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2024 Week 16 & Bowls Tennessee Volunteers Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
GilBrandt 2
Joester09 3
RobertNeyland 3
bretticus33 4 Really good defense and really good run game is why they beat Bama, and why they ended up in the CFP over Bama. If 55 degrees is too cold for the Vols though, they're gonna have fun in Columbus in a couple weeks.
Doogitywoogity 4
Mr_Brews 4
PalmettoFace 4
shadowwingnut 4
Xtremeloco 4
ya111101 4
CptCheese 5
creative_penguin 5
d_mcc_x 5
GeauxTri 5
IAmAChemicalEngineer 5
ikindalikelemons 5
jjjoebox 5
kamiller2020 5
nbingham196 5
one98d 5
Red261 5
wameron 5
12panther 6
70stang 6
Acm0028 6
ALStark69 6 +2
Cars-and-Coffee 6
Cecil_Hardboner 6
CFBHurts 6
Charlemagne42 6 305
ChaseTheFalcon 6
Corporal_Hicks 6
cyclonepsycho 6
DarkLegend64 6
dasani3x 6
DataDrivenPirate 6
Fmeson 6
galacticdude7 6
HelioOne 6
Hugefootballfan44 6 LW: 7
huskerfan4life520 6
IceColdDrPepper_Here 6
jaybigs 6
jthomas694 6
JustAManAndHisLaptop 6
Le_Jerk_My_Circle 6
Lex_Ludorum 6
Longvols 6
manbeardawg 6
MemeofMemeJTG999999 6 (10-2) (no change) Bye Bowl: Playoff R1 @ #7 Ohio State (10-2)
nin478 6
nw____ 6
outthawazoo 6
pileatedloon 6
practicallybert 6 #8 Seed vs. Ohio State
Pure_Protein_Machine 6
redrumsoxLoL 6
retnuh101 6
RollWarTideEagle 6
ryseing 6
SlaminSammons 6
spsellers 6
TDenverFan 6
Texasagsman 6
the_neverdoctor 6
tjstanley 6
Wescat 6
a_bit_of_a_misnomer_ 7
aggiebruin27 7
BabyBladder 7
BananaBouquet 7
bannista7 7
BearsAreGreat1 7
Bill3ffinMurray 7
Casaiir 7
Cassiyus 7
dan4223 7
DarthYoda2594 7
e8odie 7
EpicSchwinn 7
ewolfy13 7
fourpinz8 7
GatorBolt 7 Congrats to the Vols for having the chance to do something very funny in Columbus.
goblue10 7
HarbingerOfFun 7
Harpua99 7
icklebush 7
JBonkies 7
JustinMSU21 7
malowry0124 7
monkeymatt1836 7
PHubbs 7
Polarbear1914 7
Pollaski 7
posiitively 7
PrimalCookie 7
PumpSmash 7
Pyroblockx 7
r0sco 7
rain_parkour 7
RegulatorRWF 7
RheagarTargaryen 7
romulusjsp 7
scronko 7
sirgippy 7
SteemieRayVaughn 7
stripes361 7
SwissArmyScythe 7 --
T-Thugs 7 Tennessee finished the season at 10-2. They have a nice win over Alabama (9-3) and also defeated Florida (7-5).
Techwid 7
Terminal_BAS 7
thomasosu 7
TopGoose 7
TouchdownHeroes 7
vanburen1845 7
velociraptorfarmer 7
VerySeriousBanana 7
woakley 7
10catsinspace 8
arrowfan624 8
BlueSCar 8
Buckeyes2010 8
Chris-P-Creme 8
coletheredditer 8 Alabama’s non bad loss
corundum9 8
digdat0 8
Drexlore 8
Dropbackandpunt 8
Hackasizlak 8
HieloLuz 8
JamoRedhead 8
JeromesNiece 8
jmac_21 8
JonesUCF34 8
nemoran 8
OldCoaly 8
olmsted 8
Player_1_has_Joined 8 10th Seed
tallg8tor 8
tdeff19 8
teddythe3rd 8
The_Good_Constable 8
titansfan174 8
TossedRightOut 8
ucieaters33 8
visor841 8
washington_jefferson 8
BallSoHerd 9
bernkastel87 9
Blazeth 9
Blooblod 9
BosskOnASegway 9
boxbeat 9
BUSean 9
Ch-i-ef 9 Playoffs! Thank you football gods for the "bye" week since trying to win your championship game for a playoff bye is redundant.
DampFrijoles 9
deadtofall12 9
esoterik 9
Extra_Excrement 9
frone 9
fshi 9
hascogrande 9
Helifino 9
MahjongDaily 9
Maladroit44 9
MoneyManeVick 9
ndbroski 9
owl_man 9
Pikachu1989 9
puffadda 9
RegionalBias 9
SCsprinter13 9
Sometimeswelose 9
soonerfreak 9
spmartin1993 9
Staind075 9
TheNSAAgent777 9
TimeBroken 9
ToeInDigDeep 9 10-2, no CCG.
WarEagle9 9
CambodianDrywall 10
ch1l1_ch33s3 10
CharlemagneOfTheUSA 10
DavoinShower-handle 10
Feral_Squirrel 10
fredmerc111 10
GenialGiant 10
grjohnst 10
grtgbln 10
joebob431 10
MADBuc49 10 -1. #11 playoff seed in this scenario playing at #6 Penn State in the first round
noodlethebear 10
NotSoSuperNerd 10 1.522 (10-2)
srs_house 10
Striker743 10 Down 1 - Arizona State better
TaylorLeprechaun 10 -1
The-Gothic-Castle 10
TheZachster 10
AlexanderComet 11
ChemicalOle 11
CommodoreN7 11
cornholesurfer 11
cvsprinter1 11 2-loss program
ehoefler 11 78.71 | -2
fo13 11
Inkblot9 11
kflinderman 11
Klaassy23 11 (LW Change: 0)
Knightro2011 11
lillipup03 11
LiptonCB 11
Muffinnnnnnn 11
nburt13 11
Noy_Telinu 11 Did this for matchups
Rakarei 11
RJEP22 11
SearonTrejorek 11 0.79616
ShogunAshoka 11
stew_pac 11 -2
texas2089 11
Zloggt 11
AlphaH4wk 12
bakonydraco 12 82.158
Colton3690 12
Daigotsu 12
diehardcubforever 12
ExternalTangents 12
halldaylong 12
Hobbes_121 12
KJdkaslknv 12
MarlinsGuy 12
OKgolfer 12 Tennessee is right behind BYU - they have the same record and both have one bad loss and one good win, but BYU's road win over SMU is better than Tennessee's home win over Alabama.
rocco2246 12
tks231 12
w8w8 12
ColombianInIowa24 13 Despite my wishes, playoff bound against #9 Ohio State.
Noelthemexican 13
NyquillusDillwad20 13
PlactusTX 13 (14) idle
ReallyCreative 13
Ruhrgebietheld 13
ruwisc 13 3.46 LW: 12
spasm01 13
strikersteve60 13
UNC_Samurai 13
A_Rolling_Baneling 14
blahblehblahwhoru 14
eSpiritCorpse 14 0.9094
infinitempg 14 0.732, -1
Jakesnake42 14 72.70 Last Week: #11
Meany_Vizzini 14 15.7, -1, +0.2; SOR: 17.6 (10th), MOV: 13.8 (15th)
SpadeRyker 14
YellowSkarmory 14
zenverak 14
dabul-master 15
Darth_Ra 15
udubdavid 15
DisraeliEers 16
luckroy 16 Pot 6
Apep86 17
ChickenTaco 17
cinciforthewin 17
CPiGuy2728 17
Hey_Its_Roomie 17
placid_salad 17 LW: #19
trumpet_23 17
theb52 18 43.375
skuhlke 19
Stoneador 21
bwburke94 23 +9.1319207 (LW: #22)
MemeLovingLoser 25

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
chillmagic420 4
gonshpreds1 4
inconvenientpoop 4
TheSleaze22 4
asbestosman2 5
Astone1996 5
Crelc3 5
gavinw24 5
HopefulReb76 5
jcdehoff 5
josh55134 5
MainPeanut25 5 +1
mcdsmaster8824 5
nebsA1 5
Sflabuckeye13 5
sirvalkyerie 5
SomerandomIDFBfan 5
sroach91 5
TommyWiseau22 5
ziggysaysnada 5
70277027 6
beaulnej 6
Bereft13 6 Power: 8, SoR: 7; LW: 7
BoilerUp28 6
donbagert 6
dubscurry30 6
Electronic_Nail 6
Fantastic-Calendar-9 6 LW: 7
geauxsaints777 6
geordieColt88 6
Holyachilles04 6
iamaustincince 6
jibberishdhyukl 6
jwrtf 6
Lefunnymaymays4lief 6
Life-Veterinarian699 6
Luigiatl 6
MajikSix 6
MotherQuocer 6
Mynameisdiehard 6
Nath0leon 6
Omegaus492 6
Piptit 6
PSUMediaPA 6
Repulsive_Rub6443 6
RJTrey 6
scrambolambo 6
TheQuakinator 6
xX_GIGA_MAN_Xx 6 Really gone under the radar this year. I doubt they really do anything in the playoffs then
ab317 7
Blazemaster77 7 LW: 8 A comfortable 9 seed. 1 good win, 1 not so good loss. Just kinda there tbh
BoukenGreen 7
buccaneerboy22 7
Burnsite 7
ConstantPause1239 7 LW: 8 Playoff: 9
dawgfan24348 7
divey043 7
DownshiftGD 7
fellohuman77 7
fm22fnam 7 +0
g_trechel 7
GloryReaper_ 7
HHunko13 7
ianmcmoney 7
IT_JUST_MEANS_JORT 7 💃🏻 Playoff Contender - Seed 8 vs 9 IU
JamesDontPlayNoGames 7
jonstark19 7
leadbymight 7
loganisfresh 7
manbeqrpig 7
No_Particular_746 7
PattyKane16 7
RadiationRichard 7
saquad69 7
SignificanceFirm2398 7
soonertiger 7
spaceblev11 7
SpectralHydra 7
SufferingfOrLife 7
swdanley17 7
TolkienFan71 7
twr96 7
Tylex123 7
willbill182 7
androonfl 8
brucewaynewins 8
Burns2211 8
buzzingoffthetuffy 8
coop3345 8
daredassdude 8
dterp13 8
FlashSpider-man 8 My 10 seed
FsuNolezz 8
GavRunsTheTrap 8
HouseShowTights 8
hurricaneatx 8 (10-2) - ✅ 𝗣𝗹𝗮𝘆𝗼𝗳𝗳 𝗦𝗲𝗹𝗲𝗰𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 - Tennessee was fairly close to the blob of SEC teams outside the playoff at-large space, but were helped by their win against Alabama and the loss to Arkansas being back in early October, even though their non-conference schedule looks absolutely dreadful now. Quality wins: Florida, Alabama
journey1986 8
JustAGuy7915 8
ManiacalBlazer 8
mountain_troop86 8
mport97 8
mstr_yda 8 Idle. Ahead of #9 Ohio State with a higher quality best win (#14 Alabama).
PersianGuitarist 8
Redbogey98 8
requiemsux 8
RevoRebel 8
Salmon-Dude 8
scsd4222 8
The_Good_General 8
TheReformedBadger 8
timpredmore 8 97.4
Tippyshortmouth 8
Underground_Bread 8
Versigot 8
Yelich04 8 -
Arvandu 9
BuckeyeForLife95 9
Chipsahoy523 9
DillyDillySzn 9
jackmc04 9
luciusetrur 9 LW: #9
Middle_Wheel_5959 9
mthompson2320 9 LW: 9
Norleras 9
Real_TSwany 9
Resolve-Opening 9
Shion314 9
SNjr 9
Spazzatack 9
ArlyntheAwesome 10
balconesescarpment 10
Bushken 10 63.47
FrontRunner51 10
grahamca 10 T11ᵗʰ W/L, T13ᵗʰ Predicted Wins, 4ᵗʰ Team Strength, 9ᵗʰ Quality of Wins
Josh_historybuff 10 Bye Week
mccainjames11 10
Noah__Webster 10 14.5
smartkeg 10
StFuzzySlippers 10
taborthevirginian 10
thealbinotitan1 10 Tennessee is a really good team but can Nico do it on the road against a really good team in a hostile environment or will the vols advance
zmp1924 10
bryophyta_insolitam 11 Bye
cfbpeoplespoll 11
ChBass 11 Performance Score: 5.7, Wins:+15.7, Losses:-20.3, Ranking Score: 1.1
DarthBerry 11 Rank Score: 66.707
forkedravioli 11
NA_Faker 11
owl-bears 11
PsychologicalFox8660 11
RedBarracuda25 11
samtaylor92 11
SaveTheCombees10 11
SpeddyDawg 11
tcomn 11
EmpressElaina024 12 235
GenuineBoss 12
hoovereatscowpoop 12
JackWK_Gaming 12
SBMVPJustinHerbert 12
WebfootTroll 12
wittingtarsier 12
0010MK 14
JoshuaMan024 14 200
quantum_jedi 14 (-2) Tennessee is in the playoffs! Thankfully for the Volunteers the Committee does not use my model because it does not like Tennessee very much due to their weak strength of schedule (#68 by my calculations) and unconvincing results. They went 10-2 and only played three(!) games against top-50 teams (split results against Alabama and Georgia, which is good), but their next best win is probably at 6-6 Oklahoma (#53 in my rankings) or 7-5 Florida (#45) and they have a bad loss against 6-6 Arkansas (#65). The Volunteers have looked very solid on defense, but the offense has only looked potent against bad teams. They've only scored over 30 points against #61 NC State, #66 Vanderbilt, #115 Mississippi State, #129 UTEP, #134 Kent State, and 7-5 FCS Chattanooga... Tennessee has all the pieces to make a deep playoff run, but they need to play their best football if they are going to beat Ohio State in the Shoe.
ThompsonCreekTiger 14
Sp1cyRice 15 (0)
1Subject 16
RealignmentJunkie 16
133112 17 LW=16
CallMeTheKing 17
Rcfan0902 17 2027.35
STL_12 18 Points: 22.624 LW: 17
redleg86 19 wins [Chattanooga: 0, NC State: 0.517, Kent State: 0, Oklahoma: 0.578, Florida: 0.605, Alabama: 0.828, Kentucky: 0.402, Mississippi State: 0.284, UTEP: 0.203, Vanderbilt: 0.52] losses [Arkansas: -0.517, Georgia: -0.112] <<NOTE: this is the only team in the playoff that my poll excluded from the top 12>>
DeerPrison 20
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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