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2022 Week 8 NC State Wolfpack Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
bwburke94 8 +16.2064611 (LW: #5)
Stoneador 11
Meany_Vizzini 13 18.4, -2.1, -3, 20.4 (12th), 16.3 (13th). The top two-loss team in these rankings have only lost to undefeated teams #1 Clemson and #6 Syracuse.
PrimalCookie 13 2.020
dabul-master 14
GilBrandt 15
Inkblot9 15
LiptonCB 15
Striker743 15 Down 5 - both losses to ranked teams
dicky_________seamus 16
halldaylong 16
Harmbert_ 16
practicallybert 16
justsaynotoreddit 17
RegulatorRWF 17
CockADoodleBOOM 18
Hey_Its_Roomie 18
Hobbes_121 18
NotSoSuperNerd 18 27.21 [9.0 - 3.0]
tauzeta 18
cota1212 19
kdbvols 19
Maladroit44 19
royrules22 19
theb52 19
TheJeemTeam 19
Xtremeloco 19
12panther 20
admiraltarkin 20
Arteza147 20
BamaPride95 20
Bill3ffinMurray 20
Blooblod 20
BUSean 20
dan4223 20
Foxmcbowser42 20
JaxofAllTrades13 20
kdcoltred 20
King-Clover 20
MarlinsGuy 20
monkeymatt1836 20
Pikachu1989 20
pileatedloon 20
tmothy07 20
Acm0028 21
arrow_dynamics 21
cajunaggie08 21
Cassiyus 21
CFBHurts 21
ChickenTaco 21
darkra01 21
e8odie 21
ExternalTangents 21 13.75%
hascogrande 21
JCiLee 21
jlh2b 21
MWiatrak2077 21
NyquillusDillwad20 21
plannedsickdays 21
Polarbear1914 21
rain_parkour 21
RobertNeyland 21
SpadeRyker 21
SteemieRayVaughn 21
thegreendalegelf 21
vanburen1845 21
VerySeriousBanana 21
52hoova 22
aggiebruin27 22
cmdrcaboose2 22
Feral_Squirrel 22
fo13 22
G-manP 22
Helifino 22
hythloday1 22
I_am_bot_beep_boop 22
icklebush 22
Johnnycockseed 22
MoneyManeVick 22
Mr_Brews 22
nbingham196 22
not_folie 22
Omegaus492 22
one98d 22
ReallyCreative 22
Red261 22
sirgippy 22
TDenverFan 22
Techwid 22
THECrew42 22
TimeBroken 22
ttsci 22
wameron 22
Wescat 22
wesman212 22
_fastball 23
BabyBladder 23
BlueFalcon89 23
bobsled_time 23
buckeyegold 23
CambodianDrywall 23
Cecil_Hardboner 23
Corporal_Hicks 23
creative_penguin 23
cyclonepsycho 23
d_mcc_x 23
Daigotsu 23
DampFrijoles 23
fourpinz8 23
GoBlueScrewOSU7 23
IAmAChemicalEngineer 23
jmac_21 23
Knightro2011 23
LEGEN--wait_for_it 23
LeWoofle 23
nemoran 23
nin478 23
noahthearc 23
noodlethebear 23
owlalwaysloveyew 23
Pollaski 23
PromEmperorHarbaugh 23
soonerfreak 23
T-nawtical 23
TaylorLeprechaun 23 -8
TheReformedBadger 23
ToLongDR 23
TopGoose 23
WarEagle9 23
311polo 24
blahblehblahwhoru 24
BosskOnASegway 24
boxbeat 24
bties 24
Buckeyes2010 24
captain_sasquatch 24
cfbguy 24
djowen68 24
drgnlis 24
esoterik 24
fadingthought 24
G-Aardvark 24
GeauxTri 24
HelioOne 24
huskerfan4life520 24
ikindalikelemons 24
JonesUCF34 24
MahjongDaily 24
malowry0124 24
PHubbs 24
PumpSmash 24
roaddogg 24
RollWarTideEagle 24
SCsprinter13 24
Sproded 24
tdeff19 24
teddythe3rd 24
WolverineDDS 24
Zloggt 24 idk man, it's harsh, but there are things to be worried for NC State...
Bank_Gothic 25
Casaiir 25
Ch-i-ef 25
Corgi_Koala 25
digdat0 25
Disregardskarma 25
dogwoodmaple 25
frumious88 25
Keener1899 25
lillipup03 25
Our-Gardian-Angel 25
realclean 25
RheagarTargaryen 25
Staind075 25
tallg8tor 25
TheFlyingBoat 25
thexraptor 25
TouchdownHeroes 25 LW: 14
TrojanMan35T 25

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
CheapTrickIsOkay 11 2626
Spacesurfer6 14
jalexjsmithj 15
ThompsonCreekTiger 15
visor841 15
ione107 16
RJEP22 17 5-2
andy-022 18
decencymoss 18 L @ Syracuse, 9-24
Noelthemexican 18
SwitchingC 18
1Subject 19 0.144975
bannista7 19
brucewaynewins 19
DownshiftGD 19
HieloLuz 19
Phillyfan3 19
russdb 19 L 20 su
ActuallyJasonPrice 20
Bereft13 20 Power: 21, SOR: 18; LW: 18
CallMeTheKing 20
Cascadia-Rising 20
colby983 20
donald_flap 20 meh
dustingibson 20
nebsA1 20
PNW_Jeff 20
Sebene 20
Serenityy8 20
WBLwiffleball 20
_n8n8_ 21
AlexanderComet 21
applockm85 21
buckeye4249 21
catman1256 21
Chipsahoy523 21
dterp13 21
frone 21
GatorBolt 21
ianmcmoney 21
JBonkies 21 (-3)
just-regular-I-guess 21
mmaxey14 21
pianoprofiteer 21
Shion314 21
w8w8 21
_TGT7 22
cmcabrera 22
colton_97 22
Comit22 22
Dan20698 22
jlucaspope 22
mikecsiy 22
muzikjamr 22
newSomberMan 22
Pure_Protein_Machine 22
Pyroblockx 22
redrumsoxLoL 22
secoja8 22
SkiFlashing 22 Played Clemson close, but Syracuse loss a concern - loss of Devin Leary offers some leniency
TheBeekman8 22
TheGred03 22
TommyTwoTaps 22
True_Ad5324 22
whereismysauerkraut 22
_Hououin_Kyouma_ 23
Amane_VIII 23
AnAngryPanda1 23
cirtnecoileh 23
CoiffedTheRaven 23
DaewooLanosMFerrr 23
ewolfy13 23
Foriegn_Picachu 23
horaff 23
JamoRedhead 23
Jaymoney00 23
ManiacalBlazer 23 71.987
NanoBuc 23
NielsensFourth 23 Mean score: 2819
PaulMSURon 23
professorberrynibble 23
PythonLemon 23
tapswitch 23
tcomn 23
thatoneguyD13 23
TrashGamer_ 23
10catsinspace 24
Archaic_1 24
BearsAreGreat1 24
Beck4ou 24
bethe2ndmouse 24
coletheredditer 24
diehardcubforever 24
Dravens19 24
entropy888 24
FrolfAholic 24
Greyson04 24
hershculez 24
iDevourer 24
ilikepie145 24
jrluhn 24
JustYourAvrageWorker 24 Without Devin Leary, NC State has struggled against Syracuse losing 24-9. We'll see how Jack Chambers can adjust and attempt to keep this team steady following the bye week including an assessment if a Leary-less team is worthy of a top 25 placement.
losbullitt 24
Megalomanizac 24
MemeLovingLoser 24
Terminal_BAS 24
The_Good_Constable 24
the_lost_carrot 24
TheSlyPudding 24
usernamegoeshere763 24
zenverak 24
CPiGuy2728 25
Dontworryaboutit1 25
KrispyKangaroo96 25
mathmanhale 25
mauliknshah 25
NINFAN300 25
noffinater 25
Piptit 25
Protoco2 25
qwer546 25
Strog18 25
TheFalconGuy 25
TimJressel 25 26. UNC 27. Kansas 28. LSU 29. Washington 30. Maryland
Xarathustria 25
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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