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2021 Week 3 Coastal Carolina Chanticleers Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
velociraptorfarmer 5
trumpet_23 7
DrKennethJNoisewater 8
ToeInDigDeep 8
BUSean 9
Helifino 10
JoshDaws 10
practicallybert 10
scrotes_magotes 10
VerySeriousBanana 10
buckeyegold 11
jjjoebox 11
Joester09 11
malowry0124 11
tks231 11
CockADoodleBOOM 12
creative_penguin 12
digdat0 12
fshi 12
orbania 12
owl_man 12
TopGoose 12
_fastball 13
BallSoHerd 13
dabul-master 13
falconlover79 13
GenialGiant 13
grjohnst 13
hypercube42342 13 Computer rank 13
Knightro2011 13
LeWoofle 13
Mario_Speedwagon 13
mjacksongt 13
MoneyManeVick 13
ninetimesoutaten 13
Rakarei 13
roaddogg 13
ScarletFever333 13
srs_house 13
ucieaters33 13
badgers4194 14
BlueFalcon89 14
brobroma 14
cinciforthewin 14
corundum9 14
dan4223 14
dasani3x 14
drgnlis 14
Dropbackandpunt 14
fourpinz8 14
Hobbes_121 14
icklebush 14
ItsZizk 14
jmac_21 14
Johnnycockseed 14
nburt13 14
plannedsickdays 14
RegulatorRWF 14
soonerfreak 14
Staind075 14
TaylorLeprechaun 14 +3
tdoger 14
UNC_Samurai 14
andrewthestudent 15
bgr308 15
Blazeth 15
captain_sasquatch 15
CFSparta92 15
Feral_Squirrel 15
fo13 15
Foxmcbowser42 15
GeauxAllDay 15
Greflingorax 15
kamiller2020 15
lillipup03 15
monkeymatt1836 15
nbingham196 15
owl-bears 15
PHubbs 15
Pikachu1989 15
pileatedloon 15
RavenclawWiz816 15
Red261 15
RollWarTideEagle 15
safariari 15
Seneca_Was_In 15
stesser 15
tauzeta 15
thomasosu 15
transferStudent2018 15
WarEagle9 15
wesman212 15
woakley 15 Coastal Carolina took care of business and beat up on Kansas. Weird to think that this result was expected, but it was.
A-Stu-Ute 16
ALStark69 16 +3
beerslingerjay 16
bretticus33 16 Even though Kansas doesn't pose much of a challenge, CC is starting to look like the real deal and not just a 2020 Cinderella.
CambodianDrywall 16
Cassiyus 16
chrisb19 16
darkra01 16
dogwoodmaple 16
g0d0fm15ch13f 16
galacticdude7 16
GatorAndrew 16
goblue10 16
HanSoIoque 16
kflinderman 16
laminak 16
Maladroit44 16
mnmmatt 16
MrTheSpork 16
nemoran 16
Omegaus492 16
royrules22 16
sasmith2015 16
scronko 16
SlaminSammons 16
Sometimeswelose 16
T-nawtical 16
Techwid 16
tjstanley 16
wameron 16
Acm0028 17
BamaPride95 17
BigBoutros 17 steady on
BosskOnASegway 17
boxman151515 17
Buckeyes2010 17
cajunaggie08 17
d_mcc_x 17
DarkLegend64 17 E Tier
dicky_________seamus 17
Drexlore 17
GatorRich 17
GoBeaversOSU 17
huskerfan4life520 17
mellolizard 17
not_folie 17
one98d 17
outthawazoo 17
peachios 17 rolling along
physedka 17
rmp0005 17
SCsprinter13 17
tabelz 17
toocleverbyhalf 17
Xtremeloco 17
Zloggt 17
Apep86 18
coogs35 18
DarthYoda2594 18
djowen68 18
Ersatzself 18
G-manP 18
GeauxTri 18
iliketoupvotepuns 18
jchall3 18 Hey winners win and thats what Coastal did. On a pure talent perspective I can't put them much higher but I do think they could scare all but the very top P5 teams. 
joebob431 18
Mr_Brews 18
thegreendalegelf 18
TheReformedBadger 18
typicaliconoclast 18
zacheiny 18
Blooblod 19
chweris 19
crimsonlaw 19
jnoobs13 19
owlalwaysloveyew 19 Coastal covered a 25.5 point spread against Kansas, the highest spread of a G5 team over a P5 team since 2008. Buffalo is the team's next matchup and may prove to be one of the only tough matchups on a relatively easy schedule.
PumpSmash 19
RiffRamBahZoo 19
soonersthebetter 19
TDenverFan 19
teddythe3rd 19
TheZachster 19
ToLongDR 19
vanburen1845 19
Frognosticator 20
halldaylong 20
jeedf 20
PalmettoFace 20
strikersteve60 20
tmothy07 20
52hoova 21
bwburke94 21
Charlemagne42 21 Computer ranking: 37
HarbingerOfFun 21
Jakesnake42 21 Last Week: 21
Nathanael-Greene 21
Pollaski 21
ShamusJohnson13 21
Spiral-Pilot 21
StevvieV 21
Texasagsman 21
thexraptor 21
DampFrijoles 22
DataDrivenPirate 22
DisraeliEers 22
JaxofAllTrades13 22
JustAManAndHisLaptop 22
KommanderKeen-a42 22
Papytendo 22
seaotter2 22
THECrew42 22
TouchdownHeroes 22 Last week: 25
admiraltarkin 23
hascogrande 23
I_am_bot_beep_boop 23
NotSoSuperNerd 23
Noy_Telinu 23
retnuh101 23
SCRx 23
Ch-i-ef 24 This team beats up their schedule in their sleep until they have to wake up for App State, then they can go back to sleep, cruising through their schedule. I'd say Liberty is the only other G5 team with a chance of going undefeated, we'll see who pulls it off
Longvols 24
myghtymouse 24
relax_on_the_mat 24
RobertNeyland 24
boonamobile 25
cmdrcaboose2 25
eSpiritCorpse 25 0.8461
Hackasizlak 25

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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