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2024 Week 4 Oregon Ducks Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
SearonTrejorek 1 0.86284
hythloday1 2
ruwisc 2
visor841 2
JaxofAllTrades13 3
justsaynotoreddit 3 0.981
ShogunAshoka 3
Striker743 3 Up 2
studio_sally 3
TheNSAAgent777 3
ToeInDigDeep 3
Buckeyes2010 4
BUSean 4
bwburke94 4
CambodianDrywall 4
jimbobbypaul 4
Maladroit44 4
NotSoSuperNerd 4 1.227 (9.8-2.2)
Player_1_has_Joined 4
RJEP22 4 (3-0) 145.173 pts
The_Good_Constable 4
12panther 5
Bank_Gothic 5
cfbguy 5
Conglossian 5 +2
EpicSchwinn 5
hypercube42342 5
jalexjsmithj 5
jeedf 5
malowry0124 5
No11223456 5
placid_salad 5 LW #9
PlactusTX 5 (7) W Oregon State
Sometimeswelose 5
Sproded 5
TadKosciuszko 5
ThaCarter 5
trumpet_23 5
UNC_Samurai 5
washington_jefferson 5
AudiieVerbum 6
bakonydraco 6 81.041
bannista7 6
Branzilla91 6
CharlemagneOfTheUSA 6
cvsprinter1 6
dabul-master 6
Daigotsu 6
Feral_Squirrel 6
fshi 6
halldaylong 6
Hey_Its_Roomie 6
JustAManAndHisLaptop 6
Lex_Ludorum 6
noodlethebear 6
Pikachu1989 6
Pollaski 6
practicallybert 6
puffadda 6
Pure_Protein_Machine 6
Pyroblockx 6
Rakarei 6
ReallyCreative 6
RobertNeyland 6
SpadeRyker 6
Stoneador 6 ['Boise State', 'Oregon State', 'Georgia Southern', 'San Diego State', 'Nevada', 'Troy']
SwissArmyScythe 6 --
TDenverFan 6
texas2089 6
the_lost_carrot 6
titansfan174 6
BamaPride95 7
Bill3ffinMurray 7
blahblehblahwhoru 7
Blooblod 7
BosskOnASegway 7
CptCheese 7
creative_penguin 7
digdat0 7
DrKennethJNoisewater 7
ehoefler 7 86.89 | +12
ewolfy13 7
fourpinz8 7
goodnames679 7
Hackasizlak 7
Helifino 7
Joester09 7
MarlinsGuy 7
NyquillusDillwad20 7
rain_parkour 7
redrumsoxLoL 7
Shootit_Rockets 7
Staind075 7
tdoger 7
Texasagsman 7
ucieaters33 7
52hoova 8
ALStark69 8 +1
bernkastel87 8
Blazeth 8
boxbeat 8
buckeyes75 8
CFBHurts 8
coletheredditer 8 There we go
Colton3690 8
colton_97 8
conchobor 8
Corgi_Koala 8
dan4223 8
Dropbackandpunt 8
e8odie 8
ExternalTangents 8
fredmerc111 8 LW: 8
galacticdude7 8
GeauxTri 8
GoBlueScrewOSU7 8
Harpua99 8
Hugefootballfan44 8 LW: 11
IAmAChemicalEngineer 8
Jakesnake42 8 79.90 Last Week: NR
jmac_21 8
JonesUCF34 8
kflinderman 8
KirbyDumber88 8
MemeofMemeJTG999999 8 (3-0) (up 1) W: 49-14 @ Oregon State (2-1) Next Week: Bye Projected Bowl: Playoff R1 @ Ole Miss
oghawks18 8
one98d 8
Our-Gardian-Angel 8
posiitively 8
retnuh101 8
ryseing 8
sasmith2015 8
ScarletFever333 8
SharkMovies 8
skuhlke 8
TouchdownHeroes 8 LW: 8
w8w8 8
WolverineDDS 8
_fastball 9
a_bit_of_a_misnomer_ 9
BallSoHerd 9
BenchRickyAguayo 9
ch1l1_ch33s3 9
ChickenTaco 9
chweris 9
corundum9 9
cyberchaox 9
DampFrijoles 9
DarkLegend64 9
darkra01 9
dasani3x 9
deadtofall12 9
diehardcubforever 9
dogwoodmaple 9
esoterik 9
eSpiritCorpse 9 0.9394
grjohnst 9
grtgbln 9
ikindalikelemons 9
infinitempg 9 0.774
JamoRedhead 9
jthomas694 9
lillipup03 9
magnumweiner 9
nemoran 9
Noelthemexican 9
Noy_Telinu 9
nw____ 9 Are we awake now? Or is Oregon State just a shell of itself?
olmsted 9
PalmettoFace 9
Polarbear1914 9
PrimalCookie 9
ProbablyRickSantorum 9
rocco2246 9
RollWarTideEagle 9
SCsprinter13 9
shadowwingnut 9
Sophocles5 9
spasm01 9
stew_pac 9 +9
strikersteve60 9
TaylorLeprechaun 9 +0
The-Gothic-Castle 9
TimeBroken 9 Rank: #8
tjstanley 9
tmothy07 9
WarEagle9 9
Wescat 9
WillWorkForSugar 9
10catsinspace 10
A_Rolling_Baneling 10
aggiebruin27 10
BabyBladder 10
BananaBouquet 10
BorisNumber1 10
bties 10
Cassiyus 10
Ch-i-ef 10 Welcome back Ducks. All it took was facing an opponent easier than FCS Idaho or Boise State: Your abandoned brother Beavs.
ChaseTheFalcon 10 --
cornholesurfer 10
Drexlore 10
Due_Connection179 10 Last Week #11 at Oregon State // Won 49 - 14 // Impressive win vs their in-state rivals. On the road to looking like a top 5 team again, but they need to build off of this and do it again in the weeks to come.
frone 10
GatorBolt 10 After some near misses, the Ducks put it together in the OOC Civil War in Week 3 (that makes me want to puke.) At least they get a bye before conference play starts in earnest against UCLA (that's a bit easier to type out.)
JeromesNiece 10
joebob431 10
jrluhn 10
JustinMSU21 10
LiptonCB 10
MahjongDaily 10
Meany_Vizzini 10 18.2, +1, +3.5
Mr_Brews 10
outthawazoo 10
plannedsickdays 10
PumpSmash 10
Red261 10
RheagarTargaryen 10
scronko 10
spsellers 10
SteemieRayVaughn 10
woakley 10
Xtremeloco 10
ya111101 10
Acm0028 11
arrowfan624 11
bretticus33 11 Nice of you to wake up Oregon. The offense looked like the offense of old, but I think the defense showed they can be run on by better running games than Oregon State’s.
BugsSuck 11
captain_sasquatch 11
Charlemagne42 11 Adjustment: 0%
chaser676 11
D1N2Y 11
Darth_Ra 11
DarthYoda2594 11
Doogitywoogity 11 I honestly don’t know enough about either team so this is largely inertia
eclectic_tastes 11
G-Aardvark 11
GenialGiant 11
HHcougar 11
huskerfan4life520 11
Klaassy23 11 (LW Change: +3)
Le_Jerk_My_Circle 11
Longvols 11
MoneyManeVick 11
owl_man 11
owlalwaysloveyew 11
pileatedloon 11
r0sco 11
RegionalBias 11 Smashed beavs
RiffRamBahZoo 11
royrules22 11
thomasosu 11
Tman450x 11
vanburen1845 11
70stang 12 Oregon is is 3-0 with 1 P5 win away, 1 G5 win, 1 FCS win, and a strength of played schedule of 26th
Apep86 12
Cecil_Hardboner 12
CockADoodleBOOM 12
djowen68 12
HarbingerOfFun 12
hascogrande 12
IceColdDrPepper_Here 12
jjjoebox 12
Knightro2011 12
MemeLovingLoser 12
monkeymatt1836 12
ndbroski 12
PHubbs 12
RegulatorRWF 12
SlaminSammons 12
srs_house 12
TopGoose 12
TossedRightOut 12
VerySeriousBanana 12
Zloggt 12
AllHawkeyesGoToHell 13
AlphaH4wk 13
BearsAreGreat1 13
Casaiir 13
cinciforthewin 13
cota1212 13
HieloLuz 13 Points: 30.4 | Wins: 2 T5, 1 T7 | 2 WP |
icklebush 13
jrichardh 13
MrTheSpork 13
Muffinnnnnnn 13
seaotter2 13
soonerfreak 13
spmartin1993 13
T-nawtical 13 -
T-Thugs 13 Oregon is 3-0 with nice wins over Oregon State (2-1) and Boise State (1-1)
Terminal_BAS 13
theb52 13 48.333
AlexanderComet 14
Inkblot9 14
jaybigs 14
JBonkies 14 (-6) The dropping has nothing to do with the Oregon State game, but more about the first two games. It seemed as if everyone thought the Ducks were on upset alert this week except Vegas, and they still covered the large spread. I should have dropped them earlier when they struggled but I like to wait until after week 3 to really evaluate the teams.
mellolizard 14
realclean 14 +8
romulusjsp 14 (+1)
tks231 14
ChemicalOle 15
HelioOne 15
MADBuc49 15
noahthearc 15
Ruhrgebietheld 15
CommodoreN7 16
DavoinShower-handle 16
Hobbes_121 16
Corporal_Hicks 17
DisraeliEers 17
Fmeson 17
wameron 18
CPiGuy2728 19
nin478 19
lookglen 20
nbingham196 21
OKgolfer 22
manbeardawg 25

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
DeerPrison 2
msonar623 2
cnpeters 3 95.65 Points. Best Win vs #41 Boise State (65.03)
0010MK 4
133112 4 While they had some... shaky wins to start the season, the Ducks beat Boise St. and Oregon St., two teams I respect enough to keep them ranked highly.
1Subject 4
CakeEaters 4
CallMeTheKing 4 7-0-126
ChBass 4
Chipsahoy523 4
dubkent 4
GeyWeyner12 4
ianmcmoney 4
Salmon-Dude 4
Sauronslefteye 4
wittingtarsier 4
BeyondLiesTheWub 5 no change
FigletPiglet 5 =
penix4heisman 5
RealignmentJunkie 5
Sp1cyRice 5
throwaway_6786 5 That's the Oregon that most people were expecting this year. They just went up against their main rival in their house and crushed them. I'm impressed with what the Ducks can do, though there are still things to clean up on the defensive end.
vindictivejazz 5
xX_GIGA_MAN_Xx 5 poor beavs.
70277027 6
7_evyn 6
_JustinTheGreat_ 6
Arvandu 6
Bereft13 6 Power: 9, SoR: 3; LW: 9
cbusalex 6
doctrhouse 6
drneilpretenamen 6
dukemetoo 6
ElyxUW 6
forkedravioli 6
Got_That_WeeFee 6
HopefulReb76 6 I had doubts about the team after a slow start to the season. A lot of the kinks seem to be worked out and D Gabriel really showed out in the civil war. I for one thought this game would not on be close but, that the ducks were going to hold an L.
journey1986 6
Mayonezee 6
mswise506 6
patriots230 6
Protoco2 6
RedBarracuda25 6 Play like shit last two weeks so your rivals think you have a chance, I respect it tbh
Scruggerboy 6
Somali-Pirate-Lvl100 6
thatoneguyD13 6 Tier 2. Looked much better against Oregon State.
TheBeekman8 6
WRSpill 6 (6)
youngs2309 6
Airweldon 7
Beneficial_Present29 7
BoilerUp28 7
carsonivey72 7
cheeks_mcgoo 7
civfan5843 7
corona779 7
dr_funk_13 7
jonstark19 7 0
Mascorn 7 they finally looked great and dominated Oregon State
maxwell6233 7
mr_longfellow_deeds 7
notsaying123 7
OG_Felwinter 7
PerfectZeroKnowledge 7
PsychologicalFox8660 7
scottyjetpax 7
Sflabuckeye13 7
Shion314 7
silfarion10 7
simplygabi 7
SNjr 7
STL_12 7
TheQuakinator 7
tms42206 7
Underground_Bread 7
-Gnostic28 8
big_thunder_man 8 Stomped allover Oregon State. Classic oregon team. Wild, fast, and unreliable.
boomersooner222 8
BoukenGreen 8
brucewaynewins 8
bruhstevenson 8 Nice road win over rivals OR St (-)
Burnsite 8
ckubi 8
ConstantPause1239 8
DaewooLanosMFerr 8
Dan20698 8
dheck2016 8
DownshiftGD 8
hoovereatscowpoop 8
hurricaneatx 8 (3-0) -
Jay_Dubbbs 8
KCSportsFan7 8
leadbymight 8
LonghornInNebraska 8
MainPeanut25 8 Showed a pulse
mikecsiy 8
munchermode 8
pianoprofiteer 8
RubbleHome 8
samtaylor92 8
SomerandomIDFBfan 8
soonertiger 8
tatteredgnome_23 8
TheGlassRemains 8
thejus10 8
Tornadohunter24 8
True_Ad5324 8 Finally a good win
Tylex123 8
usernamegoeshere763 8
WBLwiffleball 8
yesiambear 8 If you want to be in the top 10 and start moving up, you win games like that, like that.
ab317 9
ALToidzz 9
alttabbins 9
AnAngryPanda1 9
bolts_win_again 9
coolguyrealcool 9
DillyDillySzn 9
dterp13 9
FoRtNiteizBAD 9
geauxsaints777 9
GoxxoG 9
greysatire 9
Hastronaut 9
Jacob_Sumner 9
jibberishdhyukl 9
JJones927 9
Josh_historybuff 9 49-14 vs Oregon State
Kirkwood641 9
Living_Human 9
Luigiatl 9 A good win over Oregon State, although, considering their shakiness so far, they have a bit more convincing to do.
ManiacalBlazer 9
mcdsmaster8824 9
Milflover69cbb 9 I still think this team is slightly fraudulent
mill1634 9
mountain_troop86 9 Oh, did the alarm clock go off?
mthompson2320 9 LW: 15
Mynameisdiehard 9 Boise St win looks stronger now that they are a T30 team
OCD3ds 9
Omegaus492 9
Piptit 9
Rcfan0902 9 555.69
saquad69 9
ScooterLeShooter 9
scsd4222 9
sirvalkyerie 9
spaceblev11 9
SpeddyDawg 9
spencej98 9
sroach91 9
swdanley17 9
tbutrie1916 9
twr96 9
_Junk_Rat_ 10
Aidanj927 10
BG-WestyC 10
CallingUagoatUgoat 10 T-10. 1 SP+ T-50 win (Boise State).
cookie__monster___ 10
donbagert 10
enneper4 10
Fghjkdid911 10
inconvenientpoop 10
KansasChaser2021 10
kcvtdc 10
luciusetrur 10 LW: 12 Change: +2
Menktenk 10
Midnight-Mustang 10
MuhMuhManRay 10
NastyWideOuts 10
Noahsince2002 10
PSUMediaPA 10
quantum_jedi 10 That's more like it. The Ducks finally took care of business on the road against the Beavers.
sconbon 10
Serenityy8 10
Spazzatack 10
trust_the_process__ 10
UTTuba16 10
WebfootTroll 10
willbill182 10
ziggysaysnada 10
bigred91224 11
chillmagic420 11
CriterionCrypt 11
dubscurry30 11
eddietheintern 11
FlashSpider-man 11
FsuNolezz 11
gavinw24 11
irishGOP413 11
JackWK_Gaming 11
JordanDean04 11 (--) Stays atop of Penn State and Utah after blowing the doors off their in-state rivals.
JustAGuy7915 11
jwrtf 11 -1
loganisfresh 11 Finally looked like the preseason hyped team we were told about.
MajikSix 11
OSU_Shecter 11
PattyKane16 11
PowerWalkingInThe90s 11
redrhino777 11
RipRaycom 11
spicywarlock73 11
supercon21 11
tcomn 11 Group C
The_Candler 11
thefarsideinside 11
TheSleaze22 11
Yelich04 11 ^6
_TGT7 12
brihimia 12
Fantastic-Calendar-9 12 LW: 10
isrealball 12
josh55134 12
JoshuaMan024 12 233.22
kcspot 12
mfraga66 12
PeteyNice 12
SaguaroCactus19 12
sammyt21 12
Sebene 12
cfbpeoplespoll 13 105 pts. Prev. 15
dawgfan24348 13
EBuckhouse 13
HoustonHorns 13 Yes, Oregon looked great against Oregon St., however they looked very beatable against Idaho and Boise St. Two scares puts them behind Penn St and Utah. Special teams plays are fairly random. Although some skill is involved you cannot count on them to win you the game. Oregon needed two to beat Boise St at home. Additionally, their OL was pretty sketchy weeks 1 & 2. It looked improved last week. However, until last week is the rule and not the exception - I am not sold on Oregon.
slatibartifast3 13
TheReformedBadger 13
BuckeyeForLife95 14
HideNZeke 14
mathmanhale 14
Middle_Wheel_5959 14
Minnesnowtaaa 14
StripedSteel 14
camus69x 15
cirtnecoileh 15
SaveTheCombees10 15
TheFalconGuy 15
owl-bears 16
thehornedlamb 16
Xy13 16
ESPbeN 17
RadiationRichard 18 LW - NR
Crelc3 20
kevinsdomain 20
daredassdude 22
aredna 25
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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