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2023 Week 10 Liberty Flames Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
A_Rolling_Baneling 5
Stoneador 5
Apep86 6
placid_salad 6 LW #8
Corporal_Hicks 7
Noy_Telinu 7 Same
skuhlke 7
bakonydraco 8 72.820 (#49)
fo13 8
grjohnst 8
KJdkaslknv 8
Ruhrgebietheld 8
tks231 8
ChargerFan2121 9
Pablo49 10 --
digdat0 11
infinitempg 12 0.779
HieloLuz 13 Points: 95.55 | Wins: 1 T4, 3 T5, 2 T6, 2 T7 | 1 WB | 3 WP |
eSpiritCorpse 14 0.9377
jalexjsmithj 14
jimbobbypaul 14 29.1529
udubdavid 14
goblue10 15
OKgolfer 15
owl_man 15
CPiGuy2728 16
Dropbackandpunt 16
HHcougar 16
hythloday1 16
70stang 17 Liberty 3rd in Tier 5 with no P5 wins and no ranked wins.
ACCBiggz 17
BUSean 17
bwburke94 17 +12.1984358 (LW: #22)
jrichardh 17
NyquillusDillwad20 17
plannedsickdays 17
YellowSkarmory 17
Drexlore 18
HarbingerOfFun 18
IceColdDrPepper_Here 18
kflinderman 18
MADBuc49 18 0-loss Liberty holding up all of the 2-loss teams
Muffinnnnnnn 18
velociraptorfarmer 18
EpicSchwinn 19
Hobbes_121 19
Inkblot9 19
Jakesnake42 19 68.44 Last Week: #20
RheagarTargaryen 19
ruwisc 19
ryseing 19
ShogunAshoka 19
ttsci 19
confirmd_am_engineer 20
dabul-master 20
FeliceDot27 20 91
jrluhn 20
Maladroit44 20
SpadeRyker 20
Bank_Gothic 21
BearsAreGreat1 21
ChaseTheFalcon 21
ChickenTaco 21
cyberchaox 21
Hey_Its_Roomie 21
jthomas694 21
ScarletFever333 21
SCsprinter13 21
SwissArmyScythe 21 NR
MahjongDaily 22
Meany_Vizzini 22 11.5, NR; SOR: 18.4 (15th), MOV: 4.7 (41st)
RegulatorRWF 22
SearonTrejorek 22 0.75331
texas2089 22
ThaCarter 22
theb52 22 36.813
ALStark69 23 +2 Dropped out: 18 North Carolina, 22 Duke, 23 USC
bannista7 23
Hugefootballfan44 23 LW: 22
Sometimeswelose 23
studio_sally 23
_fastball 24
Buckeyes2010 24
cfbguy 24
cinciforthewin 24
creative_penguin 24
DaewooLanosMFerrr 24
Darth_Ra 24
G-Aardvark 24
GatorBolt 24 Liberty spoiled the Big Red helmet moment, still another win in their caps.
LiptonCB 24
UMeister 24
blahblehblahwhoru 25
BlueSCar 25
boxman151515 25
bretticus33 25 It’s kinda hard to exclude an 8-0 team in November.
Corgi_Koala 25
D1N2Y 25 +0 Dropped out: Duke (15), USC(23)
DampFrijoles 25
esoterik 25
GenialGiant 25
owlalwaysloveyew 25
posiitively 25
PrimalCookie 25
PromEmperorHarbaugh 25
rain_parkour 25
SlaminSammons 25
spsellers 25
TaylorLeprechaun 25 NR

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
TadKosciuszko 2
StannisGrammarMannis 4
1Subject 5
CallMeTheKing 5 123-0-9
KansasChaser2021 8
manbeardawg 8
RootBeerBloat 8
TxCincy 8
ColombianInIowa24 9 Beat Western Kentucky decently. Up next La Tech though they may as well play FCS teams the rest of the season.
BenchRickyAguayo 11 Hi: 8 Low: 16 LW: 15 Avg: 12.3
ChBass 11
tomdawg0022 11
mathmanhale 12
Noelthemexican 12
drewscottt 13
heelxtiger 13
The_Stratman 13 22.5 - 1.000 - 133
DeerPrison 14 LW: 20
CallingUagoatUgoat 15 0 SP+ T-10 or T-25 wins. Liberty is your highest-ranked G5 team. They are undefeated against a schedule with an average opponent rank of 105.4.
grahamca 15 T1ˢᵗ W/L, T5ᵗʰ Predicted Wins, 29ᵗʰ Team Strength, 31ˢᵗ Quality of Wins
RJEP22 15 (8-0) - 141.885pts
stew_pac 15 +1
TheBeekman8 15
boomersooner222 16 +3
ehoefler 16 81.94 | +2
Got_That_WeeFee 16
Jay682002 16
JBonkies 16 (+8) I thought Western Kentucky was going to be the team to knock off Liberty, now it looks like Liberty will have a great shot to go 12-0.
JetoGrov 16 Pfft must be embarrassing not even being the best G5 team in Virginia. No, I don't want to hear your vaccine theories; why are you like this?
penix4heisman 16
TheSunsNotYellow 16 .586
Viselli 16
zenverak 16
Dontworryaboutit1 17
SpeddyDawg 17
Tornadohunter24 17 (+2) [8-0] Credentials: 8-5 Final Record in 2022 | 2023 Results So Far: 34-24 vs Bowling Green [4-4], 33-17 vs New Mexico State [6-3], 55-27 @ Buffalo [3-5], 38-6 @ FIU [4-5], 21-16 vs Sam Houston [0-8], 31-13 @ Jacksonville State [7-2], 42-35 vs Middle Tennessee [2-6], 42-29 @ WKU [4-4]
CheapTrickIsOkay 18
dawgfan24348 18
FlashSpider-man 18 All 8 undefeated teams make it. All in my top 20. Do these last 2 deserve to be above some of the next few teams. Maybe not but I'm really unsure.
owl-bears 18
qwer546 18
Shion314 18
tcomn 18
BoukenGreen 19
ch1l1_ch33s3 19
drneilpretenamen 19
jaybigs 19
PlactusTX 19 (23) W Western Kentucky
readonlypdf 19
RealignmentJunkie 19
Scott72901 19
throwaway_6786 19
Le_Jerk_My_Circle 20
ManiacalBlazer 20 73.349
PattyKane16 20
RadiationRichard 20 LW - 23
sebastianrasor 20 D: 2.2 O: 11.0
Yung_Carrot 20
_TGT7 21 (NEW) Was trying to avoid ranking Liberty for a long time because I find conference USA to be incredibly weak, but at some point, once you keep on winning, you deserve to be ranked. Liberty should easily go 12-0, with Old Dominion being the only team left that I think can realistically beat them
Aggravating-Steak-69 21
Aidanj927 21
Arvandu 21 (+3)
MemeLovingLoser 21
mill1634 21
patriots230 21
Protoco2 21
Effective-Lead-6657 22
maknasty09 22
Mossed26 22 By far the worst undefeated team, as their strength of schedule is pitiful. But I can't not rank an 8-0 team.
PerfectZeroKnowledge 22
Serenityy8 22
asbestosman2 23
DiscipleOfDietrich 23
hurricaneatx 23
mthompson2320 23 LW: 29
SomerandomIDFBfan 23 LW 25
soneill06 23
TheRedKing75 23
WRSpill 23 (24)
bruhstevenson 24
chillmagic420 24
kevinsdomain 24
newSomberMan 24
Ok_Elderberry7070 24
70277027 25
carsonivey72 25
Chipsahoy523 25 Next 5 out: Iowa, Fresno State, Miami, North Carolina, Wisconsin
civfan5843 25
debaterthatchases 25
Doogitywoogity 25 The worst 8-0 team I’ve ever seen
Fantastic-Calendar-9 25 LW: 24
Harpua99 25
jaowerpower 25
Kirkwood641 25
leadbymight 25
Luarean 25
luciusetrur 25 LW: NR
MemeofMemeJTG999999 25 (8-0) (up 1) W: 42-29 @ Western Kentucky (4-4) Next Week: vs Louisiana Tech (3-6) Projected Bowl: New Orleans Fell out of T30: Duke (5-3) (was 22) North Carolina (6-2) (was 24) Florida (5-3) (was 27) Miami (6-2) (was 30)
Morrgs 25
ReadySetMeow 25
rgalexan 25
Scruggerboy 25
SNjr 25
Soggy_Seagull 25
thatoneguyD13 25
thelawlesspizza 25
titansfan174 25
Underground_Bread 25
WhalePadre5 25
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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