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2019 Week 14 Virginia Tech Hokies Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
ryumast3r 12
ThaCarter 15
sunburn_on_the_brain 16
nejaahalcyon 17
Striker743 17 Up 1
ThePUNisher96 17
seaotter2 18
GilBrandt 19
Laschoni 19
pileatedloon 19
theeguy 19
DeceptiveSpeed 20
fireinvestigator113 20
galacticdude7 20
PalmettoFace 20
TossedRightOut 20
admiraltarkin 21
Charlemagne42 21 [657] Someone pinch me. A Coastal team?? (NEW)
cmdrcaboose2 21
crimsonlaw 21
Disregardskarma 21
eclectic_tastes 21
emueagles 21
luckroy 21
Miami_da_U 21
MoneyManeVick 21
relax_on_the_mat 21
tabelz 21
TanzaniaMagic 21
TDenverFan 21
52hoova 22
bgr308 22
Bill3ffinMurray 22
Blazeth 22
BlueFalcon89 22
boonamobile 22
brobroma 22
bties 22
BUSean 22
captain_sasquatch 22
Cars-and-Coffee 22
Cecil_Hardboner 22
cfbguy 22
CollegeGolf69 22
DarthYoda2594 22
diastereomer 22
fadingthought 22
FellKnight 22
GeauxAllDay 22
GenialGiant 22 At 8-3, the Hokies have really turned their season around and will look to win the right to get curb-stomped by Clemson in Charlotte.
iliketoupvotepuns 22
itsabearcannon 22
Johnnycockseed 22
kelctex 22
kelling928 22
KobeOrNotKobe 22
malowry0124 22
mellolizard 22
nemoran 22
ReallyCreative 22
remwin 22
RiffRamBahZoo 22
ryseing 22
SSJRoshi 22
stripes361 22 Virginia Tech's computer rankings would normally disqualify them from Top 25 consideration but they have been a completely different team with Hendon Hooker. I expect them to beat Virginia decisively this Friday.
T-nawtical 22
T-Thugs 22 Hokies have 3 losses. Their best wins are over Pitt and Wake Forest.
taloncarde 22
ttsci 22
ucieaters33 22
vanburen1845 22
W_Is_For_Will 22
xelphin 22
bobsled_time 23
boxbeat 23
buckeyegold 23
CambodianDrywall 23
Cassiyus 23
ChemicalOle 23
chrisb19 23 like Oklahoma State, VaTech hangs their hat on a couple dubious wins (Wake looked better then than they do now) and close losses (Notre Dame). A couple of big wins (GaTech, Pitt) balanced by at least one bad loss (Duke). In a generally down ACC they have a resume that's respectable at best but not world-beating.
coreyfra 23
Corporal_Hicks 23
DarkLegend64 23 NEW
darkra01 23
dasani3x 23
deadtofall12 23
Dropbackandpunt 23
Extra_Excrement 23
Foxmcbowser42 23
Hackasizlak 23
Helifino 23
Hobbes_121 23
IAmAChemicalEngineer 23
icklebush 23
igloo27 23
jeedf 23
jlh2b 23
jshokie1 23
lk6 23
Longvols 23
Nathanael-Greene 23
nin478 23
noahthearc 23
Omegaus492 23
OskeewowwowIL 23
owl_man 23
Papalew32 23
PHubbs 23
polydorr 23
PumpSmash 23
Rakarei 23
RegulatorRWF 23
roaddogg 23
sasmith2015 23
ScarletFever333 23
SCRx 23
soonerfreak 23
tallg8tor 23
teddythe3rd 23
Ticklebump 23
tjstanley 23
tmothy07 23
TopGoose 23
TopheryG8er 23
Trogdor42069 23
typicaliconoclast 23
WarEagle9 23
wesman212 23
Xtremeloco 23
zacheiny 23
Zerosa 23
ACCBiggz 24
AllHawkeyesGoToHell 24
BallSoHerd 24
BamaPride95 24
beerslingerjay 24
blahblehblahwhoru 24
Branzilla91 24
BugsSuck 24
bwburke94 24
CFSparta92 24
cinciforthewin 24
CockADoodleBOOM 24
DafoeFoSho 24
dicky_________seamus 24
esoterik 24
Feral_Squirrel 24
GatorAndrew 24
HarbingerOfFun 24
hawkspur1 24
Hoflax24 24
hypercube42342 24
Jakesnake42 24 VT picks up another nice win against UVA. UVA HATE WEEK NOW BOYSLast Week: 25
jnoobs13 24
jputna 24
kdcoltred 24
MammothMan34 24
Mario_Speedwagon 24
mjacksongt 24
mnmmatt 24
moistats_ 24
monkeymatt1836 24
myghtymouse 24
nburt13 24
orangeslash 24
orboth 24
Our-Gardian-Angel 24
Polarbear1914 24
r0sco 24
rmp0005 24
scotsworth 24
steelcitygator 24
strikersteve60 24
TaylorLeprechaun 24 +0
tdeff19 24
Texasagsman 24
TheReformedBadger 24
toocleverbyhalf 24
UNC_Samurai 24
WeenisWrinkle 24
Zloggt 24
311polo 25
BlueSCar 25
BobDeLaSponge 25
Buckeyes2010 25
Chris-P-Creme 25
DoveFood 25
fshi 25
G-manP 25
JaxofAllTrades13 25
JCiLee 25
jmac_21 25
JonesUCF34 25
nbingham196 25
noodlethebear 25
pascha 25
Pieisgood186 25
Pikachu1989 25
RatherBeYachting 25
SCsprinter13 25

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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