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2019 Week 4 Army West Point Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
twosheepforanore 10
dabul-master 14
BUSean 18
srs_house 19
toocleverbyhalf 19
Blooblod 20
_Brazenhead_ 21 Kept good momentum after the emotional game at Michigan last week. Fell one spot simply due to teams from better conference having good performances.
boxman151515 21
G-Aardvark 21
orboth 21
AllHawkeyesGoToHell 22
DavoinShower-handle 22
goblue10 22
GoBlueScrewOSU7 22
mjacksongt 22
thegreendalegelf 22
Ticklebump 22
CertifiedSheep 23
CFSparta92 23
Charlemagne42 23 The slow slide down the charts as the Black Knights play ever-increasingly irrelevant teams begins. (-3)
fshi 23
Harmbert_ 23
Techwid 23
ArtificialBadger 24
bgr308 24
Blazeth 24
boxbeat 24
Daigotsu 24
GatorAndrew 24
hascogrande 24
jputna 24
MrTheSpork 24
nburt13 24
PureCFR 24
TDenverFan 24
tks231 24
BlueFalcon89 25
CollegeGolf69 25
dan4223 25
Dropbackandpunt 25
galacticdude7 25
itsabearcannon 25 Come on. 2-1 with their loss being a 3-pointer in double overtime on the road to Michigan? Rank Army you cowards.
jmac_21 25
Keener1899 25
mango_lion 25
MarlinsGuy 25
orangeslash 25
Pikachu1989 25
ReallyCreative 25
SSJRoshi 25
sunburn_on_the_brain 25
TanzaniaMagic 25
topher3003 25

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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