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2024 Week 3 UCF Knights Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
HieloLuz 6 Points: 22.5 | Wins: 1 T5, 1 T7 |
Hey_Its_Roomie 7
placid_salad 8 LW: #36
stew_pac 11 +12
fadingthought 12
goodnames679 13
Darth_Ra 14
Meany_Vizzini 15 13.6, +4, +2.7
Noelthemexican 15
A_Rolling_Baneling 16
NotSoSuperNerd 17 0.615 (8.5-3.5)
Jakesnake42 18 65.24 (tied)
TouchdownHeroes 18 LW: 18
HHcougar 19
nw____ 21 Need more data, frankly, but I’m really trying to reward teams who handled their business this week.
oghawks18 21
owl_man 21
strikersteve60 21
JeromesNiece 22
Longvols 22
Player_1_has_Joined 22
corundum9 23
Hobbes_121 23
Le_Jerk_My_Circle 23
eclectic_tastes 24
ehoefler 24 73.93 | NEW +22
kflinderman 24
Muffinnnnnnn 24
CambodianDrywall 25
Conglossian 25 U/R
Hugefootballfan44 25
RJEP22 25 (2-0) 80.002 pts
TadKosciuszko 25
The_Good_Constable 25

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
grahamca 4 T1ˢᵗ W/L, T7ᵗʰ Predicted Wins, 8ᵗʰ Team Strength, 2ⁿᵈ Quality of Wins
Rcfan0902 6 Most likely because they blew out their opponents 57-3 and 45-14. Also helped by the fact that they beat Sam Houston, who beat Rice
chief_sitass 8
wittingtarsier 10
ALToidzz 12
mthompson2320 14 LW: 18
RadiationRichard 15 LW - 20
BuckeyeForLife95 17
cfbpeoplespoll 19 55 pts.
SaveTheCombees10 19
xX_GIGA_MAN_Xx 19 Really good team I think, could be a dark horse for the B12. coming back for their SECOND national title this time.
cheeks_mcgoo 20
The_Stratman 20
DaewooLanosMFerr 21
spencej98 21
BeyondLiesTheWub 22 +9
Cooliamabeast 22
Effective-Lead-6657 22
pianoprofiteer 22
FigletPiglet 23 +15
McIntyre2K7 24
PattyKane16 24
DownshiftGD 25
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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