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2024 Final Syracuse Orange Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
kflinderman 8
Hey_Its_Roomie 9
Pablo49 9 2650
nemoran 10
fredmerc111 12
infinitempg 13 0.699, +2
eSpiritCorpse 14 0.8915
PlactusTX 14 (19) W Washington State
skuhlke 14
bannista7 15
bretticus33 15 Put Fran Brown in there with Cignetti for the best Year 1 coaching jobs. Syracuse went 10-3, beat Miami, and put up one of the most prolific offenses in the country. Brown’s recruiting has been great and things at Syracuse might be trending up. However, replacing Kyle McCord at QB may be a lot tougher than previously thought; he was magnificent for the Orange in 2024.
ikindalikelemons 15
Rakarei 15
SlaminSammons 15
Apep86 16
Blazeth 16
cfbguy 16
DisraeliEers 16
placid_salad 16 LW: #23
shadowwingnut 16
Striker743 16 Down 1- BYU jumped
T-nawtical 16
TaylorLeprechaun 16 +9
A_Rolling_Baneling 17
BananaBouquet 17
BosskOnASegway 17
boxbeat 17
coletheredditer 17 Kansas, "If Jalon Daniels is healthy they make the playoffs, book it" Don't take gambling advice from me
Colton3690 17
Doogitywoogity 17
DrKennethJNoisewater 17
Dropbackandpunt 17
Extra_Excrement 17
fourpinz8 17
JaxofAllTrades13 17
Knightro2011 17
LiptonCB 17
MemeofMemeJTG999999 17 (10-3) (up 1) W: 52-35 vs Washington State (8-5) (Holiday; in San Diego)
olmsted 17
one98d 17
Pyroblockx 17
retnuh101 17
RiffRamBahZoo 17
ScarletFever333 17
Sometimeswelose 17
SpadeRyker 17
TDenverFan 17
titansfan174 17
VerySeriousBanana 17
10catsinspace 18
_fastball 18
BallSoHerd 18
BearsAreGreat1 18
ChaseTheFalcon 18
ChemicalOle 18
cvsprinter1 18
DampFrijoles 18
DarkLegend64 18
ewolfy13 18
GatorBolt 18 Well, a bowl win means Fran Brown is staying clean. In all seriousness, a great year 1 for the Brown era in Syracuse.
grtgbln 18
HarbingerOfFun 18
Helifino 18
HieloLuz 18
huskerfan4life520 18
Muffinnnnnnn 18
NyquillusDillwad20 18
OKgolfer 18
Pure_Protein_Machine 18
ReallyCreative 18
RegionalBias 18
royrules22 18
srs_house 18
vanburen1845 18
WarEagle9 18
Xtremeloco 18
BUSean 19
CFBHurts 19
Charlemagne42 19 106
CommodoreN7 19
Corporal_Hicks 19
CptCheese 19
creative_penguin 19
ehoefler 19 64.25 | +2
EpicSchwinn 19
esoterik 19
IAmAChemicalEngineer 19
jrichardh 19
jthomas694 19 Syracuse had wins over Miami and UNLV - but lost some bad games as well.
KirbyDumber88 19
nbingham196 19
noodlethebear 19
OldCoaly 19
outthawazoo 19
PHubbs 19
seaotter2 19
SteemieRayVaughn 19
T-Thugs 19 Syracuse finished 10-3 with nice wins over Miami and UNLV.
theb52 19 43.577
TimeBroken 19
tks231 19
UNC_Samurai 19
12panther 20
Acm0028 20
aggiebruin27 20
blahblehblahwhoru 20
BorisNumber1 20
Buckeyes2010 20
CambodianDrywall 20
Cars-and-Coffee 20
Cecil_Hardboner 20
ColombianInIowa24 20 Underrated as hell, but just weird.
Corgi_Koala 20
dabul-master 20
Daigotsu 20
dan4223 20
diehardcubforever 20
digdat0 20
fadingthought 20
frone 20
GoBlueScrewOSU7 20
Hackasizlak 20
HelioOne 20
hypercube42342 20
joebob431 20
KJdkaslknv 20
MahjongDaily 20
RheagarTargaryen 20
scronko 20
ShogunAshoka 20
Staind075 20
TadKosciuszko 20
tallg8tor 20
tdeff19 20
texas2089 20
the_neverdoctor 20
TheNSAAgent777 20
w8w8 20
AllHawkeyesGoToHell 21
ALStark69 21 0 Biggest riser: Iowa State (20->15)
bwburke94 21 +9.5332538 (LW: #26)
captain_sasquatch 21
Cassiyus 21
chweris 21
conchobor 21
cornholesurfer 21
GenialGiant 21
Hobbes_121 21
IceColdDrPepper_Here 21
Jakesnake42 21 67,31 Last Week: #19
jjjoebox 21 Preseason N/R
malowry0124 21
monkeymatt1836 21
ndbroski 21
Noy_Telinu 21 10 win season, not bad
puffadda 21
Ruhrgebietheld 21
SCsprinter13 21
Terminal_BAS 21
tjstanley 21
TouchdownHeroes 21
ya111101 21
a_bit_of_a_misnomer_ 22
Blooblod 22
eclectic_tastes 22
GilBrandt 22
JBonkies 22
Klaassy23 22
Maladroit44 22
nin478 22
Our-Gardian-Angel 22
Pikachu1989 22
Pollaski 22
SearonTrejorek 22 0.70925
spmartin1993 22
Zloggt 22
Bank_Gothic 23
GeauxTri 23
goodnames679 23
lillipup03 23
redrumsoxLoL 23
rocco2246 23
ToeInDigDeep 23
CPiGuy2728 24
djowen68 24
Polarbear1914 24
strikersteve60 24
SwissArmyScythe 24 --
halldaylong 25
Hugefootballfan44 25 LW: NR
Inkblot9 25
Noelthemexican 25
Player_1_has_Joined 25
RegulatorRWF 25

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
STL_12 8 LW: 13
Resolve-Opening 12
solarsnail6 12 1534
Bushken 13 61.72
chillmagic420 15
dr_funk_13 15
ndbfsu22 15
newSomberMan 15
Rcfan0902 15 2503.77
GeyWeyner12 16
Jeff_Banks_Monkey 16
josh55134 16
logace444444444 16
Norleras 16
SignificanceFirm2398 16
SufferingfOrLife 16
1Subject 17
Crelc3 17
Jay_Dubbbs 17
jibberishdhyukl 17
JJones927 17
jonstark19 17 +2
Lefunnymaymays4lief 17
mcdsmaster8824 17
mountain_troop86 17
mr_longfellow_deeds 17
Omegaus492 17
requiemsux 17
scrambolambo 17
Sflabuckeye13 17
SNjr 17
sroach91 17
stealingchairs 17
Yelich04 17 ^1
ziggysaysnada 17
DillyDillySzn 18
dterp13 18
FoRtNiteizBAD 18
GenuineBoss 18
GuyOTN 18
isrealball 18
JamesDontPlayNoGames 18
kcvtdc 18
maknasty09 18
NA_Faker 18
OG_Felwinter 18
SomerandomIDFBfan 18
TheSleaze22 18
True_Ad5324 18
666PeaceKeepaGirl 19
dawgfan24348 19
divey043 19
dubscurry30 19
fm22fnam 19 +3 Won their bowl game
hurricaneatx 19
Josh_historybuff 19 52-35 vs Washington State
loganisfresh 19
Luigiatl 19
PersianGuitarist 19
PSUMediaPA 19
quantum_jedi 19 (+4) Fran Brown has built a very exciting program in his first year with the Orange. Syracuse will have to replace Kyle McCord, but this should be a fun team to follow next year.
Real_TSwany 19
Redbogey98 19
silfarion10 19
TheReformedBadger 19
Tornadohunter24 19 [10-3, 5-3] (+1)
WBLwiffleball 19
asbestosman2 20
bigred91224 20
bolts_win_again 20
DownshiftGD 20
fellohuman77 20
g_trechel 20 Beat Miami
GloryReaper_ 20
Holyachilles04 20
JackWK_Gaming 20
KansasChaser2021 20
leadbymight 20
Mossed26 20
mstr_yda 20
Noahsince2002 20
PsychologicalFox8660 20
Redditor597-13 20
RipRaycom 20
samspopguy 20
saquad69 20
Shion314 20
soonertiger 20
spaceblev11 20
WebfootTroll 20
willbill182 20
ActuallyJasonPrice 21
Arvandu 21
BoilerUp28 21
brucewaynewins 21
buzzingoffthetuffy 21
ConstantPause1239 21
daredassdude 21 Syracuse > Miami > Louisville
donbagert 21
jwrtf 21
Laschoni 21
Logamer1012 21
MainPeanut25 21 +1, everything comes full circle indeed
ManiacalBlazer 21
Mission_Big_2145 21
MotherQuocer 21
Piptit 21
Protoco2 21
SpectralHydra 21
tvjbowe571 21 honda mccord
BombayGeeseHunter 22
Burns2211 22
Fghjkdid911 22
JRam01 22
owl-bears 22
Spazzatack 22
SpeddyDawg 22
ThompsonCreekTiger 22
Tippyshortmouth 22
TommyWiseau22 22
Versigot 22
ChBass 23
cookie__monster___ 23
FlashSpider-man 23
kevinsdomain 23
manbeqrpig 23
PattyKane16 23
RJTrey 23
TheBeekman8 23
TolkienFan71 23
0010MK 24
journey1986 24
CallMeTheKing 25 103-30-0
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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