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2024 Week 3 Michigan State Spartans Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
70stang 6 Michigan State is 2-0 with a close home win over a G5 and a close away P5 win. They beat FAU in a rock-fight by 6 points, and won @ Maryland by 3, putting them at the bottom of this tier.
A_Rolling_Baneling 6
Bank_Gothic 9
udubdavid 12
skuhlke 13
jalexjsmithj 16 Maryland win
fo13 18
T-Thugs 18 Michigan State is 2-0 with a win over Maryland (1-1)
PlactusTX 20 (—) W 24 Maryland
Jakesnake42 21 65.03
JaxofAllTrades13 21
OldCoaly 21
CambodianDrywall 22
Daigotsu 23
Noelthemexican 24
The_Good_Constable 24
Hey_Its_Roomie 25
RheagarTargaryen 25

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
CallingUagoatUgoat 10
cfbpeoplespoll 12 60 pts. Away win vs top 50 team.
Jacob_Sumner 13
STL_12 17
Sp1cyRice 20 (+30) Nice win over UMD on the road, which is more than most teams can say they did.
Effective-Lead-6657 21
GenuineBoss 22
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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