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2024 Final Tennessee Volunteers Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
djowen68 6
manbeardawg 6
nbingham196 6
Acm0028 7
aggiebruin27 7
cfbguy 7
CptCheese 7
galacticdude7 7
JBonkies 7
malowry0124 7
Xtremeloco 7
52hoova 8
bannista7 8
BearsAreGreat1 8
BlueSCar 8
bretticus33 8 Tennessee was a lot like Texas where the defense was generally pretty good but the offense left a lot to be desired. Instead of a lack of a ground game though, because Dylan Sampson was great, but rather Nico and the passing game wasn’t great. He’s been hyped up, but he didn’t show that growth and improvement you’d want to see over the course of the season. With Sampson going pro, Tennessee needs that from Nico next season.
CFBHurts 8
conchobor 8
Corgi_Koala 8
cornholesurfer 8
Corporal_Hicks 8
dan4223 8
DarkLegend64 8
eclectic_tastes 8
esoterik 8
ExternalTangents 8 Net Rating: 24; O: 11.16, O Rank: 15; D: -12.84, D Rank: 5
frumious88 8
hypercube42342 8
JaxofAllTrades13 8
Keener1899 8
KirbyDumber88 8
Lex_Ludorum 8
nemoran 8
outthawazoo 8
Player_1_has_Joined 8
Polarbear1914 8
Pollaski 8
redrumsoxLoL 8
stripes361 8
SwissArmyScythe 8 -1
TimeBroken 8
a_bit_of_a_misnomer_ 9
blahblehblahwhoru 9
BorisNumber1 9
BUSean 9
CambodianDrywall 9
captain_sasquatch 9
Cars-and-Coffee 9
Charlemagne42 9 230
ChemicalOle 9
creative_penguin 9
Daigotsu 9
digdat0 9
DrKennethJNoisewater 9
EpicSchwinn 9
ewolfy13 9
Extra_Excrement 9
fadingthought 9
Fmeson 9
frone 9
GatorBolt 9 All of that talk about the takeover in Columbus is an all time example in counting chickens before the eggs hatch.
GeauxTri 9
goodnames679 9
halldaylong 9
huskerfan4life520 9
JustAManAndHisLaptop 9
KJdkaslknv 9
Maladroit44 9
MemeLovingLoser 9
MemeofMemeJTG999999 9 (10-3) (down 3) L: 17-42 @ #7 Ohio State (11-2) (Playoff R1)
ndbroski 9
PHubbs 9
Pikachu1989 9
puffadda 9
r0sco 9
retnuh101 9
scronko 9
shadowwingnut 9
SlaminSammons 9
spmartin1993 9
SteemieRayVaughn 9
T-Thugs 9 Tennessee finished 10-3 with nice wins over Alabama and Florida.
tallg8tor 9
the_neverdoctor 9
tjstanley 9
velociraptorfarmer 9
w8w8 9
ya111101 9
12panther 10
BallSoHerd 10
BananaBouquet 10
Blooblod 10
BosskOnASegway 10
boxbeat 10
Buckeyes2010 10
Cassiyus 10
chweris 10
coletheredditer 10 Missouri, Miss, Deciding to barely use a top 5 WR in the country is an interesting call that didn't pay off
diehardcubforever 10
fo13 10
GilBrandt 10
GoBlueScrewOSU7 10
Hackasizlak 10
HelioOne 10
Hugefootballfan44 10 LW: 6
IAmAChemicalEngineer 10
IceColdDrPepper_Here 10
ikindalikelemons 10
Inkblot9 10
JeromesNiece 10
joebob431 10
jrichardh 10
Klaassy23 10
Knightro2011 10
lillipup03 10
MahjongDaily 10
monkeymatt1836 10
nin478 10
noodlethebear 10
olmsted 10
one98d 10
Our-Gardian-Angel 10
Pyroblockx 10
Rakarei 10
RegulatorRWF 10
RheagarTargaryen 10
RiffRamBahZoo 10
ScarletFever333 10
seaotter2 10
ShogunAshoka 10
sirgippy 10
Terminal_BAS 10
the_lost_carrot 10
tks231 10
TouchdownHeroes 10
vanburen1845 10
WarEagle9 10
fredmerc111 11
grtgbln 11
HarbingerOfFun 11
Hobbes_121 11
jjjoebox 11 Preseason #16
jthomas694 11 Tennessee got destroyed by Ohio State and generally speaking did not perform well away from home. Great defense
MADBuc49 11 -1. Ranked wins: Alabama, Florida
NotSoSuperNerd 11 1.589 (10-3)
OldCoaly 11
owl_man 11
Pure_Protein_Machine 11
RegionalBias 11
royrules22 11
SCsprinter13 11
Sometimeswelose 11
Striker743 11 Down 1 - fell off at end of season
strikersteve60 11
T-nawtical 11
tdeff19 11
TDenverFan 11
texas2089 11
The-Gothic-Castle 11
titansfan174 11
VerySeriousBanana 11
10catsinspace 12
ALStark69 12 -6
bakonydraco 12 79.47
Cecil_Hardboner 12
cvsprinter1 12
DampFrijoles 12
Dropbackandpunt 12
ehoefler 12 69.76 | -1
fourpinz8 12
HieloLuz 12
Noy_Telinu 12 Most lopsided game, SEC is weak this year.
OKgolfer 12
rocco2246 12
TheNSAAgent777 12
UNC_Samurai 12
visor841 12
Zloggt 12 In retrospect, getting pummeled by Ohio State in the Shoe doesn't seem so bad...well, they never really looked good in that game either way, but it's not the worst thing in the world when looking back at it. At least there's another chance next year, ah?
_fastball 13
AllHawkeyesGoToHell 13
Bank_Gothic 13
Blazeth 13
ChaseTheFalcon 13
deadtofall12 13
Muffinnnnnnn 13
ReallyCreative 13
stew_pac 13 -2
ToeInDigDeep 13
CommodoreN7 14
dabul-master 14
Ruhrgebietheld 14
srs_house 14
Staind075 14
TaylorLeprechaun 14 -3
Colton3690 15
GenialGiant 15
Helifino 15
LiptonCB 15
SpadeRyker 15
ColombianInIowa24 16 Overrated as always so I demoted them a thousand times for no reason.
Doogitywoogity 16
Jakesnake42 16 68.67 Last Week: #14
NyquillusDillwad20 16
SearonTrejorek 16 0.73195
eSpiritCorpse 17 0.8866
kflinderman 17
Noelthemexican 17
udubdavid 17
Hey_Its_Roomie 18
PlactusTX 18 (13) L 10 Ohio State
CPiGuy2728 20
Apep86 22
Pablo49 22 1730
A_Rolling_Baneling 23
DisraeliEers 24
theb52 24 39.846
placid_salad 25 LW: #17
TadKosciuszko 25

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
ActuallyJasonPrice 7
Crelc3 7
DownshiftGD 7
g_trechel 7 Losses to #1, #4, and 1 unranked
jwrtf 7
manbeqrpig 7
ndbfsu22 7
Tippyshortmouth 7
TolkienFan71 7
True_Ad5324 7
asbestosman2 8
bigred91224 8
BombayGeeseHunter 8
brucewaynewins 8
buzzingoffthetuffy 8
ConstantPause1239 8
divey043 8
fellohuman77 8
FoRtNiteizBAD 8
isrealball 8
Luigiatl 8
Mission_Big_2145 8
mountain_troop86 8
Noahsince2002 8
OG_Felwinter 8
RJTrey 8
soonertiger 8
sroach91 8
Versigot 8
bolts_win_again 9
Burns2211 9
Burnsite 9
chillmagic420 9
cookie__monster___ 9
dawgfan24348 9
donbagert 9
dubscurry30 9
geordieColt88 9
GuyOTN 9
JJones927 9
josh55134 9
kevinsdomain 9
logace444444444 9
mthompson2320 9 LW: 9
newSomberMan 9
Omegaus492 9
PattyKane16 9
Resolve-Opening 9
Sflabuckeye13 9
Shion314 9
SignificanceFirm2398 9
sirvalkyerie 9
SomerandomIDFBfan 9
spaceblev11 9
SpectralHydra 9
spencej98 9
SufferingfOrLife 9
TheReformedBadger 9
TommyWiseau22 9
WebfootTroll 9
ziggysaysnada 9
BoilerUp28 10
DillyDillySzn 10
dterp13 10
Fghjkdid911 10
FlashSpider-man 10
GeyWeyner12 10
Holyachilles04 10
inconvenientpoop 10
Jay_Dubbbs 10
jibberishdhyukl 10
jonstark19 10 -3
journey1986 10
JRam01 10
Logamer1012 10
loganisfresh 10
LonghornInNebraska 10
maknasty09 10
mcdsmaster8824 10
Mossed26 10
mr_longfellow_deeds 10
mstr_yda 10
Nath0leon 10
Norleras 10
PersianGuitarist 10
Piptit 10
Real_TSwany 10
Redbogey98 10
requiemsux 10
SaveTheCombees10 10
scrambolambo 10
scsd4222 10
shouldajustsaid_yeah 10
Spazzatack 10
SpeddyDawg 10
tvjbowe571 10 "Neyland North"
WBLwiffleball 10
willbill182 10
Yelich04 10 v2
Arvandu 11
ChBass 11
FrontRunner51 11
GloryReaper_ 11
grahamca 11 T17ᵗʰ W/L, T14ᵗʰ Predicted Wins, 5ᵗʰ Team Strength, 12ᵗʰ Quality of Wins
hurricaneatx 11
ianmcmoney 11
JamesDontPlayNoGames 11
Jeff_Banks_Monkey 11
kcvtdc 11
Laschoni 11
MainPeanut25 11 -6, the first victims of OSU, Iamaleava didn’t have much to work with
MotherQuocer 11
NA_Faker 11
PSUMediaPA 11
PsychologicalFox8660 11
Redditor597-13 11
RipRaycom 11
saquad69 11
silfarion10 11
SNjr 11
stealingchairs 11 solid regular season, rough post-season (still made playoffs tho!)
TheBeekman8 11
TheSleaze22 11
Tornadohunter24 11 [10-3, 6-2] (-3)
BYUPollvoter 12
Chipsahoy523 12
daredassdude 12 Despite an easier SOS compared to the average SEC team, they still made the CFP with a 10-2 record, which gives them the edge over Ole Miss.
fm22fnam 12 -5 Got destroyed by OSU
KansasChaser2021 12
leadbymight 12
Lefunnymaymays4lief 12
ManiacalBlazer 12
Protoco2 12
samspopguy 12
wittingtarsier 12
Bereft13 13 Power: 9, SoR: 13; LW: 6
dr_funk_13 13
thehornedlamb 13
666PeaceKeepaGirl 14
Bushken 14 59.91
GenuineBoss 14
Josh_historybuff 14 17-42 vs Ohio State
owl-bears 14
0010MK 15
JackWK_Gaming 15
ThompsonCreekTiger 15
Roscoe_Filburn 16
CallMeTheKing 17 111-22-0
quantum_jedi 17 (-3) Got absolutely demolished by Ohio State, but so did Oregon, so that loss does not seem nearly as bad as initially thought. Serious questions to answer about the offense, but with another year I expect Nico to develop even more.
RealignmentJunkie 19
solarsnail6 20 1376
1Subject 24
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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