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2024 Week 16 & Bowls SMU Mustangs Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
bwburke94 4 +15.8041115 (LW: #5)
luckroy 4 Pot 4
infinitempg 5 0.843, -3
Klaassy23 5 (LW Change: -2)
SpadeRyker 5
spmartin1993 5
TaylorLeprechaun 5 -1
trumpet_23 5
zenverak 5
BUSean 6
cvsprinter1 6 2-loss and played in CCG
DisraeliEers 6
eSpiritCorpse 6 0.9318
HieloLuz 6
Jakesnake42 6 78.14 (#8 seed vs #9 seed Penn State) Last Week: #6
PlactusTX 6 (5) L 20 Clemson
ch1l1_ch33s3 7
ehoefler 7 81.16 | -1
Hobbes_121 7
lillipup03 7
NyquillusDillwad20 7
OKgolfer 7 Similar to Texas, SMU has lost to both 10 win teams on the schedule but only had one regular season loss.
skuhlke 7
texas2089 7
theb52 7 57.500
AlphaH4wk 8
Apep86 8
ChickenTaco 8
cornholesurfer 8
Daigotsu 8
grtgbln 8
HarbingerOfFun 8
jjjoebox 8
kflinderman 8
KJdkaslknv 8
MahjongDaily 8
MarlinsGuy 8
Meany_Vizzini 8 17.2, -, -2.1; SOR: 18.0 (9th), MOV: 16.3 (10th)
Noy_Telinu 8 Almost won the ACC
placid_salad 8 LW: #6
Polarbear1914 8
redrumsoxLoL 8
RJEP22 8
RollWarTideEagle 8
ruwisc 8 3.784 LW: 4
SearonTrejorek 8 0.81720
stew_pac 8 -3
Stoneador 8
velociraptorfarmer 8
10catsinspace 9
70stang 9
AlexanderComet 9
arrowfan624 9
bakonydraco 9 83.879
blahblehblahwhoru 9
ChemicalOle 9
CPiGuy2728 9
Darth_Ra 9
e8odie 9
ewolfy13 9 Close loss in the cold, still a respectable performance
Feral_Squirrel 9
goblue10 9
Hackasizlak 9
Harpua99 9
Hey_Its_Roomie 9
Inkblot9 9
LiptonCB 9
MADBuc49 9 -1. #10 playoff seed in this scenario playing at #7 Indiana in the first round
Muffinnnnnnn 9
Noelthemexican 9
olmsted 9
practicallybert 9 #10 Seed @ Notre Dame
PrimalCookie 9
Ruhrgebietheld 9
spasm01 9
srs_house 9
The-Gothic-Castle 9
tks231 9
udubdavid 9
UNC_Samurai 9
w8w8 9
YellowSkarmory 9
A_Rolling_Baneling 10
Acm0028 10
aggiebruin27 10
BearsAreGreat1 10
bernkastel87 10
Buckeyes2010 10
cinciforthewin 10
ColombianInIowa24 10 ACC... losers? A great match, but on to face #2 Penn State in the CFP.
Colton3690 10
CommodoreN7 10
Corporal_Hicks 10
creative_penguin 10
diehardcubforever 10
digdat0 10
ExternalTangents 10
fo13 10
fourpinz8 10
GilBrandt 10
halldaylong 10
IAmAChemicalEngineer 10
ikindalikelemons 10
jaybigs 10
JBonkies 10
Knightro2011 10
Longvols 10
nw____ 10
outthawazoo 10
pileatedloon 10
Player_1_has_Joined 10
Pollaski 10
PumpSmash 10
Rakarei 10
RegulatorRWF 10
ShogunAshoka 10
SlaminSammons 10
Sometimeswelose 10
soonerfreak 10
strikersteve60 10
teddythe3rd 10
TossedRightOut 10
VerySeriousBanana 10
Zloggt 10
ALStark69 11 -8
BallSoHerd 11
bannista7 11
BosskOnASegway 11
boxbeat 11
bretticus33 11 SMU earned their spot in the CFP. The pre-conference move work Rhett Lashlee put in to avoid having a rough transition paid off, and while SMU didn't win the ACC, they came damn close. That trip to Penn State is gonna be tough though.
Cars-and-Coffee 11
Cassiyus 11
CharlemagneOfTheUSA 11
ChaseTheFalcon 11
Chris-P-Creme 11
coletheredditer 11 All hail the savior of conference championship games!
DarkLegend64 11
DarthYoda2594 11
dasani3x 11
DavoinShower-handle 11
deadtofall12 11
Doogitywoogity 11
Dropbackandpunt 11
esoterik 11
fredmerc111 11
fshi 11
GatorBolt 11 A valiant comeback coming up a 56 yard field goal short is heartbreaking. Still props to making the playoff first year in the P4.
grjohnst 11
IceColdDrPepper_Here 11
icklebush 11
JeromesNiece 11
jmac_21 11
JustinMSU21 11
kamiller2020 11
manbeardawg 11
MemeofMemeJTG999999 11 (11-2) (down 4) L: 31-34 vs #22 Clemson (10-3) (ACC Champ; in Charlotte) Bowl: Playoff R1 @ #4 Penn State (11-2)
MoneyManeVick 11
ndbroski 11
noodlethebear 11
NotSoSuperNerd 11 1.511 (11-2)
PalmettoFace 11
Pikachu1989 11
Pure_Protein_Machine 11
Pyroblockx 11
ReallyCreative 11
RegionalBias 11 Nice comeback
retnuh101 11
RheagarTargaryen 11
rocco2246 11
romulusjsp 11
scronko 11
SCsprinter13 11
shadowwingnut 11
spsellers 11
Staind075 11
SteemieRayVaughn 11
Striker743 11 Down 4 - lost close to good team
Terminal_BAS 11
The_Good_Constable 11
the_neverdoctor 11
TheNSAAgent777 11
TheZachster 11
thomasosu 11
ucieaters33 11
visor841 11
wameron 11
WarEagle9 11
washington_jefferson 11
woakley 11
Xtremeloco 11
12panther 12
a_bit_of_a_misnomer_ 12
BabyBladder 12
BananaBouquet 12
Bill3ffinMurray 12
Blazeth 12
BlueSCar 12
CambodianDrywall 12
Casaiir 12
Cecil_Hardboner 12
Ch-i-ef 12 Playoffs! Thank you football gods for the CFB committee not pulling a 2023 FSU and making the correct choice of not punishing a team for playing in a conference championship game while also rewarding a 3 loss team for not playing said game.
corundum9 12
cyclonepsycho 12
DampFrijoles 12
Drexlore 12
Extra_Excrement 12
galacticdude7 12
GeauxTri 12
GenialGiant 12
hascogrande 12
Helifino 12
Hugefootballfan44 12 LW: 5
JamoRedhead 12
joebob431 12
JonesUCF34 12
JustAManAndHisLaptop 12
Maladroit44 12
monkeymatt1836 12
nbingham196 12
nburt13 12
nemoran 12
nin478 12
one98d 12
posiitively 12
puffadda 12
tdeff19 12
TDenverFan 12
Techwid 12
Texasagsman 12
titansfan174 12
tjstanley 12
TopGoose 12
vanburen1845 12
Wescat 12
d_mcc_x 13
EpicSchwinn 13
HelioOne 13
huskerfan4life520 13
Le_Jerk_My_Circle 13
Lex_Ludorum 13
malowry0124 13
MemeLovingLoser 13
Mr_Brews 13
OldCoaly 13
owl_man 13
PHubbs 13
r0sco 13
ryseing 13
tallg8tor 13
TimeBroken 13
ToeInDigDeep 13 11-2; 11-1 regular season, 0-1 ACCCG.
TouchdownHeroes 13
dabul-master 14
Fmeson 14
rain_parkour 14
stripes361 14
SwissArmyScythe 14 -6
DataDrivenPirate 15
frone 15
Joester09 15
sirgippy 15
Blooblod 16
CptCheese 16
dan4223 16
jthomas694 16
T-Thugs 16 SMU finished the season at 11-2. Nice wins over Louisville (8-4) and Duke (9-3)
ya111101 16
CFBHurts 17
Red261 17
RobertNeyland 17
Charlemagne42 21 98

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
forkedravioli 5
FlashSpider-man 6 My 8 seed. Trying not to penalize for the Clemson loss, as it was an extra game, but still felt I had to drop them a bit
owl-bears 6
Rcfan0902 6 2376.28
RevoRebel 6
133112 7 LW=5(#8)
smartkeg 7
The_Good_General 7
0010MK 8
1Subject 8
Bereft13 8 Power: 11, SoR: 8; LW: 5
buccaneerboy22 8
DeerPrison 8
FrontRunner51 8 Committee made the right call keeping them ahead of Alabama.
hoovereatscowpoop 8
Josh_historybuff 8 31-34 vs Clemson
JoshuaMan024 8 220
mthompson2320 8 LW: 6
STL_12 8 Points: 27.800 LW: 4
SufferingfOrLife 8
thealbinotitan1 8 SMU and their QB have performed really well this year and it looked like their inexperience in the big ACC championship game. But I think they showed they were the better team in the second half but as they say it was to little to late
TheSleaze22 8
ArlyntheAwesome 9
CallMeTheKing 9
Crelc3 9
dubscurry30 9
GloryReaper_ 9
grahamca 9 T6ᵗʰ W/L, T5ᵗʰ Predicted Wins, 15ᵗʰ Team Strength, 12ᵗʰ Quality of Wins
HopefulReb76 9
JamesDontPlayNoGames 9
jwrtf 9
Life-Veterinarian699 9
Mynameisdiehard 9
NA_Faker 9
quantum_jedi 9 (-1) Heartbreaking loss to Clemson in the ACC Championship game, but the committee did the right thing and did not punish the Mustangs for a close loss in a highly competitive conference championship game. SMU now travels to Penn State for their well deserved first round playoff game. They will need to minimize the mistakes they made against Clemson if they want to advance to the next round.
RedBarracuda25 9 Absolute heartbreaker at the end, one return away from a bye and ACC championship. But the committee smiled up you and the mustangs are still in the playoff
SBMVPJustinHerbert 9
scrambolambo 9
scsd4222 9
Sp1cyRice 9 (-5, CFP 10 seed facing OSU)
SpeddyDawg 9
tcomn 9
ThompsonCreekTiger 9
timpredmore 9 97.2
WebfootTroll 9
ab317 10
brucewaynewins 10
BuckeyeForLife95 10
Burnsite 10
buzzingoffthetuffy 10
cfbpeoplespoll 10
DarthBerry 10 Rank Score: 66.722
divey043 10
Electronic_Nail 10
EmpressElaina024 10 238
geordieColt88 10
Holyachilles04 10
HouseShowTights 10
jackmc04 10
jcdehoff 10
jibberishdhyukl 10
jonstark19 10
josh55134 10
leadbymight 10
luciusetrur 10 LW: #8 Change: -2
MajikSix 10
Norleras 10
PattyKane16 10
PsychologicalFox8660 10
RealignmentJunkie 10
redleg86 10 wins [Nevada: 0.267, Houston Christian: 0, TCU: 0.561, Florida State: 0.287, Louisville: 0.723, Stanford: 0.321, Duke: 0.696, Pittsburgh: 0.561, Boston College: 0.601, Virginia: 0.466, California: 0.456] losses [BYU: -0.236, Clemson: -0.262]
saquad69 10
SaveTheCombees10 10
SomerandomIDFBfan 10
Spazzatack 10
twr96 10
Underground_Bread 10
Versigot 10
willbill182 10
wittingtarsier 10
70277027 11
Arvandu 11
Blazemaster77 11 LW: 7. The Grand Debate: SMU vs Bama. I give it to SMU for the same reason the committee did. I may have dropped teams for losing CCG but didn’t remove them from the tier they were in. SMU’s not leaving the playoffs for earning the right to play Clemson down to the wire, and though they lost, they still have 2 top 30 wins.
BoukenGreen 11
chillmagic420 11
Chipsahoy523 11
coop3345 11
dawgfan24348 11
donbagert 11
Fantastic-Calendar-9 11 LW: 5
fellohuman77 11
fm22fnam 11 -6 Close loss to Clemson, but 2nd loss drops them quite a lot at this point in season
FsuNolezz 11
GenuineBoss 11
hurricaneatx 11 (11-2) - ✅ 𝗣𝗹𝗮𝘆𝗼𝗳𝗳 𝗦𝗲𝗹𝗲𝗰𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 - After losing a close match to BYU early in the year, well before either team was anywhere near playoff contention, SMU rattled off 9 consecutive victories. It was unfortunate that the Mustangs just barely missed out on winning the ACC on the first year in, but that isn't going to keep them out of the playoff. Quality wins: @Louisville, @Duke
inconvenientpoop 11
IT_JUST_MEANS_JORT 11 💃🏻 Playoff Contender - Seed 11 vs 6 ND
JackWK_Gaming 11
Lefunnymaymays4lief 11
manbeqrpig 11
ManiacalBlazer 11
mccainjames11 11
mcdsmaster8824 11
Middle_Wheel_5959 11
mountain_troop86 11
Nath0leon 11
nebsA1 11
No_Particular_746 11
PersianGuitarist 11
PSUMediaPA 11
Real_TSwany 11
Salmon-Dude 11
Sflabuckeye13 11
Shion314 11
SNjr 11
StFuzzySlippers 11
taborthevirginian 11
TheQuakinator 11
Tylex123 11
zmp1924 11
androonfl 12
Astone1996 12
balconesescarpment 12
beaulnej 12
BoilerUp28 12
Burns2211 12
ConstantPause1239 12 LW: 5 Playoff: 12
daredassdude 12
DillyDillySzn 12
DownshiftGD 12
g_trechel 12
gavinw24 12
geauxsaints777 12
gonshpreds1 12
journey1986 12
MainPeanut25 12 -3, the real underdog story this year
MotherQuocer 12
mstr_yda 12 Last team in the 12-team playoff. ACC runners-up. Ahead of #13 Miami because a team missing out on the playoff for a 3-point loss in the championship game is stupid.
Noah__Webster 12 14
Omegaus492 12
Piptit 12
RadiationRichard 12
Repulsive_Rub6443 12
requiemsux 12
spaceblev11 12
SpectralHydra 12
sroach91 12
TheReformedBadger 12
TolkienFan71 12
Bushken 13 62.14
ChBass 13 Performance Score: 5.7, Wins:+14, Losses:-22.1, Ranking Score: -2.4
JustAGuy7915 13
Luigiatl 13
Redbogey98 13
RJTrey 13
samtaylor92 13
soonertiger 13
Tippyshortmouth 13
dterp13 14
HHunko13 14
iamaustincince 14
loganisfresh 14
mport97 14
Resolve-Opening 14
swdanley17 14
sirvalkyerie 15
TommyWiseau22 15
Yelich04 15 v9
asbestosman2 16
bryophyta_insolitam 16 L 31-34 vs. Clemson
GavRunsTheTrap 16
SignificanceFirm2398 16
ianmcmoney 17
ziggysaysnada 17
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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