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Muffinnnnnnn Ballot for 2022 Week 7

Ballot Type: Human

Submitted: Oct. 9, 2022, 10:09 p.m.

Overall Rationale: One of the toughest weeks for me. As always, head-to-head is quite important, and if someone has the same record and BEAT you, you have to be ahead. Looking at the bottom of the rankings I had a really hard time figuring out who I was gonna put in. Texas, Notre Dame, North Carolina, Liberty, South Alabama, Illinois, BYU, and Coastal Carolina had fringe cases to be ranked, and you can see what I went with, with the understanding that those are all together in a big lump and also only divided by the #25 line in the ranking. USC is unimpressive in most of their games, but they find ways to win. UCLA is the best team in the Pac-12. The top 4 are all getting close together in my mind (and as such I had Michigan jump into the top 3 for the first time), and Clemson is trying to push to make that a top 5. Tulane is getting seriously undervalued by everyone. It sucks that they lost that fluke game cuz they would be in everyone's top 15 if they hadn't. Mississippi State is a team I'm a little unsure on, because frankly I don't think they've beaten anyone good. Their best win might be Memphis, and the loss to LSU drags them down. However they are destroying the teams they beat, which indicates a good team. Cincinnati is also a bit interesting because that loss to Arkansas looks worse as time goes on. However, beating Tulsa by more than Ole Miss and beating Indiana by the same amount as Michigan still has me believing.

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