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2021 Week 6 Pittsburgh Panthers Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
Harmbert_ 6
confirmd_am_engineer 7
DataDrivenPirate 7
RMathis13 9 75
TheJeemTeam 9
Fmeson 10
tdoger 10
BlueSCar 11
JamesBCrazy 11
Cars-and-Coffee 12
crownebeach 12 Pitt is the FPI #10, and...I actually totally get it. This is a top-35 team on both sides of the ball, and their wins against Tennessee and GT are probably going to age very well.
DeceptiveSpeed 13
trumpet_23 13
ExternalTangents 14 8.73
boonamobile 15
luckroy 15 Pot 3
sirgippy 15
justsaynotoreddit 16
Spiral-Pilot 16
arrowfan624 17
eSpiritCorpse 17 0.9035
JeromesNiece 17
Stoneador 17
bakonydraco 18 78.90
Conglossian 18
RobertNeyland 18
fo13 19
ndbroski 19
113milesprower 20
MarlinsGuy 20
MrTheSpork 20
owl-bears 20
THECrew42 20
TimeBroken 20
jchurch8073 21
Knightro2011 21
ndhuskerpower 21
velociraptorfarmer 21
andrewthestudent 22
creative_penguin 22
crimsonlaw 22
NotSoSuperNerd 22
relax_on_the_mat 22
SCRx 22
Wurst_Law 22
BlueFalcon89 23
hascogrande 23
Hey_Its_Roomie 23
infinitempg 23
Joester09 23
Maladroit44 23
orbania 23
SantiagoRamon 23
stripes361 23
typicaliconoclast 23
AllHawkeyesGoToHell 24
badgers4194 24
BigBoutros 24
bobsled_time 24
CFBHurts 24
DafoeFoSho 24
Johnnycockseed 24
jrichardh 24
nbingham196 24
ProbablyRickSantorum 24
SSJRoshi 24
Striker743 24 NR
The-Gothic-Castle 24
Ticklebump 24
Charlemagne42 25 Computer ranking: 24 //// Teams the computer would have ranked: Maryland 20
Darth_Ra 25
LeinadSpoon 25
MoneyManeVick 25
PalmettoFace 25
peachios 25
StevvieV 25
studio_sally 25
tauzeta 25
theReluctantHipster 25
woakley 25 Pittsburgh's only loss this season is to Western Michigan, who I have at 23. They've also managed to beat Tennessee and Georgia Tech, which are decent P5 wins. 

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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