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2023 Week 9 Rutgers Scarlet Knights Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
the_neverdoctor 16
BlueFalcon89 21
Charlemagne42 22 71.1
frumious88 22
I_am_bot_beep_boop 22
ndbroski 22
Terminal_BAS 22
12panther 23
BigBoutros 23
CommodoreN7 23
Dropbackandpunt 23
VerySeriousBanana 23
fshi 24
goblue10 24
ikindalikelemons 24
JaxofAllTrades13 24
luckroy 24 Pot 5
MarlinsGuy 24
practicallybert 24
ReallyCreative 24
ryseing 24
teddythe3rd 24
TheZachster 24
Foxmcbowser42 25
HarbingerOfFun 25
jrluhn 25 In no particular order, the top 5 not in poll: USC, Fresno State, Duke, Toledo, and Miami
Longvols 25
noahthearc 25
RiffRamBahZoo 25
SCsprinter13 25
seaotter2 25
tallg8tor 25

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
Jacob_Sumner 19
Midnight-Mustang 20
Sflabuckeye13 20
bryophyta_insolitam 22 W 31-14 @ Indiana
ch1l1_ch33s3 22
cirtnecoileh 22
DillyDillySzn 22
IDropFatLogs 23
MrSirPablo 23
OSU_Shecter 23
owl-bears 23
sconbon 23
BobSapp 24
maxwell6233 24
Ok_Elderberry7070 24
DaveSoccer 25
grtgbln 25
TheBeekman8 25 Bowl eligible Knights
Viselli 25
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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