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2024 Week 4 Washington State Cougars Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
skuhlke 1
HieloLuz 2 Points: 45 | Wins: 1 T4, 1 T5, 1 T7 | 1 WP |
infinitempg 2 0.905
CPiGuy2728 3
PlactusTX 3 (—) W 5 Washington
spasm01 3
70stang 4 Wazzu is 3-0 with 2 P5 wins, one neutral and one home, as well as 1 FCS win.
jalexjsmithj 4
Stoneador 4 ['Texas Tech', 'Washington', 'North Texas', 'Eastern Michigan', 'South Alabama', 'Massachusetts', 'Jacksonville State']
TadKosciuszko 4
Apep86 5
Hey_Its_Roomie 5
Jakesnake42 5 82.17 Last Week: #14
DisraeliEers 6
hythloday1 6
Colton3690 7
visor841 7
A_Rolling_Baneling 8
JaxofAllTrades13 9
ShogunAshoka 9
MarlinsGuy 10
Hobbes_121 11
Joester09 11
T-Thugs 11 Washington State is 3-0 with a nice win over Washington (2-1)
dabul-master 12
ehoefler 12 82.19 | NEW +20
eSpiritCorpse 12 0.9371
manbeardawg 12
placid_salad 12 LW #36
realclean 12 Previously UNR
ScarletFever333 12
SearonTrejorek 12 0.76826
Striker743 12 Up 8 - two P5 wins
theb52 12 50.667
wameron 13
digdat0 14
luckroy 14
DrKennethJNoisewater 15
Inkblot9 15
lookglen 15
RiffRamBahZoo 15
ToeInDigDeep 15
bakonydraco 16 76.826
CambodianDrywall 16
Daigotsu 16
halldaylong 16
nbingham196 16
oghawks18 16
RobertNeyland 16
Bank_Gothic 17
ChemicalOle 17
GeauxTri 17
NyquillusDillwad20 17
OKgolfer 17
RJEP22 17 (3-0) 114.868 pts
rocco2246 17
studio_sally 17
tallg8tor 17
The-Gothic-Castle 17
BugsSuck 18
cfbguy 18
ColombianInIowa24 18 Defeat of UW makes it easy to explain them back in.
Dropbackandpunt 18
tks231 18
AllHawkeyesGoToHell 19
bwburke94 19
CharlemagneOfTheUSA 19
ExternalTangents 19
icklebush 19
Klaassy23 19 (LW Change: NR)
Maladroit44 19
Noelthemexican 19
owlalwaysloveyew 19
posiitively 19
Ruhrgebietheld 19
Shootit_Rockets 19
SpadeRyker 19
TimeBroken 19 Rank: #17
WillWorkForSugar 19
BearsAreGreat1 20
blahblehblahwhoru 20
Blazeth 20
CFBHurts 20
Ch-i-ef 20 The left-behind Cougs (15 yard penalty on UW, automatic first down) get their revenge (15 yard penalty on UW, automatic first down) on B1G Washington (15 yard penalty on UW, automatic first down).
CommodoreN7 20
cyberchaox 20
Hugefootballfan44 20 LW: NR
Lex_Ludorum 20
Rakarei 20
redrumsoxLoL 20
cvsprinter1 21
deadtofall12 21
GatorBolt 21 Long live the PAC. 3-0 against 2 P5s including a certain in-state rival that left for the B1G. Things are setting up nicely for a possible longshot berth with a favorable schedule.
GenialGiant 21
grtgbln 21
JBonkies 21 (NEW) By far the biggest and most important game of the season for the Cougs, and they got the job done on the road. This win could help propel them into that G6 playoff spot if they can get through their schedule. Washington was the start of their 4 game stretch that is the only hard spot of their schedule outside of OrSt.
jrichardh 21
Meany_Vizzini 21 12.7, +14, +5.2
NotSoSuperNerd 21 0.611 (9.8-2.2)
spsellers 21
The_Good_Constable 21
trumpet_23 21
12panther 22
AlphaH4wk 22
BallSoHerd 22
corundum9 22
CptCheese 22
djowen68 22
G-Aardvark 22
JamoRedhead 22
joebob431 22
kflinderman 22
MADBuc49 22
MahjongDaily 22
Mr_Brews 22
MrTheSpork 22
olmsted 22
owl_man 22
retnuh101 22
T-nawtical 22 +4
UNC_Samurai 22
10catsinspace 23
Blooblod 23
cinciforthewin 23
DarkLegend64 23
e8odie 23
esoterik 23
fshi 23
goodnames679 23
Helifino 23
HelioOne 23
jrluhn 23
jthomas694 23
Longvols 23
MemeLovingLoser 23
No11223456 23
outthawazoo 23
Red261 23
srs_house 23
TDenverFan 23
texas2089 23
aggiebruin27 24
bernkastel87 24
BUSean 24
ChaseTheFalcon 24 NR
colton_97 24
darkra01 24
ewolfy13 24
fourpinz8 24
fredmerc111 24 LW: NR
grjohnst 24
Hackasizlak 24
ikindalikelemons 24
malowry0124 24
ReallyCreative 24
romulusjsp 24 (NR)
royrules22 24
ryseing 24
Staind075 24
stew_pac 24 -4
strikersteve60 24
the_lost_carrot 24
Bill3ffinMurray 25
BorisNumber1 25
Cecil_Hardboner 25
ChickenTaco 25
Conglossian 25 U/R
dasani3x 25
Drexlore 25
jeedf 25
jjjoebox 25
LiptonCB 25
noahthearc 25
pileatedloon 25
plannedsickdays 25
shadowwingnut 25
TossedRightOut 25
ya111101 25

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
owl-bears 2
1Subject 3
Effective-Lead-6657 3
boomersooner222 4
cbusalex 4
CallMeTheKing 5 7-0-126
CallingUagoatUgoat 6 T-5. 1 SP+ T-25 win (Washington).
cfbpeoplespoll 7 140 pts. Prev. 10
inconvenientpoop 7
doctrhouse 8
Jacob_Sumner 8
Rcfan0902 8 559.81
STL_12 8 Washington State jumps UNLV compared to computer
DeerPrison 9
big_thunder_man 10 Hard to judge how impressed we should be by the Washington win. But they have wins over Washington and Tech, and really should run the table from here.
CakeEaters 10
cheeks_mcgoo 11
Xy13 11
coolguyrealcool 12
Sp1cyRice 12
camus69x 13
HopefulReb76 14 I am high on Wazzu and I was previously. This team looks really good and hungry in the apple bowl. I could see them going 10-2 with a few trap games in their schedule.
silfarion10 14
Yelich04 14 ^11
Tornadohunter24 15
HoustonHorns 16 Washington State is 3-0 with two wins over P5 opponents. That is enough to be a top 15ish team at this point.
Middle_Wheel_5959 16
cnpeters 17 80.27 Points. Best Win vs #26 Washington (75.22)
grahamca 17 T1ˢᵗ W/L, T1ˢᵗ Predicted Wins, 50ᵗʰ Team Strength, 21ˢᵗ Quality of Wins
mswise506 17
PerfectZeroKnowledge 17
SaveTheCombees10 17
scsd4222 17
Sebene 17
throwaway_6786 17 Solid win in the Apple Cup. I'm sure that had to feel sweet after coming so close to ruining Washington's season last year and then watching them bolt for a different conference. Wazzu has looked solid so far despite the departure of Cam Ward, but their matchup against Boise State looms on the horizon. Win that game, and we'll see just how high the Cougars can go.
kevinsdomain 18
redrhino777 18
slatibartifast3 18
wittingtarsier 18
Beneficial_Present29 19
cirtnecoileh 19
donbagert 19
FlashSpider-man 19 I'm just gonna put undefeated teams here. Imo it's too early to tell the quality of the losses in most cases, so one loss teams shouldn't be on here yet.
mthompson2320 19 LW: 21
Salmon-Dude 19
StripedSteel 19
TheSleaze22 19
WRSpill 19 (NR)
133112 20 The Cougs are underrated by the media in my opinion, with wins against good teams, taking home the Apple Cup in the process. Plus, for employing the interesting tactic of a five man mesh play, I can't help but applaud this artistic playcall with a top 20 ranking.
chillmagic420 20
KansasChaser2021 20
mathmanhale 20
quantum_jedi 20 Aided by an embarrassingly sloppy performance by the Huskies, the Cougs reclaim the Apple Cup! Fantastic win for a program that has done a good job maintaining continuity through the realignment wave.
RadiationRichard 20 LW - NR
RubbleHome 20
WebfootTroll 20
0010MK 21
_JustinTheGreat_ 21
ALToidzz 21
eddietheintern 21
MainPeanut25 21 NR, happy for them
OSU_Shecter 21
patriots230 21
samtaylor92 21
tcomn 21 Group D
DillyDillySzn 22
ElyxUW 22
forkedravioli 22
isrealball 22
loganisfresh 22 Winning the apple cup over a good rebuilding Washington team is a good accomplishment for this WSU team.
mcdsmaster8824 22
PsychologicalFox8660 22
sirvalkyerie 22
soonertiger 22
spicywarlock73 22
thatoneguyD13 22 Tier 4. Pac 2 gets its first ranking
yesiambear 22 Also beat Texas Tech 37-16. Both wins were at home (it's hard in Pullman). Boise in two weeks will be key
drneilpretenamen 23
dubscurry30 23
ESPbeN 23
JordanDean04 23 (NR) A new addition to the Top 25 after defeating #17 Washington on the road.
KCSportsFan7 23
leadbymight 23
Midnight-Mustang 23
msonar623 23
PattyKane16 23
Protoco2 23
SomerandomIDFBfan 23
TheBeekman8 23
thehornedlamb 23
_TGT7 24 NEW
BoilerUp28 24
bolts_win_again 24
Fghjkdid911 24
greysatire 24
irishGOP413 24
Mayonezee 24
munchermode 24
Sauronslefteye 24
Shion314 24
spaceblev11 24
TheGlassRemains 24
vindictivejazz 24
-Gnostic28 25
Aidanj927 25
Bereft13 25 Power: 28, SoR: 4; LW: NR (35) | Next 5: Boston College, California, TCU, South Carolina, UNLV | Dropped: Boise State, Washington, Iowa
ConstantPause1239 25
corona779 25
dterp13 25
Hastronaut 25
Jay_Dubbbs 25
Josh_historybuff 25 24-19 vs Washington
ManiacalBlazer 25
Menktenk 25
mill1634 25
Minnesnowtaaa 25
Omegaus492 25
PowerWalkingInThe90s 25
RealignmentJunkie 25
Spazzatack 25
The_Candler 25
trust_the_process__ 25
twr96 25
Underground_Bread 25
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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