Branzilla91 5
cfbguy 5
CharlemagneOfTheUSA 5 (+1)
EpicSchwinn 5
frumious88 5
hypercube42342 5
malowry0124 5
myghtymouse 5
No11223456 5
NotSoSuperNerd 5 1.354 (9.8-2.2)
puffadda 5
ScarletFever333 5
UNC_Samurai 5
12panther 6
ChickenTaco 6
Daigotsu 6
Feral_Squirrel 6
HieloLuz 6 Points: 60 | Wins: 2 T4, 1 T7 | 1 WB | 2 WP |
hythloday1 6
jrichardh 6
Lex_Ludorum 6
Noelthemexican 6
Pablo49 6 2583
Player_1_has_Joined 6
ReallyCreative 6
RobertNeyland 6
ShogunAshoka 6
Staind075 6
TDenverFan 6
ThaCarter 6
The_Good_Constable 6
the_lost_carrot 6 7 | AUX
YellowSkarmory 6
ALStark69 7 +1
AudiieVerbum 7
bakonydraco 7 81.521
bannista7 7
Chris-P-Creme 7
chweris 7
conchobor 7
dabul-master 7
DampFrijoles 7
dasani3x 7
ewolfy13 7
falconlover79 7
fourpinz8 7
galacticdude7 7
goblue10 7
GoBlueScrewOSU7 7
goodnames679 7
Helifino 7
HHcougar 7
Jakesnake42 7 84.17 Last Week: #8
jeedf 7
JustinMSU21 7
kamiller2020 7
Le_Jerk_My_Circle 7
Noy_Telinu 7
one98d 7
Pikachu1989 7
Pollaski 7
rain_parkour 7
Rakarei 7
redrumsoxLoL 7 I believe Oregon is a strong team, but they struggled a bit out the door in their first two match ups. The righted the ship against their in state rivals Oregon st and if they keep in stride they are playoff contenders
sasmith2015 7
Shootit_Rockets 7
Sproded 7
SteemieRayVaughn 7
SwissArmyScythe 7 -1
tdoger 7
texas2089 7
the_neverdoctor 7
tmothy07 7
trumpet_23 7
w8w8 7
wesman212 7
Xtremeloco 7
52hoova 8
a_bit_of_a_misnomer_ 8
aggiebruin27 8
arrowfan624 8
BallSoHerd 8
BananaBouquet 8
BenchRickyAguayo 8
bernkastel87 8
Bill3ffinMurray 8
blahblehblahwhoru 8
BlueSCar 8
BorisNumber1 8
BosskOnASegway 8
boxbeat 8
Ch-i-ef 8 See? Idaho and Boise State ARE quality wins!
ch1l1_ch33s3 8
coletheredditer 8 Bye
colton_97 8
corundum9 8
cota1212 8
dan4223 8
DarkLegend64 8
DarthYoda2594 8
deadtofall12 8
diehardcubforever 8
digdat0 8
dogwoodmaple 8
Dropbackandpunt 8
Due_Connection179 8 Last Week #10 // Bye Week // I know this looks like recency bias, but I fully believe that all 3 of Oregon's opponents would beat Vanderbilt on a neutral field (yes, including Idaho) and that's why I have the Ducks jumping Mizzou.
Extra_Excrement 8
fredmerc111 8 LW: 8
frone 8
fshi 8
GeauxTri 8
grjohnst 8
grtgbln 8
Hackasizlak 8
halldaylong 8
Harpua99 8
hascogrande 8
huskerfan4life520 8
ikindalikelemons 8
JeromesNiece 8
JonesUCF34 8
magnumweiner 8
Meany_Vizzini 8 19.3, +2, +1.1
MemeofMemeJTG999999 8 (3-0) (no change) Bye Next Week: @ UCLA (1-2) Projected Bowl: Playoff R1 @ Ole Miss
NyquillusDillwad20 8
oghawks18 8
Our-Gardian-Angel 8
outthawazoo 8
PHubbs 8
PlactusTX 8 (5) bye
plannedsickdays 8
ProbablyRickSantorum 8
PumpSmash 8
Pyroblockx 8
Red261 8
retnuh101 8
RheagarTargaryen 8
rocco2246 8
RollWarTideEagle 8
scronko 8
stripes361 8
T-Thugs 8 Oregon is 3-0 with a nice win over Oregon State (3-1)
tauzeta 8
teddythe3rd 8
TheZachster 8
TimeBroken 8 Rank: #12
titansfan174 8
tjstanley 8
TouchdownHeroes 8 LW: 8
ucieaters33 8
vanburen1845 8
WarEagle9 8
WillWorkForSugar 8
10catsinspace 9
_fastball 9
Acm0028 9
AllHawkeyesGoToHell 9
BabyBladder 9
Blazeth 9
buckeyes75 9
captain_sasquatch 9
Cars-and-Coffee 9
Casaiir 9
Colton3690 9
Conglossian 9 -4
Corgi_Koala 9
CptCheese 9
cvsprinter1 9
cyberchaox 9
D1N2Y 9
DisraeliEers 9
Drexlore 9
DrKennethJNoisewater 9
eclectic_tastes 9
esoterik 9
Hey_Its_Roomie 9
Hobbes_121 9
Hugefootballfan44 9 LW: 8
IceColdDrPepper_Here 9
joebob431 9
jrluhn 9
lillipup03 9
MahjongDaily 9
Megalomanizac 9
mellolizard 9
Mr_Brews 9
nbingham196 9
ndbroski 9
noodlethebear 9
nw____ 9 Bye week.
OldCoaly 9
olmsted 9
PalmettoFace 9
Polarbear1914 9
posiitively 9
practicallybert 9
PrimalCookie 9
Pure_Protein_Machine 9
ryseing 9
SCsprinter13 9
shadowwingnut 9
Sometimeswelose 9
soonerfreak 9
SpadeRyker 9
strikersteve60 9
TaylorLeprechaun 9 +0
tdeff19 9
Techwid 9
Texasagsman 9
thomasosu 9
TopGoose 9
udubdavid 9
AlphaH4wk 10
BlueFalcon89 10
bretticus33 10 No game for Oregon who open up B1G play against former PAC-12 foe UCLA
Cecil_Hardboner 10
Charlemagne42 10 Adjustment: 0.0%
chaser676 10
ChemicalOle 10
CockADoodleBOOM 10
Darth_Ra 10
djowen68 10
e8odie 10
GatorBolt 10 Week off this week but probably for the best.
GenialGiant 10
HelioOne 10
icklebush 10
JBonkies 10 (+4)
jjjoebox 10
Longvols 10
monkeymatt1836 10
nemoran 10
nin478 10
noahthearc 10
owl_man 10
owlalwaysloveyew 10
pileatedloon 10
r0sco 10
royrules22 10
spsellers 10
stew_pac 10 -1
Tman450x 10
TossedRightOut 10
UMeister 10
Wescat 10
ya111101 10
AlexanderComet 11
Bank_Gothic 11
BearsAreGreat1 11
ChaseTheFalcon 11 -1
cinciforthewin 11
darkra01 11
Doogitywoogity 11
fadingthought 11
G-Aardvark 11
JamoRedhead 11
jaybigs 11
jthomas694 11 FPI efficiencies have Oregon as the 24th best team in the country. I don't like how they've looked to this point. They seem like they should be better, but just have not been better.
Klaassy23 11 (LW Change: 0)
MarlinsGuy 11
MoneyManeVick 11
RegionalBias 11
seaotter2 11
SlaminSammons 11
spmartin1993 11
srs_house 11
T-nawtical 11
VerySeriousBanana 11
Zloggt 11
Apep86 12
DavoinShower-handle 12
GilBrandt 12
IAmAChemicalEngineer 12
Inkblot9 12
RegulatorRWF 12
romulusjsp 12 (+2)
tks231 12
woakley 12
HarbingerOfFun 13
LiptonCB 13
manbeardawg 13
RJEP22 13
CFBHurts 14
CommodoreN7 14
ehoefler 14 76.54 | -7
fo13 14
realclean 14 =
skuhlke 14
Fmeson 15
jalexjsmithj 15
MADBuc49 15
TadKosciuszko 15
wameron 15
A_Rolling_Baneling 17
infinitempg 17 0.762 (-8)
MemeLovingLoser 17
Ruhrgebietheld 17
velociraptorfarmer 17
70stang 18 Oregon is 3-0 with 1 P5 away win, 1 G5 win, and 1 FCS win. Their strength of opponents played is 31st.
luckroy 18
spasm01 18
OKgolfer 19
KJdkaslknv 20
tallg8tor 22
CPiGuy2728 23
zenverak 24

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
DeerPrison 1
forkedravioli 1
msonar623 3
CakeEaters 4
Chipsahoy523 4
Dan20698 4
GoxxoG 4
ianmcmoney 4
0010MK 5
BG-WestyC 5
GeyWeyner12 5
Laschoni 5
penix4heisman 5
RealignmentJunkie 5
andyjelliott 6
big_thunder_man 6
corona779 6
Devintheroaster 6
DillyDillySzn 6
HopefulReb76 6 A good team after the civil war far better than the performance in the previous games. On a bye.
LoCh0_xX 6
patriots230 6
RedBarracuda25 6
Salmon-Dude 6
saquad69 6
Shion314 6
Somali-Pirate-Lvl100 6
TheBeekman8 6
Underground_Bread 6
wittingtarsier 6
xX_GIGA_MAN_Xx 6 Need to get the team figured out and right the ship before they suffer a devastating loss. I believe (based off nothing) that they are one of the 3 best teams this season talent wise, but their lackluster performances so far in the early weeks has led me to believe that they will drop a mystery game later in the season to derail their top 4 bid.
youngs2309 6
1Subject 7
70277027 7
7_evyn 7
_Junk_Rat_ 7
Airweldon 7
Bereft13 7 Power: 9, SoR: 7; LW: 6
BoilerUp28 7
BoukenGreen 7
dubkent 7
funt9rtle 7
Jay_Dubbbs 7
jonstark19 7 0
journey1986 7
KansasChaser2021 7
maxwell6233 7
mr_longfellow_deeds 7
MuhMuhManRay 7
Mynameisdiehard 7 No change from last week
newSomberMan 7
PeteyNice 7
pianoprofiteer 7
PsychologicalFox8660 7
SNjr 7
spaceblev11 7
tatteredgnome_23 7
thatoneguyD13 7 Tier 2.
TheQuakinator 7
Tornadohunter24 7
vindictivejazz 7
WRSpill 7 (6)
-Gnostic28 8
AdministrativeAnt683 8
Aidanj927 8
AnAngryPanda1 8
Arvandu 8
brihimia 8
brucewaynewins 8
Burnsite 8
ckubi 8
cookie__monster___ 8
DownshiftGD 8
drewscottt 8
dterp13 8
ElyxUW 8
FoRtNiteizBAD 8
Hastronaut 8 8-11 is my second tier of teams. All undefeated but have looked shaky at times or didn't have the preseason expectations of the top tier teams.
hoovereatscowpoop 8
hurricaneatx 8 (3-0) -
JJones927 8
Josh_historybuff 8 Bye Week
JoshuaMan024 8 246.15
leadbymight 8
loganisfresh 8
MainPeanut25 8
MajikSix 8
ManiacalBlazer 8
mauliknshah 8
Maxdarkfire 8
McIntyre2K7 8
Menktenk 8
mfraga66 8
Midnight-Mustang 8
Milflover69cbb 8 After the slow start to the season I’ll be cautious abt Oregon all year
Noahsince2002 8
notsaying123 8
Omegaus492 8
RubbleHome 8
samtaylor92 8
schneeplehoppen 8
ScooterLeShooter 8
Sflabuckeye13 8
silfarion10 8
sirvalkyerie 8
Slow_Leg1791 8
sly2bfox 8
soonertiger 8
Spazzatack 8
tbutrie1916 8
TheReformedBadger 8
throwaway_6786 8 On bye waiting for UCLA. The Boise State and Oregon State wins still look alright, but there likely won't be much more to learn about the Ducks before they invite the Buckeyes to town on 10/12.
tisofold 8
TKFT_ExTr3m3 8
True_Ad5324 8
twr96 8
UTTuba16 8
willbill182 8
Xy13 8
yesiambear 8
133112 9 Refer to #7.
Astone1996 9
Beneficial_Present29 9
BeyondLiesTheWub 9 -4
bigred91224 9
bruhstevenson 9
carsonivey72 9
cbusalex 9
charmingcharles2896 9
chillmagic420 9 The undeafeated but not sure yet crew
DaewooLanosMFerr 9
divey043 9
drneilpretenamen 9
dubscurry30 9
dukemetoo 9
Fantastic-Calendar-9 9 LW: 12
FlashSpider-man 9
FsuNolezz 9
gavinw24 9
geauxsaints777 9
gonshpreds1 9
jibberishdhyukl 9
Lefunnymaymays4lief 9 Idaho looking more and more like an aberration, and Boise is the mid-major frontrunner. They’ll be fine and I expect to rank them higher by the time OSU comes to Autzen.
Living_Human 9
Luigiatl 9
Mayonezee 9
mikecsiy 9
mill1634 9
Mossed26 9
mountain_troop86 9
munchermode 9
ntny 9
sconbon 9
SomerandomIDFBfan 9
Sp1cyRice 9 (-4)
sroach91 9
StripedSteel 9
supercon21 9
trust_the_process__ 9
WebfootTroll 9
Yelich04 9 ^2
ziggysaysnada 9
Aggravating-Steak-69 10
camus69x 10
CriterionCrypt 10
Fghjkdid911 10
HoustonHorns 10
isrealball 10
JordanDean04 10
josh55134 10
JustAGuy7915 10
kcvtdc 10
luciusetrur 10 LW: 10
mcdsmaster8824 10
Middle_Wheel_5959 10
mthompson2320 10 LW: 9
NA_Faker 10
NastyWideOuts 10 Bye week, no movement
OG_Felwinter 10
PattyKane16 10
Piptit 10
PSUMediaPA 10
RipRaycom 10
SaguaroCactus19 10
scsd4222 10
Serenityy8 10
spencej98 10
STL_12 10
thefarsideinside 10
thehornedlamb 10
WBLwiffleball 10
ActuallyJasonPrice 11
alttabbins 11
aredna 11
BuckeyeForLife95 11
ConstantPause1239 11
dawgfan24348 11
donbagert 11
Effective-Lead-6657 11
GenuineBoss 11
JackWK_Gaming 11
jwrtf 11
kcspot 11
SaveTheCombees10 11
tcomn 11 Group C
Wumbology724 11
boomersooner222 12
Crelc3 12
quantum_jedi 12 Idle. Don't expect much trouble for Oregon this week against UCLA, but that matchup against Ohio State looms in the not so distant future.
TheSleaze22 12
ALToidzz 13
tms42206 13
HideNZeke 14
cfbpeoplespoll 15 105 pts. Prev rank 13.
ESPbeN 15
kevinsdomain 15
RadiationRichard 15 LW - 18
CallingUagoatUgoat 16 T-14. 0 SP+ T-25 wins.
CallMeTheKing 16 13-0-120
ChBass 16
doctrhouse 16
Rcfan0902 16 583.06
daredassdude 17
johnjones55 19
owl-bears 20
grahamca 21 T1ˢᵗ W/L, T23ʳᵈ Predicted Wins, 20ᵗʰ Team Strength, 34ᵗʰ Quality of Wins
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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